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News: Celiac.com: Understanding Gluten Cross-Reactivity and Associated Red-Flag Foods

Scott Adams

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Understanding Gluten Cross-Reactivity and Associated Red-Flag Foods ... our health have given rise to the now-inescapable trend of the gluten-free diet. ... Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) are two serious ...

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Alaskaguy Enthusiast

I must admit that this topic of gluten cross-reactivity has me very confused.  I read articles online by apparently legitimate scientists who appear to demonstrate it as a fact (at least in terms of milk, yeast, and a few other foods).  Then there are others who jump in and heatedly deny it categorically, and who call it merely "myth".  So which is it already?

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Posterboy Mentor
1 hour ago, Alaskaguy said:

I must admit that this topic of gluten cross-reactivity has me very confused.  I read articles online by apparently legitimate scientists who appear to demonstrate it as a fact (at least in terms of milk, yeast, and a few other foods).  Then there are others who jump in and heatedly deny it categorically, and who call it merely "myth".  So which is it already?


I know you have been discussing if Oats are good for you are not. ...about 25% (give or take) of Celiacs often react to Oats too.

Here is the research that explains how other proteins can cause toxicity related to gluten.


It was first quoted by knitty kitty but it stuck with me. ...an old post/thread had asked the same question about someone reacting to chicken?????

And it turns out (with low specificity) some (though it is not known by how many celicac's) could react to chicken due to similarity in their peptide structures commonly found in gluten and of other various other food proteins listed below in the quoted research.


"Rich sources of celiac-disease-potentiating peptides were wheat gliadins, barley hordeins and rye secalins as well as low-molecular weight fractions of glutenin. In addition, amino acid sequences with a high degree of identity to the toxic peptides examined were detected in maize zein, oat avenin, protein of rice, yeast and chicken muscles, as well as β-casein and galanin."

I am not sure where that leaves you but if you are having trouble with Oats then leave them off for now and try them again later.

Anytime our stomach acid gets' above a pH of 3.0 we loose our ability to digest proteins easily and we react to remaining undigested fragments.


Eva Untersmayr had done the best work on this topic.

I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.


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Alaskaguy Enthusiast

Dear PosterBoy, thank you for that information, and for the link provided.  I will definitely look into it!

The idea of cross-reactivity seems to make intuitive sense to me, given the many other foods aside from gluten-containing grains that many celiac patients can be, and sometimes are, intolerant of as well --- particularly inasmuch as their intolerance to those other foods usually seems to mimic the symptoms of their intolerance to gluten itself.  And really, how else can the deniers of possible cross-reactivity explain these other, non-gluten intolerances in those with celiac?

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Posterboy Mentor
44 minutes ago, Alaskaguy said:

Dear PosterBoy, thank you for that information, and for the link provided.  I will definitely look into it!

The idea of cross-reactivity seems to make intuitive sense to me, given the many other foods aside from gluten-containing grains that many celiac patients can be, and sometimes are, intolerant of as well --- particularly inasmuch as their intolerance to those other foods usually seems to mimic the symptoms of their intolerance to gluten itself.  And really, how else can the deniers of possible cross-reactivity explain these other, non-gluten intolerances in those with celiac?


Here is a good thread about this topic. ...it will be easier to scan/read this now and when you have the time read the full citation (that I cited above) when you get the chance.

I used to try and explain all these connections now I just try and post a link and let other's read the research for themselves. ..it takes too long to try and re-explain everything every time.

Again I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.

Good luck on your continued journey.  . . you have found a good forum.


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Alaskaguy Enthusiast

Thank you, Posterboy --- that was very kind of you to supply that information.

Yes, I must say, finding this website and this forum has been a Godsend!  Especially as there is no local celiac disease group to whom I can turn.

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    • trents
      There are some causes besides celiac disease for elevated tTG-IGA, such as cow's milk protein, some other bowel diseases, NSAIDs, a certain blood pressure med and parasitic infections but the chances of that being true are not very high compared to the cause being celiac disease. And even with CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) most of those cases involve people who already have celiac disease.   
    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thank you for checking in about choline. I do meet me recommended amount on a plant-based diet already, per my nutritionist. Thankfully, I am not intolerant to soy and the cruciferous veggies I enjoy! 
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thanks for your input. I am fully committed to being gluten-free if I truly have celiac disease.  I suppose my question is more so wondering if that blood test means I definitely have celiac disease. I had one doc look at the results and tell me to ignore them if I don’t have the classic celiac symptoms. The next doc (a few months later, when viewing the same results) said the results were suspicious and might mean gluten sensitivity, but then had her nurse call me later the same day to say I actually have celiac disease based on the results. So my care team seemed a little unsure. It sounds like, from this forum, that the general consensus is any abnormal blood results indicate celiac.
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