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MayonnaisePlease Newbie

Hey all so ever since about a week ago I felt a sharp pain in my upper right quadrant, followed by a minor hotflash and it hurts to press on my right side. I'm extremely worried because I was admitted to the ER last night, blood came back fine, xray fine and ultrasound fine. What prompted me to enter the ER was the fact that now my breathing is affected..



Sharp Pain Touching My Right Side

Minor weakness , no fever.

Mucus in stools? (when i wipe its a yellow on the toilet paper sorry for tmi)

Right shoulder soreness

Mucus in jugular? Or lung!? The "pipe" you can feel on your neck going up to your head, somewhat warm to the touch. Aches to touch. Happens mostly at night. Began last night and returned tonight.

Unusually smelly breath. Awful

Constipation, when I CAN go barely anything comes out as its flaky.

Slight Pain in right leg, comes and goes.

Very active stomach, gurgling can be heard from as high up as my chest.

Slight stomach pain relief when massaging.

I'm very worried people I'm petrified of surgery and I don't want to die.. But I don't understand why everything would come clean if im experiecing these symptoms?



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Jabreu81 Newbie

The yellow is probably fat you are not absorbing.  The pain could be from your intestines being inflamed.  Go see the gastroenterologist.  The ER did not help me with any of those symptoms.  Good thing it's clear so you know it's not your appendix or any other vital organ.  It takes time but probiotics, bone broth and  vitamin D and b 12 help. My pain was mainly my muscles giving out from the malabsorption.

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Estes Contributor
7 hours ago, MayonnaisePlease said:

Hey all so ever since about a week ago I felt a sharp pain in my upper right quadrant, followed by a minor hotflash and it hurts to press on my right side. I'm extremely worried because I was admitted to the ER last night, blood came back fine, xray fine and ultrasound fine. What prompted me to enter the ER was the fact that now my breathing is affected..



Sharp Pain Touching My Right Side

Minor weakness , no fever.

Mucus in stools? (when i wipe its a yellow on the toilet paper sorry for tmi)

Right shoulder soreness

Mucus in jugular? Or lung!? The "pipe" you can feel on your neck going up to your head, somewhat warm to the touch. Aches to touch. Happens mostly at night. Began last night and returned tonight.

Unusually smelly breath. Awful

Constipation, when I CAN go barely anything comes out as its flaky.

Slight Pain in right leg, comes and goes.

Very active stomach, gurgling can be heard from as high up as my chest.

Slight stomach pain relief when massaging.

I'm very worried people I'm petrified of surgery and I don't want to die.. But I don't understand why everything would come clean if im experiecing these symptoms?



Some of your symptoms sound like my ulcers.  I take carafate before every meal now and they are much better.  I have 3 ulcers possibly caused by taking iron supplements.  They are worse when I eat spicy food and dairy.

I might be wrong but for your sake I hope it's just ulcers.  They were found by endoscopy.

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Ennis-TX Grand Master

First have you been tested for celiac disease? Any doctor can do the blood test but you have to be eating gluten on a daily basis for the test to work, nut much just a half slice of bread a day. You should get this tested, the high constipation, coughing stuff up was very common for me before diagnosis. The coughing stuff up for me was from a allergy that developed I did not know of, the mucus was draining down my throat and choking me at times, and was constantly running a fever and night sweats. I was constipated for 4-10 days average back then and drinking plenty of liquids did not help in the least.

Your gut rumbling could be many things, celiac is one, SIBO is another especially with the bad breath. in your case it could be related to constipation causing rotting, fermenting, and bacterial overgrowth of the waste in your system.

Now to deal with the immediate symptoms, your constipation is also a sign of magnesium deficiency, I imagine you might have noticed some other symptoms from these. Now normally I would suggest either the Natural Vitality Calm or Doctors Best which is easier on the stomach. In your case I straight up suggest the Natural Vitality Calm it is a Magnesium Citrate and works a bit like a laxative. Start with 1/4 tsp twice a day in a beverage, I like the orange or the cherry in a hot green tea or you can try it in a juice. Up the dose slowly over a periods of a week to the full dose or perhaps a little more til you get a bit looser stool.    

