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Diagnosed with Celiac? Labs interpreted?

Jonathan B.

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Jonathan B. Newbie

Hey all! I'm pretty sure I've got celiacs, but not sure to what extent I'm sensitive to gluten. I have many of the symptoms.

Doctor took biopsies from esophagus and intestines and the biopsies showed I have celiac. They wanted me to get a blood panel and below are the results. Can anyone help me with it? What does it mean that I tested negative to the Endomysial Antibody (IgA), tested a 7  (high) for the tTG and tested normal for the IgA?

Does it mean that I have celiacs, but just not full blown celiacs?  Thanks for any feedback! I have a follow up appointment with my GI doc, but thought I'd ask you guys.

All the best,



Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 11.34.01 AM.png

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tessa25 Rising Star

The IGA test being in the normal range just means that the TTG IGA result is valid.

You only need one positive to need an endoscopy to verify celiac. Your TTG IGA is weak positive for celiac. And you say the biopsy showed celiac. So you have celiac. That means no more gluten ever again. No cheating allowed with celiac. Sorry.

CYA: I'm not a doc.


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ravenwoodglass Mentor

Tessa is correct, you have a positive biopsy and positive blood test. Welcome to the club you never wanted to join. Do check out the Newbie 101 thread at the top of the Coping section as it has a lot of important info. Ask any questions you need to and expect that you may have some ups and downs while you are getting the hang of the gluten free lifestyle. We are here to help in any way we can.

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Jonathan B. Newbie

Thanks for the welcome, Tessa and Raven. I appreciate the "tough love", Tessa. Lol. I guess I should share my story! This will be a little scattered....

So, to be honest I'm actually kind of excited to know what I have. It's becoming all clear now as to my symptoms. I have control over celiac, mostly, and me being a pretty disciplined person likes to rise to these kinds of occasions.

I'm 39 (turn 40 in a few days!) and when I was 15, I was diagnosed with a skin condition called nonsystemic morphea. This was the beginning of my autoimmune stuff. About 4 years ago, I was sent to a rheumatologist because I kept on having joint and muscle pain.  He had me do a sleep study and I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and now I wear a CPAP mask to help me get good, deep sleep.  After I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. (I wonder now if being on a gluten free diet will help me with this fatigue and muscle pains that I sometimes experience.)

So, about 2 years ago, I started to have numbness and tingling in my feet. It was the weirdest thing. I used to run a lot and thought I'd give it a break, but I still have it to this day. I'm also a nurse who is on his feet for 12 hours a day, and at least 3 days a week. Fortunately, I have great custom inserts that have saved my butt. I truly love being a nurse in the ER! Around this time I also started to have abdominal pain, and really bad gas.

Another symptom that I've had off and on are blisters on my knees and butt cheeks. I thought it was just contact dermatitis that I got when working in the yard or working out on spongy mats. However, when I saw that dermatitis herpetiformis is a symptom of celiacs, a big "DING DING!" went off.  

Another symptom that JUST happened AFTER my biopsy was I got a canker sore on my inside lower lip. It happened after I ate some Pringles, I think. I've never had a canker sore before, and again, I've learned that this is a symptom. I think the Lord was really looking out for me and was diagnosed when I did so that hopefully I can make the change before any big damage is done.

I feel that my GI issues have been pretty mild, though. I've never had bad diarrhea, bloating, etc. So, I wonder if I'm just "kind of" sensitive. I wonder if that's why my level was just "high" and not "crazy high."

I enjoy working out, so I do have a question about supplements like amino acids and creatine. Does anyone know anything about the safety here for gluten free?

I've already been gluten free for 2 days (to my knowledge). I have been eating really healthy for the past for years, so to be completely gluten free hasn't been too bad... yet. I did download an excellent app on iTunes that allows you to scan barcodes and it'll tell you if they are gluten free. You guys probably already have it!

Also, can I really get exposed by kissing my girl?

