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Hormonal changes after going gluten-free


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pavlovcat Apprentice

I've been gluten free for 2 months now.  My doctor is still not sure whether I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity or celiac (blood tests positive, biopsies negative, still waiting for gene test results).  Since going gluten free my hormones seem to have changed.  My acne is suddenly back after being gone for years, my nails split and peel (something they did my whole life until I got pregnant, and then they were strong until now), my breasts are suddenly sprouting these odd tiny white hairs that pull out with no resistance, my PMS symptoms now include a delightful 4 or 5 days of loose bm's, and I get irritable and emotional around ovulation time.  

Has anyone else experienced something similar?  I would've hoped any hormonal changes would've made me feel and look BETTER, not worse, but so far that doesn't appear to be the case.  Is this typical while the body is healing? 

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Victoria1234 Experienced

I am so sorry this is happening to you. 

I don't know about your situation, but I did start a new series of Meds that made my skin oily (used to be dry), changed my hair texture for the worse and a few other weird hormonal like changes. And I'm in menopause (been since 2008). So I do know the female body can do weird stuff.

hope someone here can help you out, there's lot of great folks here!

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icelandgirl Proficient

Hi Pavlov and welcome!

Hormonal changes like that are not fun at all!  Have you had your thyroid fully checked recently?  The thyroid is the master hormone of your body, if it's not working optimally, things will suffer.  A full thyroid blood panel would include TSH, Free T4, Free T3, TPOAB and TgAb.  The last 2 are antibody tests.  Most people seem to feel best with the TSH around 1 and the free #'s in 50-75% of the range.

I have Hashimotos in addition to celiac and having my thyroid go out of whack has more than once wreaked havoc on my body.

Good luck to you...I hope you get some answers!

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pavlovcat Apprentice

Thanks for the responses.  My GI doc did run lots of blood tests but I don't believe I've ever had a full thyroid panel done.  I know celiac can cause fertility issues, so it makes sense that recovering from celiac would affect my hormones, but I've never read about anyone else dealing with this type of thing.  I don't seem to have other thyroid related symptoms, but if it continues I will definitely be consulting my OBGYN and my regular doc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
frieze Community Regular

have you increased soy?  that and other estrogenic foods may be an issue

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pavlovcat Apprentice

Not that I'm aware, frieze.  I was eating some crackers with tamari in them, but those were upsetting my system so I stopped after a few days.

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Victoria1234 Experienced
On 5/3/2017 at 0:03 PM, pavlovcat said:

I've been gluten free for 2 months now.  My doctor is still not sure whether I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity or celiac (blood tests positive, biopsies negative, still waiting for gene test results).  Since going gluten free my hormones seem to have changed.  My acne is suddenly back after being gone for years, my nails split and peel (something they did my whole life until I got pregnant, and then they were strong until now), my breasts are suddenly sprouting these odd tiny white hairs that pull out with no resistance, my PMS symptoms now include a delightful 4 or 5 days of loose bm's, and I get irritable and emotional around ovulation time.  

Has anyone else experienced something similar?  I would've hoped any hormonal changes would've made me feel and look BETTER, not worse, but so far that doesn't appear to be the case.  Is this typical while the body is healing? 

Sorry this is happening to you! Once, after I saw a newborn trying to get their moms attention because they were hungry, I started lactating! I had not been nursing for 2 years..... I had milk for 2-3 years after that occurrence. Obgyn said it was normal. The body sometimes does weird things, but it's always good to clear with your docs! Let us know what they say.

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  • 1 year later...
EllieD262 Newbie

Hi Pavlovcat 

I know you posted this a while ago but just wondering how you are now? I got diagnosed as celiac recently and I’m also experiencing big hormonal changes. I’ve had ultrasounds which show no abnormalities, and I can’t help thinking that it must be linked to my diagnosis as the timing is too coincidental. 

Like you, I was expecting to feel better after diagnosis, not worse!!

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    • Scott Adams
      While I understand wanting a formal diagnosis, it sounds like you will likely remain gluten-free either way, even if you should test negative for celiac disease (Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS). Keep in mind that there are also drawbacks to a formal diagnosis, for example more expensive life and private health insurance, as well as possibly needing to disclose it on job applications.  Normally I am in favor of the formal diagnosis process, but if you've already figured out that you can't tolerate gluten and will likely stay gluten-free anyway, I wanted to at least mention the possible negative sides of having a formal diagnosis.
    • Wheatwacked
      I take Clonidine for BP no gluten reaction.  It was originally prescribed for adolescence who could not take Ritalin.
    • Ginger38
      Basically because he was going to do the biopsy either way , so I agreed after him bugging me lol (after all this time of refusing) (and I’m already regretting) to do the gluten challenge. But yes he’s already told me even in if the biopsy is negative I still have to live as a celiac for the rest of my life bc he’s certain I’m celiac positive regardless of what the biopsy shows. But he can’t put it on paper if it’s negative so I really don’t know what the point is. I have all the symptoms and have had positive IgA antibodies every time I’ve been tested. They did decrease after starting a gluten free diet but never made it to zero.  Also my daughter is going to pediatric gastroenterology in a few months so I thought it may be helpful for her for me to have the procedure 🤷🏼‍♀️
    • Scott Adams
      You can search this site for prescriptions medications, but will need to know the manufacturer/maker if there is more than one, especially if you use a generic version of the medication: To see the ingredients you will need to click on the correct version of the medication and maker in the results, then scroll down to "Ingredients and Appearance" and click it, and then look at "Inactive Ingredients," as any gluten ingredients would likely appear there, rather than in the Active Ingredients area. https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/   
    • Scott Adams
      I forgot, why are you doing the gluten challenge again? I ask only because it sounds like you will be gluten-free either way, even if your test results are negative.
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