You mentioned the mucus in the stool 2 things cause this normally. Undigested fats, and inflammation/irritation causing the body to produce the mucus to help defend itself and purge the irritants. A doctor can probably tell you more but I might suggest a digestive enzyme in the mean time. I like to use a super papaya enzyme before and after a meal, find them on amazon. Jarrow also makes full enzyme complex that can help.

Other thoughts if your on dairy, stop, with the constipation, and other issues this is a equation for trouble and you can reintroduce it in a few months when you clear up and see if it bothers you then. The bad breath can be a sign of lactose intolerance/digestive issues with dairy also. If it comes you you have celiac then you would have your explanation here as the villi which produce the enzymes to break down lactose are damaged/destroyed first causing most to develop a temporary lactose intolerance which for some goes away after a few months of healing.

B-vitamin folic acid, and niacin will be a huge help also with some things. but will we get into that a bit later feel free to look up Liquid Health Stress & Energy if you thing it might be relevant at this point it is what I use 3 times a day with another blend they have.

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Posterboy Mentor
On 7/28/2017 at 0:00 AM, MayonnaisePlease said:

Hey all so ever since about a week ago I felt a sharp pain in my upper right quadrant, followed by a minor hotflash and it hurts to press on my right side. I'm extremely worried because I was admitted to the ER last night, blood came back fine, xray fine and ultrasound fine. What prompted me to enter the ER was the fact that now my breathing is affected..



Sharp Pain Touching My Right Side

Minor weakness , no fever.

Mucus in stools? (when i wipe its a yellow on the toilet paper sorry for tmi)

Right shoulder soreness

Mucus in jugular? Or lung!? The "pipe" you can feel on your neck going up to your head, somewhat warm to the touch. Aches to touch. Happens mostly at night. Began last night and returned tonight.

Unusually smelly breath. Awful

Constipation, when I CAN go barely anything comes out as its flaky.

Slight Pain in right leg, comes and goes.

Very active stomach, gurgling can be heard from as high up as my chest.

Slight stomach pain relief when massaging.

I'm very worried people I'm petrified of surgery and I don't want to die.. But I don't understand why everything would come clean if im experiecing these symptoms?




Ennis_Tx has given you good advice.

(This is about your unusually smelly breath) aka "Dragon Breath".  I know I used to have it.

I would only add this article from the livestrong website about how a  B-complex might help bad breath.


And you don't necessarily have "bad oral hygeine" as people typically think (or my friends) thought about me.

It can be a sign of low stomach acid.

Try taking some BetaineHCL (3 or 4 capsules) with each meal to see if it improves your digestion. .. if it does then you could be too low in stomach to digest your food for all the reason's Ennis_tx mentioned above.  Or a B-complex as mentioned in the livestrong article.

It works for some.  It doesn't work for some but it might be worth a try.

good luck on your continued journey.

**** this is not medical advice just my personal experience with "dragon breath" and how taking a B-Vitamin helped me.

I hope it helps you.

2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.

posterboy by the grace of God,

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mommida Enthusiast

Could be symptoms of gallbladder issues.  What tests were done to rule out gallbladder issues?

I had my gallbladder taken out a few years back and felt so much better after.  I tell you don't fear having a surgery that is going to make you feel so much better.  (If it is your gallbladder.)


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iamlight Newbie

I too have experienced mucus in stool. Sometimes just gas and the passing of only mucus. Depending on what I eat or atleast I think it's due to food stuffs I can have a normal bowel movement. But consistency and frequency definitely alternate daily. 

I haven't had any real pain, just loud intestinal sounds especially a loud and gassy rectum. I have always been able to eat wheat and dairy. I've bacially survived on pizza most of my life lol. I have recently moved abroad to Sweden where my symptoms have gotten worse, way worse! If I eat anything too fatty like an egg omelette loaded with cheese diarrhea will follow. But I can eat boiled or fried eggs with potatoes without any major issues. 

I have been to the local clinic here and have had standard blood tests ran as well as a fecal occult test done. Everything came back normal except for slightly elevated liver enzymes. The doctor didn't seem to concerned but morning mucus sometimes with diarrhea isn't normal. I have visited Dr google many many times and it has bacially caused me to become a psychotic mess. Everything from food intolerances to cancer. Getting a colonoscopy in Sweden can be done but I'm going to have to fight very hard for it. They like to write these sort of things off to ibs or lactose intolerance which I've never been. 