How long does it take for your body to recover from gluten? Will it take a while for it to get out of my system? Has anyone on here experienced the dissipating of the leg tingling?

Anyways, like I said, I'm actually really excited to make this big change and to start feeling a lot better. I am a pretty resilient person and have just been coping with the hand dealt to me. I'm thankful to have a disease that can be modified with lifestyle and that I don't have to just suffer with it and go through life wondering what in the world is wrong with me.

I'm thankful for this site and hope to be a part of this community in some shape or form.

Blessings and all the best,





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cyclinglady Grand Master

So glad to hear that you know where you stand!  

I can not help you with the protein stuff for working out.  I have never used the stuff even prior to my diagnosis.  I am sure others will chime in.  

Yes.  You can get "glutened" by kissing someon who ate gluten.  Supportive significant others will wash their hands and brush their teeth before kissing you.  I make my kid wash her hands when she returns from school or was at a friend's baking or whatever.  

It can take months to years, yes, years to recover.  Remember, celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that flares-up (antibodies increase) when exposed to gluten.  Each person is different as to how long those flare-up lasts. It is not about how long gluten is in the body.  

Tingling?  Neurological symptoms can take the longest, but they can resolve!   Get check for vitamin deficiencies as many of us were deficient at the time we were diagnosed.  

Eating out has a greater risk of cross contamination.  Best to avoid it until you feel better.  Stick to Whole Foods and indulge in processed foods sparingly.  You might heal faster.  Wish I heeded that advice!  


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Ennis-TX Grand Master

You should probably read up on the 101 guide, yes you can get exposed from kissing someone if they have eaten gluten in the past 24-48hours. CC is a major issue you might both be better off changing the whole house to gluten-free to make the transition easier, I will post a list of alternatives for gluten free and other options also. Going to a whole foods only diet for a bit will make it easier and boost your healing, sort of a jump start.  We do suggest also dropping dairy and oats for the first few months normally and you can see if they bother you bringing them back in a bit later.

As a nurse you will probably comprehend this better then anyone about CC, gluten is a protein, like blood, smaller then a germ and not killed by disinfectants. IF your not sure you can clean it where a CSI tech can not find the traces throw it out. Tupperware, scratched dishes, cooking utensils with scratches or notches/necks on them all need to go. Cast iron and some pan and skillets can be cleaned by running in the self clean in your oven over 500F destroying the proteins then follow up with a goo scrubbing and dishwasher (new scrub brush). You will also want to throw out any condiment jars that would have CC from spoons or knives in them, any spices, or foods that your unsure of. Also go through and clean out all the crumbs etc from your drawers, cabinets, fridge, etc. New utensil organizers will help, new utensils of a different color if in a shared house, freezer paper to lay down for a clean cooking/prepping environment (this makes cleaning a breeze also), You can also line pans and and grills with parchment paper or foil, and for god sake throw out hte old toaster and get a new one lol. Umm quick and easy change over and simple way to avoid CC, is to use stuff like nordicware microwave cook ware, they have steamers, omelette makers, egg cookers, grill plates, and the splatter covers save you for various reasons. A you will find a new crockpot/rice cooker/steamer combo to be your new best friend for a while and making simple stews in it in batches a life saver, crock pot liners make clean up a breeze for soups.

As to proteins and stuff for working out I trust 3 major brands for my workout supplements (I pretty much am body building myself) Jarrow, Nutra-Key, and MRM are the major ones I trust for blends and supplements. There are a few others that are more expensive and some pure proteins. Blend wise (Note I use vegan protein powders for various reasons) Nutra Key V-Pro, MRM Veggie Elite, and Jarrow has a nice new plant blend and a optimal plant blend. Jarrow also has Various others like the only gluten-free certified Hemp protein still out there and tons of various supplementation options.  I use a ton of things honestly in various rotating combinations.

