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Bloating after going gluten-free


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Jms13 Rookie

Hoping someone out there has some pointers on how to deal with extreme bloating. I have had celiac for years now but after a recent exposure I can’t seem to get rid of the bloating. All other symptoms are gone and it’s been a few months now. As soon as I eat, I balloon up, I know it takes time for the gut to heal but anything I can do in the meantime? I’m so uncomfortable!

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Ennis-TX Grand Master

Keep a food diary and find out what your triggers are, often after a gluten exposure we get new intolerance issues or sometimes a food allergy.  You might have a temporary intolerance to a food. Heck I got a iceberg lettuce intolerance after my last one lol.  Anyway look at common ones, might be something like dairy, soy, garlic, onions peppers etc. It might also be a carb issue.   Sudden onset after a glutening makes me thing this is not candida or SIBO, but following that kind of approach might help, Often gas/bloating is caused by carbs being fermented in the gut and causing the bloat. Remove the carbs and go to a keto diet of fat and protein like meats and leafy green veggies removing grains, potatoes, sugars, etc for a week to see if this helps....stuff like roast stews, omelettes, baked fish/chicken over wilted greens etc. Then there would be less carbs to ferment into gas.

Peppermint tea, star anise (look it up and the medical benefits with gas),  and perhaps pepto might help in the mean time. Digestive enzymes and just maybe a probiotic but this might make it worse.

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Time for some follow-up testing.  You may have something else besides celiac disease going on.  I was struggling with stomach pain, reflux and indigestion.  A recent repeat endoscopy revealed a healed small intestine, but autoimmune gastritis.  Gluten free is NOT healing that!  Get to the doctor!  

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Down with the Pastryarchy Newbie
10 minutes ago, cyclinglady said:

Time for some follow-up testing.  You may have something else besides celiac disease going on.  I was struggling with stomach pain, reflux and indigestion.  A recent repeat endoscopy revealed a healed small intestine, but autoimmune gastritis.  Gluten free is NOT healing that!  Get to the doctor!  

I have 6 diagnoses already. It's not a lack of labels here by any means. I think it was the butcher I was getting meat from. 

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Posterboy Mentor
4 hours ago, Jms13 said:

Hoping someone out there has some pointers on how to deal with extreme bloating. I have had celiac for years now but after a recent exposure I can’t seem to get rid of the bloating. All other symptoms are gone and it’s been a few months now. As soon as I eat, I balloon up, I know it takes time for the gut to heal but anything I can do in the meantime? I’m so uncomfortable!


Ennis_tx is right -- it is the carbs.

Cyclyinglady is right too . .  you need to do some more test(s).

here is a link on chronic gastritis caused by low stomach acid.


it is not the high stomach acid you hear (often) because doctor's don't do a heidelberg test.

aka known as a gastric acid function test.

carbs ferment when there is not a strong acid to digest them especially with fats delaying stomach emptying it can be a very painful situation.

taking some BetaineHCL could help you with your bloating if it is the carbs causing the problems.

I had low stomach acid misdiagnosed.

I only know it helped me but I have seen it help others  too.

It does not help everybody but it can help some.

You will only know if you try. 

BetaineHCL should be taken with a meal and a glass of water to activate the powdered stomach acid you have just taken.

If it causes a warm sensation then it is working.

****this is not medical advice.  research it your self and get back to your doctor and get him do a heidelberg test on you to see how strong your stomach acid really is.

but often as is the case with chronic gastritis it is really low and people and doctor's (who don't test) are confusing low stomach acid for high stomach acid or it was the case for me.

we now this because of timeline.

If it (bloating/GERD) happens when you eat food it (SA) is not strong enough already to digest the food you are eating.

If it (GERD)  happens between meals then eating food would dilute/lower the stomach acid naturally to a strong, naturally healthy level.

you might also have trouble with meat proteins because a strong acid is necessary to activate our food enzymes especially Pepsin needed to digest meat.

Again I hope this is  helpful.

2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.

posterboy by the grace of God,



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Jms13 Rookie
1 hour ago, cyclinglady said:

Time for some follow-up testing.  You may have something else besides celiac disease going on.  I was struggling with stomach pain, reflux and indigestion.  A recent repeat endoscopy revealed a healed small intestine, but autoimmune gastritis.  Gluten free is NOT healing that!  Get to the doctor!  

Ive been to both my GI and my family dr.  I’ve had  a scope and upper GI. Doctor said I need to give it time, tests didn’t show anything other than the damaged villi from celiac. Family doctor sent me to a nutritionist. I do have an appt at the end of the month for a 2nd opinion @ Cleveland clinic. 

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Jms13 Rookie
1 hour ago, Posterboy said:


Ennis_tx is right -- it is the carbs.