So my question is this, 

Has anyone had my symptoms and was it attributed to gluten intolerance? Did it resolve once gluten was removed and are the effects of gluten accumulative? Seems I can get away with eating it for a day or so then symptoms arise on the third day and persist for another 3  days until I remove it but it never gets back to 100% normal. Definitely more normal bowel movements and less mucus but still never perfect. 

Any help from you very well informed individuals would be very much appreciated. I'm becoming very depressed and it's weighing hard on my relationship. I can't really leave the house for extended period of time without being close to a restroom while these symptoms are active. 



mucus with stool, sometimes mucus only 

lethargy and insomnia

anxiety and depression

excessive flatulence with thinner stool

alternating diarrhea with semi normal stool 

alternating stool color from yellowish to normal brown 

frequency trips to bathroom 6-8 during episode maybe more 


please help! And thanks 


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kareng Grand Master
7 minutes ago, iamlight said:

I too have experienced mucus in stool. Sometimes just gas and the passing of only mucus. Depending on what I eat or atleast I think it's due to food stuffs I can have a normal bowel movement. But consistency and frequency definitely alternate daily. 

I haven't had any real pain, just loud intestinal sounds especially a loud and gassy rectum. I have always been able to eat wheat and dairy. I've bacially survived on pizza most of my life lol. I have recently moved abroad to Sweden where my symptoms have gotten worse, way worse! If I eat anything too fatty like an egg omelette loaded with cheese diarrhea will follow. But I can eat boiled or fried eggs with potatoes without any major issues. 

I have been to the local clinic here and have had standard blood tests ran as well as a fecal occult test done. Everything came back normal except for slightly elevated liver enzymes. The doctor didn't seem to concerned but morning mucus sometimes with diarrhea isn't normal. I have visited Dr google many many times and it has bacially caused me to become a psychotic mess. Everything from food intolerances to cancer. Getting a colonoscopy in Sweden can be done but I'm going to have to fight very hard for it. They like to write these sort of things off to ibs or lactose intolerance which I've never been. 

So my question is this, 

Has anyone had my symptoms and was it attributed to gluten intolerance? Did it resolve once gluten was removed and are the effects of gluten accumulative? Seems I can get away with eating it for a day or so then symptoms arise on the third day and persist for another 3  days until I remove it but it never gets back to 100% normal. Definitely more normal bowel movements and less mucus but still never perfect. 

Any help from you very well informed individuals would be very much appreciated. I'm becoming very depressed and it's weighing hard on my relationship. I can't really leave the house for extended period of time without being close to a restroom while these symptoms are active. 



mucus with stool, sometimes mucus only 

lethargy and insomnia

anxiety and depression

excessive flatulence with thinner stool

alternating diarrhea with semi normal stool 

alternating stool color from yellowish to normal brown 

frequency trips to bathroom 6-8 during episode maybe more 


please help! And thanks 


If you are getting this after eating a lot of cheese....maybe it's lactose intolerance?

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iamlight Newbie
22 minutes ago, kareng said:

If you are getting this after eating a lot of cheese....maybe it's lactose intolerance?

I mean it's possible but is it possible all of a sudden? I've never had a problem with cheese but milk will definitely produce symptoms. Can I be gluten intolerant and lactose intolerant all at once? Cheese especially expensive cheese will bloat me like crazy but it's usually always eaten in conjunction with some type of bread or crackers. 

What about the mucus and looser stools? Have you had any experience with this? 

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Ennis-TX Grand Master
3 minutes ago, iamlight said:

I mean it's possible but is it possible all of a sudden? I've never had a problem with cheese but milk will definitely produce symptoms. Can I be gluten intolerant and lactose intolerant all at once? Cheese especially expensive cheese will bloat me like crazy but it's usually always eaten in conjunction with some type of bread or crackers. 

What about the mucus and looser stools? Have you had any experience with this? 

Mucus and loose stools is a sign of intestinal irritation, something is causing issues. NOW with gluten and lactose yes there is a connection if you have celiac disease it will damage, blunt and destroy the villi in your intestines. Guess what, the tips of these villi that are damaged first, they produce the enzymes to break down diary. Hence why many celiacs have to get off dairy for a few years til the intestines heal. 

