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Recovery diet, nutrition, leaky gut?


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KatieKing Newbie

I am having my endoscopy on Tuesday. I want to begin to heal my gut asap. I spent this morning in the ER with stabbing pain in my right shoulder blade, pain to the left of my belly button and vomiting. It's referred pain from my small intestine. I couldn't move or breathe hardly it hurt so bad. I NEED to get everything together to heal my gut asap. I don't want to ever go through this again.

What are your recommendations? I've been reading a bit on leaky gut - anyone have good experience/links

Or would the autoimmune diet be better? Are they one in the same?

I know I am also reacting to casein and possibly potatoes. 

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GFinDC Veteran

Some starting the gluten-free diet tips for the first 6 months:

Get tested before starting the gluten-free diet.
Get your vitamin/mineral levels tested also.
Don't eat in restaurants
Eat only whole foods not processed foods.
Eat only food you cook yourself, think simple foods, not gourmet meals.
Take probiotics.
Take gluten-free vitamins.
Take digestive enzymes.
Avoid dairy if it causes symptoms.
Avoid sugars and starchy foods. They can cause bloating.
Avoid alcohol.
Watch out for cross contamination.

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Kyz1981 Newbie

I am in a similar position, I went Gliten free straight after my endoscopy as my bloods were so high, but ate dairy and things, once the biopsy results showed celiac along with pretty much no villi left I went on the auto immune diet. I am still on the first stage but feeling much better than being gluten free alone. The hard thing for me is trying to work out what causes symptoms as my insides are pretty damaged so cut everything out according to the diet to allow some time to heal before reintroducing foods.  I will start to reintroduce stuff in 4 weeks and only one food a week.

i had a scan for my gallbladder today as I've been getting upper abdo pain but it was clear of stones but inflamed so it may be worth checking out that too. I think the autoimmune diet and the leaky gut one are very similar so I would choose either, I found the autoimmune one uses a lot of coconut so if you like that then it's for you. 


Good luck

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Livingnaturally Newbie

Eating a diet in whole foods instead of processed gluten free foods it a good start. Removing any foods that cause irritation to the gut can help. The most important thing is removing any sources of gluten from your diet. An autoimmune diet can be really helpful first:

remove foods bad for gut health/ potential allergens : (beyond gluten which obviously you will have to avoid forever)

grains, dairy, beans, soy, corn, eggs


vegetables (cooked and blended if you are having trouble digesting them) also eat veggies with lots of soluble fiber as they are easier to digest (list below)

  • Carrots
  • Winter squash
  • Summer squash (especially peeled)
  • Starchy tubers (yams, sweet potatoes, potatoes)
  • Turnips
  • Rutabagas
  • Parsnips
  • Beets
  • Plantains
  • Taro
  • Yuca

organic pasture raised meats (I know it's expensive but if you buy it in bulk and freeze and just eat small amounts it lasts a long time!) It's important to avoid hormones and antibiotics for gut health. 

Eat salmon at least once a week, it gives your body anti inflammatory fats and protein. Both great for your immune system!

Eat fruits and sprouted seeds and nuts.

After at least 30 days (or when you feel better) you can try and add in some of list to avoid above and see if they give you any symptoms. Add the food in a little bit one day and only one at a time (give it at least a few days between added the foods back in).

Drink bone broth and take an l glutamine supplement (if it's ok with your doctor) for gut health. Remember though that all of this will be useless if you aren't avoided gluten as best you can.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions :)


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    • Sarah Grace
      I've was diagnosed celiac over 10 years ago when in mid 50s.  For a long time I have been getting headaches at night and in the morning and I suffer a lot of insomnia.  The headaches can be very severe and sometimes develop into a full migraine but other times they wear off within an hour of getting up and eating breakfast.  I have self diagnosed this a hypoglycaemia.  The medical profession in UK, where I live, does not seem to know anything of this and simply tests me for diabetes, which I do not have.  I know this condition is diet related and caused by carbohydrates, I avoid eating in the evenings.  Whatever I do, this condition seems to be getting worse and is very difficult to control.  Any advice would be much appreciated.
    • trents
      But that's the point Scott is trying to make. It is up to you. You do not have to go forward with another biopsy simply because your doctor wants you to. They work for you, not the other way around.
    • Jammer
      Hi Kate,   I am unsure if this is helpful or not. I have Webber calcium citrate everyday. I also react to less than 20 ppm of gluten. I have not reacted to Webber ever. (Fingers crossed it stays that way). Also, I get my blood tested every 6 months to ensure I have zero gluten exposure. It consistently comes back negative(0) to gluten.  A few years ago, my stomach would feel nauseous after taking Ca+  but thankfully that doesn’t happen anymore. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.    all the best,    J 
    • J1707
      Honestly that's a good question, but I would like an official answer since I'm not a professional and my doctor's in my opinion no offense to them I'd say gone about it in a unprofessional way unless other's have been told to go gluten free, get a biopsy, just to go back gluten due to a possible false reading and then gotta go back for another biopsy But if it really was up to me per say then I'd definitely stay gluten free like this diet change has really helped me a lot in a lot of ways, not just for health reasons, but discipline toward not indulging to much on things i used too, not to mention being more aware of what I'm intaking by reading labels more and calling the manufacturers to find more answers if needed.
    • captaincrab55
      iceicebritney,  I read where you were referred to John's Hopkins.  If you live in that area/suburb and still have the rash, I can give you my Dermatologist's name(https://www.brderm.com/dr-robinson.html I se Dr Robinson, who diagnosed me with dermatitis herpetiformis/celiac disease 2 weeks after my first visit)
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