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Jherm21 Community Regular

Hi all. I have so many questions as I’m trying to expand my diet and was wondering which spices everyone uses. Do they have to be certified? I’m not talking about fresh spices in the fruit and vegetable section. I’m talking about in the containers? I still have so many questions about buying products. For instance kraft mini marshmallows I bought some thinking all marshmallows were ok and got home and read the ingredients and was iffy about some ingredients in there so I haven’t opened the bag. In instances like that where it doesn’t say gluten free on packaging is it not worth the risk? Like Gatorade.  Or maple syrup where maple syrup is the only ingredient but there is no gluten-free label. I know I can call companies just figured I’d see here first since you guys are experienced through trial and error. Ugh ignorance is bliss. Please don’t judge me and tell me to use common sense when reading packages I’ve come to this web page for help only ? 

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Jmg Mentor

A lot of this depends on your own reactions. As a very general rule, spices should be fine, 'seasoning' take care! A spice is a single element, it's just turmeric, or oregano etc.  A seasoning mix is a blend of different things and that's when gluten may sneak in. 

Marshmallows are mainly glucose syrup and should be fine. Obviously if they're covered in other things or sat on a biscuit base then maybe not. If in doubt google the product and check the website. :)

I think in the US the FDA rules make it mandatory for companies to disclose gluten ingredients. So the maple syrup should be fine whether or not there's a gluten free sign on it. 

When I first went gluten free I was suspicious of anything not marked gluten-free. Now I'm more relaxed and will eat things that do not have a gluten ingredient listed as long as I know the manufacturer and there's no 'may contain warnings'. You need to find a happy medium between staying compliant and being able to exist in the world. Depending on your confidence, level of sensitivity etc this will vary depending on the individual. 


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Ennis-TX Grand Master
5 hours ago, Jherm21 said:

Hi all. I have so many questions as I’m trying to expand my diet and was wondering which spices everyone uses. Do they have to be certified? I’m not talking about fresh spices in the fruit and vegetable section. I’m talking about in the containers? I still have so many questions about buying products. For instance kraft mini marshmallows I bought some thinking all marshmallows were ok and got home and read the ingredients and was iffy about some ingredients in there so I haven’t opened the bag. In instances like that where it doesn’t say gluten free on packaging is it not worth the risk? Like Gatorade.  Or maple syrup where maple syrup is the only ingredient but there is no gluten-free label. I know I can call companies just figured I’d see here first since you guys are experienced through trial and error. Ugh ignorance is bliss. Please don’t judge me and tell me to use common sense when reading packages I’ve come to this web page for help only ? 

Maple syrup will geneerally be alright, gatorrade is, spices...spices are common to get CCed I use 3 brands. Spicely Organics look them up are certified gluten-free, Big AXE Spices, are gluten free blends with VERY flavorful punches, and The Spice House makes some....but damn everything is so SALTY from them.
I composed a bit of a list of foods etc. We do normally suggest a whole foods only diet starting off and avoiding processed foods here are some useful links


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Jherm21 Community Regular

Thank Ennis I’ve been gluten free for a year now and have only been using salt on my foods. I’m allergic to black pepper so I wanted to venture on some new spices for my meats sauces etc.  I’ve heard of spicley organics are all of their products certified. I thought I saw a member on here saying they had trouble with a spice from there and they tested it and it came back positive. I’ll definetly order from there I usually always trust certified products so thanks for the recommendations !!!! I’ll look into the other ones too 

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cyclinglady Grand Master

I use McCormick spices (no mixes/blends except pumpkin spice).  My intestines are healed!  They have a good reputation.  


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icelandgirl Proficient

Hi Jhern,

I use McCormick for everything and have had no issues.  This includes Montreal Steak which is a combination of spices.  Hope that helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
CBB Newbie

I just wanted to let all of you who use McCormick spices know that Gluten Free Watchdog tested several of their spices a few years back and some tested as high as 9 ppm, which for super sensitive individuals is rather high. 