If you concerned about gluten and celiac disease you can go get tested for it, any doctor can have the blood test done. You have to be eating gluten daily at least a half slice a bread day at least for 12 weeks for the antibodies to show up in the test properly, Then a following endoscope and biopsy.


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Joyful joanna Rookie

Look at carreggenan. It is made with seaweed, "the wheat of the sea", I react to these products just like gluten, as do many celiacs. So is MSG, alginate and agar. Check your dairy for these. Even nut milks are adding carreggenan, soups etc. I am an extremely sensitive celiac, Dx at 71. I react to anything with these products in them like I have gotten gluten.

Restaurants use carrageenan as an emulsifier in salad dressing, butter and sour cream, and they will not tell you, I have asked. One fish restaurant had a bowl of margarine, sour cream, half and half and butter, all contained carreggenan, it was on each label of ingredients!

Celiac is a complex disease. I have spent the last two years researching celiac disease, through the Mayo Clinic, Columbia University Medical Center and the University of Chicago. Gluten is hidden in flavorings, food starch. I called the folks who make Lean Cuisine and told them that most of their gluten free meals contained hidden gluten. Their response was to send me coupons to buy more.

Carraggenan is also in toothpaste, so read the labels. Crest Pro Health was one I reacted to. They too sent me a coupon to buy the one and only toothpaste that Proctor and Gamble makes with out carrageenan.

Processed foods are the worst. Read labels even the ones that claim to be gluten free lie and are made in factories that foods are cross contaminated in. Cherrios is a good example. General Mills refuses to consider cross contamination.

Be careful out there, even wild caught salmon may have red dye made with gluten. You have to be hyper vigilant.

i just got glutenated at the Cheese Cake Factory, after carefully going over with the server and the chef restrictions. The worst I have been glutenated in two years. My bone, muscle and joint pain was so bad I have had to take Tylenol around the clock. My life is in the toilet for the time being, pun intended. I am so bloated I can't fit in my clothes and my face is swollen too, have brain fog. It is a jungle out there.

But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Know yourself and your body and do not let "cookbook" doctors tell you. Keep searching, there are some good doctors out there, but you may have to fire a few like I did to get answers. Good luck!

Edited by Joyful joanna
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iamlight Newbie
1 hour ago, Ennis_TX said:

Mucus and loose stools is a sign of intestinal irritation, something is causing issues. NOW with gluten and lactose yes there is a connection if you have celiac disease it will damage, blunt and destroy the villi in your intestines. Guess what, the tips of these villi that are damaged first, they produce the enzymes to break down diary. Hence why many celiacs have to get off dairy for a few years til the intestines heal. 

If you concerned about gluten and celiac disease you can go get tested for it, any doctor can have the blood test done. You have to be eating gluten daily at least a half slice a bread day at least for 12 weeks for the antibodies to show up in the test properly, Then a following endoscope and biopsy.


Thank you for the reply, 

The reason I don't think I have Celiac disease is because I don't experience pain. As in none, even with an episode of  diarrhea. Maybe a very faint cramp but nothing even close to what others say they experience with the disease. Which is why I think I could have an intolerance. 

Im a complete mess mentally though. I'm trying to hold it all together trying to figure this out. The healthcare system in Sweden is so different. 


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Ennis-TX Grand Master
57 minutes ago, iamlight said:

Thank you for the reply, 

The reason I don't think I have Celiac disease is because I don't experience pain. As in none, even with an episode of  diarrhea. Maybe a very faint cramp but nothing even close to what others say they experience with the disease. Which is why I think I could have an intolerance. 

Im a complete mess mentally though. I'm trying to hold it all together trying to figure this out. The healthcare system in Sweden is so different. 


The pain is not always present, hell I had for years not had ANY pain just other issues for years, I even developed the lactose intolerance years before. Later the pain came up and it quickly went really bad with my health nose diving and I thought I was dying and running a bucket list.  Some celiacs never have pain at all, end even a few cases called silent celiac they have NO outward symptoms and the disease slowly destroys their intestines.

As a process of elimination and to get it off the table as a possible issue get tested for it. I really do suggest, for now I would suggest keep eating the gluten til testing is done, and  removing just dairy from your diet completely as part of a elimination diet.

