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Bloody Stool,Mucus, and Constipation


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Ennis-TX Grand Master

Well after having on and off bloody stools and, and mucus issues for a few years now, doctors finally diagnosed the cause. Sometimes it would just be a few drops, others it would be globs of mucus and blood, Been trying to get it figured out for awhile and I lost my previous post on it. Sum it up I been having issues with getting the colonoscopy done, partial due to insurance at first then issues with getting my system to cleanse right.

Anyway doctor came back and said I have ulcerative colititis and said that this is one of the causes for my anemia and constipation issues. He said my issues are made worse by the combination of celiac on top of it. But also mentioned that people with celiac are more prone to get this. -_- Seems the diet is mostly the same to keep it in check, No gluten, No Dairy, No Fructose Drink plenty of fluids and be careful with foods that might cause blockages. So sorta explains my issues with tough foods, and having to blend or cook stuff to be super tender and moist. And why I kept having issues with blockages and having to massage my gut to get stuff to move sometimes. Just thought this might be informative to someone else trying to figure this out, drove me nuts and scared me for years. Seems I also now seem to have figured out why I do not tolerate fruits in large amounts especially grapes/apples/melons or sugars. as the fructose seems to be one of those things that causes a flare up.

If anyone else has this issue and can give some pointers or share their experience with ulcerative colitis please do. Still not 100% sure on the details myself.

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GFinDC Veteran

I am sorry to hear about your new diagnosis Ennis.  I've had mucus and blood before but for me it was related to dairy.  As long as I stay away from dairy, no problem.  Or not any like that anyway.

I know they have some drugs treatment for UC but am not sure what they are called.  Hopefully they have something that will help a lot. :)

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Jmg Mentor

It can't be any fun getting another condition diagnosed Ennis, but I hope that you can get some comfort from having an explanation for all your symptoms. 

I'm sure you're well read on how to deal with this but here's Open Original Shared Linkon living with UC just in case it's of interest.

Remember to look on the bright side also, this will not affect your chances of becoming pregnant :P


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cyclinglady Grand Master

I am sorry to hear about your UC diagnosis, but at least you know what it is.  Now you can move forward and treat it (sounds like what you have been doing has helped immensely).  Hugs!  

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Ennis-TX Grand Master

Thanks for the support, seems it is mostly kept in check by the same diet I have been doing for years, I just now know why the fruits bug me, and have the peace of mind as to why I had those issues with the blood.  SO I guess now I just need to keep off those higher fructose fruits, adding a vitamin C supplement in, and going on about my life.

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kareng Grand Master

I know there are meds for it.  You might try some.  I know people that have had great response to temporary medication and then a careful diet.  But they aren't as careful as you are - so maybe you could get a few foods back if you healed?

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    • glucel
      Yes I forgot it is the green leafy. I just don't take drugs well. It wasn't just the inr but was also getting nose bleeds. Right now I have to figure out what I am going to do with the mri as discussed with rmj on this page and see how my weight goes. Need to get some info together before my next cardio visit so I can deal with a doc who claims celiac and not aspirin is the problem. 
    • glucel
      I was taking the non biological of folate  and b12. Have since started methyl forms. Looking forward to some healing.
    • trents
      I have been on Coumadin for years because I have a genetic blood clotting disorder known as Factor 5 Leiden. I think it's mainly green leafy veggies that you have to worry about. They are the ones high in vitamin K. And if your are consistent in your consumption of them it your INR should level out. I get my INR checked every 6 weeks. Certain medications can mess with INR too, like antibiotics so occasionally I have to go in more often or INR checks.
    • glucel
      I was on coumadin for a while after surgery and had a lot of trouble with vitamin k which pretty much curtailed how many veggies I could eat. The constant testing for vitamin k was expensive and a nuisance. I plan to ask doc if nsaid can be taken every other day instead of daily.
    • glucel
      Thanks rmj. I should have taken the mri already but I do not take the tunnel well. I thought I would wait to see how the blood test goes. I am also feeling a little bit better about regaining 5 pounds over the last few weeks stalling out at 149 for last several days. The assistant to doc told me today that she would look into an open mri but if I continue to gain weight and other thing gets better then I see no reason to do mri, at least for now. If I could just cut out refined sugar- dream on.
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