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    • RMJ
      I don’t know what sort of labeling TJs does for gluten free.  In general, if a company labels some products gluten free, then has a product not labeled gluten free, I would be very cautious with that product.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Tracey Thomas! Can you be more specific about the the blood test that was done for celiac disease? There isn't just one that can be run so it would be helpful to know which one or which ones were run to get an idea if others should have been run that weren't. Here is an article to help you understand what I'm talking about:  In order for celiac disease testing to be valid you must be eating significant amounts of gluten containing foods for weeks up to the time of testing. Often, people who suspect they may have celiac disease will experiment ahead of testing with the gluten free diet or at least cutting back significantly on their gluten intake. By so doing, they sabotage the testing. A person should be consuming at least 10g of gluten (the amount found in approximately 4-6 slices of bread) daily for several weeks leading up to the day of testing. Also, if a person has certain medical conditions such as anemia and diabetes or if they are IGA deficient (see the article I linked) it can skew the IGA blood tests down toward the negative range. It's really important that a "total IGA" test be ordered to check for IGA deficiency but many physicians neglect to do this.    
    • Tracey Thomas
      Also I had low b12 but my blood test came back normal for celiac not sure if it was because I didn’t eat anything at that time. 
    • Tracey Thomas
      Hi, I’m recently new to the celeiac disease. I’m still going through testing. I’ve had major pain in stomach for years off and on like stabbing fold you over can’t move type pain. I assumed it was gas pains but had a lot of that too. Now after going back and forth to doctor for 2 years with same symptoms just new ones were added every time. Very fatigued muscle weakness felt like my legs could collapse. I’d sleep all night thinking I was good. I’m always so tired as if I had no sleep. Terrible headaches joint pain numbness and tingling in fingers. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have circulation problems and Renards disease hands and feet stay cold. Now 5 weeks ago I woke up with a rash on hip that itch so bad it was red purplish bumps I thought was shingles went to doctor several times they told me it wasn’t shingles but gave me a steroid and a cream it didn’t really help I started getting more on my elbows all down both sides my chest and sides of breast’s needless to say I was going crazy it hurt it felt like it was stinging and itching so bad. I went to emergency room had low grade fevers and blood pressure was up never had that issue I also have major brain fog through all this is all of a sudden feel dizzy like it come and go quick. With the dizziness. So doctor in emergency room ask have I ever been sent to a rheumatologist. I haven’t. So they referred me to dermatologist and dermatologist did 3 biopsies and was suspecting dermatitis herpetformis . A reaction to celeiac disease. Doctor put me on another round of steroids for 10 days and gave me something to help me sleep and a cream to help the itching. It started to help still after 4 weeks I have places that are still there but fading. I’m currently out of steroids and I ate brownie and woke up with sore throat so tired neck was hurting itching hairline had bumps and back of neck ate blue bells new chocolate ice cream with brownie and truffles in it absolutely delicious but 5 minutes after my throat felt like it was closing up had severe itching and bumps on front of neck and elbows and arms and under breast. Pain in stomach felt nauseous. So I go back Tuesday for final results of biopsies from dermatology. They don’t want me to change anything until testing is over but I’m so miserable. 
    • glucel
      Trader joe stocks a potato chip simply that is made with potato, olive oil and sea salt but is not stated as gluten-free.. Many chip bags state gluten free but this one does not.  Of interest, I raised the point of cross contamination to my gastro doc and he just waived it off said don't worry about it but being a newly diagnosed celiac {4 months} I am being cautious. So I would like to hear some opinions from fellow celiacs. I admit that I have already eaten one bag of these thinking they were gluten-free and had no reaction that I knew of.
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