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squirmingitch Veteran

BTW, you don't get a colonoscopy for celiac disease, you get an endoscopy with biopsies.

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iamlight Newbie

Thanks again for the info, 

I am VERY reluctant to continue the gluten. My symptoms don't disappear when I stop eating it but they do fair a bit better. I have stopped eating dairy for now. I know that I need to eat gluten nonetheless for testing so I'll probably suffer through it. 

The one thing I haven't been tested for is parasites. I figure it could be worth a shot serif as I have recently moved abroad. 

Im also worried about colorectal cancer. I'm 33, haven't lived a healthy lifestyle especially in my 20's. You name it and I've pretty much done it. No family history but I'm still worried. 

Have any of you experienced similar symptoms I stated above? 

Mucus, flatulence, change in bowel habits etc? 

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Here is the deal.  You can NOT diagnose celiac disease by symptoms.  Why?  Because there are over 200 attributed to celiac disease.  I personal was just anemic.  No gut issues at all.  Only a blood test caught my celiac disease diagnosis.  Later, an endoscopy showed significant damage.  

You could go gluten free, but this diet can be hard if you have any DOUBTS.  It is a life-long commitment.  Some people have no choice (no access to medical), but if you do have medical access, consider getting the simple blood test.  

Parasites?  I would not consider Sweden a country that would have a parasite issue but anything is possible.  ?

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iamlight Newbie

I guess the reason why I wanted symptom based feedback is because when I don't consume gluten my symptoms seem to improve 75%. Maybe it's the timing of symptoms for something else but thats what seems to happen. Then when I reintroduce gluten I don't get symptoms until a day or so. Nothing immediate or allergic like. Just flatulence, mucus, gas and noisy lower bowel/rectum sounds. Hopefully it's not cancer. I'm obviously a mess over this but yeah, Friday I'll start with a new doctor. Hopefully he won't brush me off as another ibs case. 


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Gloria L Enthusiast
On 8/8/2017 at 10:56 AM, Joyful joanna said:

Look at carreggenan. It is made with seaweed, "the wheat of the sea", I react to these products just like gluten, as do many celiacs. So is MSG, alginate and agar. Check your dairy for these. Even nut milks are adding carreggenan, soups etc. I am an extremely sensitive celiac, Dx at 71. I react to anything with these products in them like I have gotten gluten.

Restaurants use carrageenan as an emulsifier in salad dressing, butter and sour cream, and they will not tell you, I have asked. One fish restaurant had a bowl of margarine, sour cream, half and half and butter, all contained carreggenan, it was on each label of ingredients!

Celiac is a complex disease. I have spent the last two years researching celiac disease, through the Mayo Clinic, Columbia University Medical Center and the University of Chicago. Gluten is hidden in flavorings, food starch. I called the folks who make Lean Cuisine and told them that most of their gluten free meals contained hidden gluten. Their response was to send me coupons to buy more.

Carraggenan is also in toothpaste, so read the labels. Crest Pro Health was one I reacted to. They too sent me a coupon to buy the one and only toothpaste that Proctor and Gamble makes with out carrageenan.

Processed foods are the worst. Read labels even the ones that claim to be gluten free lie and are made in factories that foods are cross contaminated in. Cherrios is a good example. General Mills refuses to consider cross contamination.

Be careful out there, even wild caught salmon may have red dye made with gluten. You have to be hyper vigilant.

i just got glutenated at the Cheese Cake Factory, after carefully going over with the server and the chef restrictions. The worst I have been glutenated in two years. My bone, muscle and joint pain was so bad I have had to take Tylenol around the clock. My life is in the toilet for the time being, pun intended. I am so bloated I can't fit in my clothes and my face is swollen too, have brain fog. It is a jungle out there.

But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Know yourself and your body and do not let "cookbook" doctors tell you. Keep searching, there are some good doctors out there, but you may have to fire a few like I did to get answers. Good luck!

Hi, I'm a little confused about the salmon, what did you mean "even wild caught salmon may have red dye made with gluten"? they dye the salmon after they catch them? thank you.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

So farmed salmon can be fed with a feed that contains a dye to change the color of their meat too look more dark orange, like wild salmon. Farmed salmon is often very light pink, and closer to white, unless they do this. However, I'm not sure if any farmed salmon food contains wheat or not, but even it did this would not mean that the salmon meat would contain any gluten. 