You mention tingling this can be from various defienices, and a combination with gluten nerve damage like gluten ataxia (which I also have). Look into magnesium and B-vitamin supplementation these are common issues with celiac disease. Magnesium wise I would suggest Natural Vitality Calm or Doctors Best, the Natural Vitality is a Magnesium Citrate which can be a bit harsh on your gut and you want to start off in 1/4tsp doses and work it up over a week to the full dose or adjust up to more taking 2-3 times a day to keep from getting lows. Doctors Best is much easier on the stomach and does not have the laxative effect that can happen with the citrate, I would suggest taking it at recommended dosing or take half a dose twice a day adjust as you feel you might need it.  B-vitamins I take a liquid blend from Liquid Health called Stress & Energy I also take Neurological Support from same company 1tbsp each 2-3 times a day before meals you will notice great improvement in your life, mental well being, nerves, etc from these as B-vitamin issues are common with celiac.



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Jmg Mentor

Hello and welcome :)

The good news is you've found an excellent site for info and support. The even better news is that with a positive attitude like yours you should find adjusting much easier than most. I wish I'd been so optimistic when I first put two and two together!

This by the way:

19 hours ago, Jonathan B. said:

I feel that my GI issues have been pretty mild, though. I've never had bad diarrhea, bloating, etc.

Is actually not unusual. Everyone thinks that the classic celiac symptoms are most prevalent but the reality is that more people present with primarily non GI symptoms. I tested negative but gluten hits me neurologically more than in the stomach. The good news is that those symptoms did go but as CL says above they may take a little longer to subside. 

Best of luck!

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    • trents
      Some studies, with admittedly small sample sizes, show that about 50% of celiacs react to the protein casein in dairy the same way they do gluten. Can't find the NIH article I'm looking for but this one basically makes the point:   
    • hilly
      I was diagnosed in April. I have been very careful about being gluten-free, except for one accident in August where I ate candy with wheat. Despite being careful, I still experience extreme painful bloating almost daily. I'm so frustrated. I stopped eating gluten-free oats because I wondered if that was it. Now I am wondering if is dairy. I'm already tired of constantly wondering if I messed up.
    • Scott Adams
      In general I'm all for a formal diagnosis, except in cases where someone gets very sick when they eat gluten, and have already been on a gluten-free diet for a long time and don't plan to eat it again anyway. There seems to be more drawbacks that keep popping up with being formally diagnosed--at least here in the USA. I can testify that it's definitely harder to obtain life insurance, and if you can get it the premiums are quite a bit higher than if I did not have it, at least from my fairly recent experience when getting a new policy.  @Ginger38 you're very close to the end of your challenge, so let us know how it turns out.
    • cristiana
      Just to add something here... if any people in the UK are reading this, there can be definite advantages if you are formally diagnosed coeliac,  in terms of getting extra support from the NHS.  For free you get to see a nutritionist, additional vaccinations if deemed necessary, in some areas prescriptions for gluten free food; bone density scans, annual blood tests and reviews with a gastroenterologist, plus it has been my experience I've been able to see a gastroenterologist without a GP's re-referral when I've had complications.  That said, I don't know what impact there would be on health insurance; but I have found that when it comes to travel insurance I have had to declare it but it hasn't made any difference to the premium. However, I realise things can be very different in other parts of the world, and I am not sure where you are from, @Ginger38  
    • Ginger38
      Yes I figured out I couldn’t have gluten years ago when I was symptomatic and tested positive, but was misinformed and told I couldn’t have celiac but to go gluten free. I was already gluten free. I was never willing to go back on gluten and make myself so sick to have the biopsy especially when the biopsy isn’t 💯. But Now I have to have a procedure anyway and he told me he was doing the biopsy either way .. but I should consider the gluten challenge since I have never had the biopsy. He acted like it was super important to have this on paper.  I had no idea there were any possible negative drawbacks to having a formal diagnosis 🤦🏼‍♀️
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