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squirmingitch Veteran

Kraft mini marshmallows or even the big ones are fine. Kraft is a very trusted company so you can always feel safe with them. They will disclose any gluten ingredients in no uncertain terms. Same with UniLever. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ottawa Dude Newbie

If a spice is available with explicit label of "gluten free", why would you bother with a brand that does not label it?  Vendors sub-contract out their production, and the production facilities may or may not process wheat on the same equipment.  

I tested my maple syrup, and it tested positive for gluten.  The label says "100% pure Canadian maple syrup."  Fortunately, I was able to find maple syrup that's labelled gluten free.

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Jherm21 Community Regular

May I ask what the maple syrup brand is called. I’m in the US so hopefully it’s a brand I can find. 

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Denise p Newbie

Hi, I'm new to the group too. Somewhat new to gluten free  but there are other sensitivity issues with me.   I did a food reactivity test and elimination diet is in the process.  I thought garlic powder was garlic powder,  learned the hard way,  I grow and preserve a lot mainly because I don't trust the big companies.  Spicely.com is awesome. Free shipping on orders over 50.00 and I bought bigger quantities  on stuff i use alot of.  When done that way it's actually cheaper than the local market.  About the black pepper,  my food reactivity test was done by everlywell  and it said the pink peppercorns  were ok because it is a different plant but do your research. 

Edited by Denise p
Spell check, Spicely.com not Spindly
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Ennis-TX Grand Master
8 hours ago, Jherm21 said:

May I ask what the maple syrup brand is called. I’m in the US so hopefully it’s a brand I can find. 

In Hindsight I did have a gluten issue with maple syrup 3 years ago...but it was homemade, harvested by a Amish family and bottled and sold at the farmer market...they also made breads so that was more of a duh moment and I just gave it away after obvious exposure...not the syrup fault or a companies.


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apprehensiveengineer Community Regular
On 2/26/2018 at 8:13 AM, Ottawa Dude said:

If a spice is available with explicit label of "gluten free", why would you bother with a brand that does not label it?  Vendors sub-contract out their production, and the production facilities may or may not process wheat on the same equipment.  

I tested my maple syrup, and it tested positive for gluten.  The label says "100% pure Canadian maple syrup."  Fortunately, I was able to find maple syrup that's labelled gluten free.

Nima cautions against using the sensor for thick/sticky things like syrup or honey: https://nimasensor.com/nima-testing/

I could see CC occurring from small batch/homemade maple syrup, as Ennis_TX described. I suppose it's also possible that a factory might also produce malt syrups etc. in the same vats and not clean between batches, but seems unlikely (Nima can't detect malt anyways).

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  • 4 years later...
Elizabeth Green Newbie

Hi All!

I had just asked a question regarding reactions and spices.

I know this is an old topic, but I’m new..so..sorry!

I was diagnosed Celiacs and IBS-D probably 7 years ago. My question is in regards to spices in a dish called Butter Chicken. I had tried a really liked this about 3 or 4 years ago. I found a frozen one at the local store. I read the package and there wasn’t anything gluten in it.

So I have it narrowed down to these 3 spices listed on the package:

saffron, onion powder, curry

Are any of these known to trigger celiac issues? I still have a pack in the freezer.

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      Sorry, in your first post you typed "a symptomatic" instead of "asymptomatic" so I misunderstood what you were saying. But anemia is a classic symptom of celiac disease.
    • Billy Boy
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      I didnt have  symptoms, i just went for my job fittness and all this happen, my test came positive, so it was big shock for me to have disease without symptoms, further after going gluten free i feel dizziness, abdominal cramps on off, anxiety, depression, crying episodes. 
    • cristiana
      The reflux according to the hospital can be the culprit.  I think sometimes, too, the medication that they gave me to stop it caused bloating which again  added to the pain in the back and chest.  I hope you get some answers soon, let us know how the results go.  
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