It's a myth that animals that are fed gluten would not be gluten-free, and a recent study was done to disprove this for beef:


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    • Wheatwacked
      Welcome hilly and Schellee94, and JulieF.      There is more to recovering from Celiac Disease than simply not eating wheat, barley, rye products. Ceilac malabsorption syndrome causes us to not absorb the nutrients we eat, so we imperceptively slip into malnutrition.   Children recover quickly.  Adults can take years because of unidentified vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  Top of the list is vitamin D, then Thiamine, then Choline, and Iodine. I, too, like Dr. Hyman.  Also Dr Davis (Wheatbelly) and Dr Amen.  While promoting gluten free, they are not dealing with the level of deficiencies brough on by the autoimmune malnutrition that comes with celiac disease.  You do not need a cleaning, Celiac has done that for you.  You do need agressive vitamin and mineral replenishment.  Those promoting cleanses do not take into account the malabsorption /malnutrition of celiac disease.   It will make you worse.  Your gut biome is changing and without the opiod effects of gluten you are not being numbed.  But you are not getting the vitamin and minerals you need to heal.  It is way higher the the mininmum the government RDA.  That is the amount it takes for 98% of the HEALTHY population no not show signs of deficiency.  Healing takes more than sufficient. These are the vitamins and minerals I have taken.  At this point I daily take vitamin D, Iodine and thiamin.  Choline I bounce between phosphatidyl choline capsules and when my anorexia allows lots of eggs and beef.  Avoid all processed food until you heal. Gluten Free included.  Eat the foods we ate before TV Dinners. Additional likely deficiencies and what I take to boost my intake (I get anorexic at the drop of a hat so I take them to keep me stable):  the ones that helped me the most noticibly Was increasing vitamin D blood level to 80 ng/ml and Iodine to 650 mcg a day, Thiamine, Choline, and Iodine. 10,000 IU vitamin D to control autoimmune, improve mood, especially the winter doldrums (Seasonal Affective Disorder), bone and dental health.   Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective 500 mg Thiamine - neurologic symptoms, carbohydrate metabolism, subclinical beri-beri. Choline – Adequate intake 500 to 3000 mg - essential for fat digestion, gall bladder, liver, brain fog, cell membranes, prevent congenital spinal defects.   Could we be overlooking a potential choline crisis in the United Kingdom? Iodine – 1000 mcg of Liquid Iodine once or twice a day. United States RDA 150 to 1100 microgram (mcg) Japan RDA 150 to 3000 mcg. speeds up healing, muscle tone, brain fog, hair and skin, thyroid. 10 drops of Strong Iodine has 500 micrograms of elemental Iodine. Nori and Kelp. For some people with Dermetitis Herpetiformus, iodine can exasperate the rash. Iodine for Hormonal Health "Your ovaries also need iodine and without enough their structure changes. Iodine-deficient women can produce ovarian cysts and are at risk of developing PCOS." Vitamin B2 helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It plays a vital role in maintaining the body's energy supply.  500 mg Nicotinic Acid - increase capillary blood flow, lower cholesterol.  Niacin Fact Sheet for Health Professionals 500 mg Pantothenic Acid - creates energy from glucose Krebs Cycle 1000 mcg B12 - creates hemoglobin for oxygen transport 500 mg Taurine - essential amino acid, a powerful antioxident that we make indogenously, but not enough when sickness increases inflammation. reduces Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS are are free radicals.). I've been using Zinc Glyconate (Cold-Eeze) since 2004 anytime I feel an itchy throat or other sign of air borne virus coming on.  I haven't had cold or flue, including Covid 19, since. Naturally fermented dill pickles reestablished lactobacillus in my gut and reversed my recently acquired lactose intolerance.  100% grass fed dairy is less inflammatory. Milk is a good source of iodine. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Vegetables  Eating more of the vegetables low in omega six and high omega 3 can reduce inflammation while increasing vitamin and mineral intake..  The target omega 6:3 ratio is less than 3:1.  The typical western diet is from 14:1 to 20:1 because of our food choices.    
    • Julie F.
      I have dealt with celiac disease for over 22 years. I was then positively diagnosed with a blood test. I was pregnant with my second child at the time. I eliminated wheat (barley, spelt, etc..) from my diet and as a side benefit, I noticed that the psoriasis on my ankles, elbows and knees had gone away after about a year. I made the connection that eating wheat had been causing my skin problems as well as abdominal issues. Turns out that they are both autoimmune diseases of which inflammation is a symptom. I also deal with dupuytren’s contracture. Not sure if there is a relationship there… am studying that one. Flash forward to near present time and menopause, my psoriasis was coming back even though I was careful in avoiding gluten. I did a bit of research and found new information on the relationship of gut health and autoimmune disorders.  Understanding that my symptoms were somehow food related, I decided to see an ND… Nature Pathic doctor and we did a gut zoom.  This is where they test a sample of your poop to see how healthy your gut biome is.  I was seriously lacking in certain key vitamins, healthy prebiotic factors as well as beneficial bacteria.  I followed an elimination diet and discovered a new sensitivity to corn by-products which I am now avoiding and I follow a regime of supplements and healthy diet (eating a rainbow of vegetables and organic if possible) to help me have a healthier gut biome. The psoriasis is reducing in size and I am feeling better. I am thinking that a gut zoom would be one of the first places to start for anyone dealing with celiac disease… it took me twenty years to figure it out.  I personally believe that factors contributing to my autoimmune issues are due mostly to what I was exposed to. My parents were heavy smokers and I was continually on antibiotics as a child because of ear, nose and throat infections. Antibiotics destroy a healthy gut environment. There is also information indicating that herbicides with glyphosate… that most US farmers use at harvest time (wheat, corn, soy, potatoes…) can be detrimental to gut health as well.   Interestingly, we inherit our own gut health from our mother’s womb before we are even born.  Is this part of the source of our genetic disposition for celiac and possibly other inflammatory diseases? I think that increasingly, more research will be done as medical professionals are making connections to gut health and immunity diseases… reading medical research papers has been challenging, but very helpful. I suggest using credible medical research papers and professional and government agencies when studying up on this relationship, don’t just take my word for it, but I did find the results from my gut zoom to be an invaluable resource.
    • Schellee94
      I'm having the same issues. Many things are causing extreme bloat. I'm dairy-free gluten-free and I also have to avoid sugar, quinoa, millet, teff, buckwheat, nightshades, alfalfa, all grasses, and chia hurts my joints. Canned garbanzo hurts me. Most beans hurt me. If I make lentils I soak and rinse several times and that makes them edible for me. I seem to be avoiding fresh garlic and onion as well fresh onion gives me a headache. I'm ok on corn, but not most soy. Rice is sort of ok. Then gluten free oats are ok if raw (not cooked, overnight oats are a good choice) . The list keeps growing and so does the bloat. I'm the same weight I was 2 years ago and much bigger in my arms and my belly and back. I'm looking at trying Dr Hyman's cleanse suggestions, and having a good amount of steamed cruciferous vegetables, as a mainstay for awhile. But it's pretty pricey for organic. I've been making my own bone broth but I cook it a lot longer so that I can get nutrients out of the bones not just the meat. This broth has helped me tremendously even though I would prefer not to have much meat it seems I really need it right now. I cannot eat pork it makes me feel poorly and I can't eat very much red meat for the same reason. If the eggs are raised properly I can eat the yolks and only sometimes eat the whites.  I hope this is helpful to highlight some triggers you might be experiencing yourself. There are some other posts here on the forum that highlight digestive enzymes and clean probiotics, as well as lectins. I'm going to look into that.
    • trents
      Some studies, with admittedly small sample sizes, show that about 50% of celiacs react to the protein casein in dairy the same way they do gluten. Can't find the NIH article I'm looking for but this one basically makes the point:   
    • hilly
      I was diagnosed in April. I have been very careful about being gluten-free, except for one accident in August where I ate candy with wheat. Despite being careful, I still experience extreme painful bloating almost daily. I'm so frustrated. I stopped eating gluten-free oats because I wondered if that was it. Now I am wondering if is dairy. I'm already tired of constantly wondering if I messed up.
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