Cyclyinglady is right too . .  you need to do some more test(s).

here is a link on chronic gastritis caused by low stomach acid.


it is not the high stomach acid you hear (often) because doctor's don't do a heidelberg test.

aka known as a gastric acid function test.

carbs ferment when there is not a strong acid to digest them especially with fats delaying stomach emptying it can be a very painful situation.

taking some BetaineHCL could help you with your bloating if it is the carbs causing the problems.

I had low stomach acid misdiagnosed.

I only know it helped me but I have seen it help others  too.

It does not help everybody but it can help some.

You will only know if you try. 

BetaineHCL should be taken with a meal and a glass of water to activate the powdered stomach acid you have just taken.

If it causes a warm sensation then it is working.

****this is not medical advice.  research it your self and get back to your doctor and get him do a heidelberg test on you to see how strong your stomach acid really is.

but often as is the case with chronic gastritis it is really low and people and doctor's (who don't test) are confusing low stomach acid for high stomach acid or it was the case for me.

we now this because of timeline.

If it (bloating/GERD) happens when you eat food it (SA) is not strong enough already to digest the food you are eating.

If it (GERD)  happens between meals then eating food would dilute/lower the stomach acid naturally to a strong, naturally healthy level.

you might also have trouble with meat proteins because a strong acid is necessary to activate our food enzymes especially Pepsin needed to digest meat.

Again I hope this is  helpful.

2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.

posterboy by the grace of God,



Thank you, I will look into this! 

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Jms13 Rookie
4 hours ago, Ennis_TX said:

Keep a food diary and find out what your triggers are, often after a gluten exposure we get new intolerance issues or sometimes a food allergy.  You might have a temporary intolerance to a food. Heck I got a iceberg lettuce intolerance after my last one lol.  Anyway look at common ones, might be something like dairy, soy, garlic, onions peppers etc. It might also be a carb issue.   Sudden onset after a glutening makes me thing this is not candida or SIBO, but following that kind of approach might help, Often gas/bloating is caused by carbs being fermented in the gut and causing the bloat. Remove the carbs and go to a keto diet of fat and protein like meats and leafy green veggies removing grains, potatoes, sugars, etc for a week to see if this helps....stuff like roast stews, omelettes, baked fish/chicken over wilted greens etc. Then there would be less carbs to ferment into gas.

Peppermint tea, star anise (look it up and the medical benefits with gas),  and perhaps pepto might help in the mean time. Digestive enzymes and just maybe a probiotic but this might make it worse.

Thank you for suggestions! I am taking a probiotic but so far it isn’t doing me any good.

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  • 4 years later...
Grlybrainiac Explorer

It’s been 4 years since this post, but I have a dairy intolerance in addition to gluten (body thinks it’s the same thing) and found out last month that a medication (small tablet) I had been taking daily starting in July 2021 had lactose monohydrate in it. When I first started taking the medication in July, I had noticed that I was getting bloated and started having mild food aversion, but thought maybe it was just me adjusting to the medication. It was like that on and off for about 5 months then suddenly started getting much worse and by January 2022 I was throwing up and barely able to eat more than 1/4 of a meal if I was lucky. I discovered the ingredient and immediately had my doctor switch me to a tablet without lactose. My appetite started to come back, but the bloating is still here and it’s so painful and uncomfortable after I eat. I do also have a hard time making myself eat most days. I’m starting to wonder now if I triggered another intolerance or if it will just take time for my gut to heal. 

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    • trents
      Keep in mind that blood tests for nutritional deficiencies may not be valid if you are already taking vitamin supplements. That may mask deficiencies. 
    • trents
      I think the confusing part may be the notation: "Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) has been identified as the endomysial antigen. Studies have demonstr- ated that endomysial IgA antibodies have over 99% specificity for gluten sensitive enteropathy." It is simply an explanation of what the test was looking for. It is not a statement of something they found of concern. What they were looking for was in the negative range. So, based on this test alone, it does not appear you have celiac disease. But as Wheatwacked hinted at, there should have been more tests run. At the very least, a "total IGA" should have been ordered as well to test for IGA deficiency. If you are IGA deficient, then this could have skewed the Transglutaminase IGA result down toward the negative range. Another question should be asked that has a bearing on the validity of the test result you reported. Had you already been cutting back on gluten consumption when the blood sample was taken?
    • Wheatwacked
      Hi @6faith6, welcome to the forum. Was this the only test run?  It is negative. Why was it run? Can you tell us about yourself and your symptoms? Country? I would guess you feel like crap and the doctors can't find anything wrong.
    • Wheatwacked
      pipingrock.com ships international   https://www.pipingrock.com/international-shipping?keywords=shipping+to+canada&qid=1729725535 This is what I've been takine since 2015. High Potency Vitamin D3, 10,000 IU, 250 Quick Release Softgels $8.69 plus shipping and duties.  There are other options.
    • Scott Adams
      It's great that you're staying informed about your health. Elevated LDH levels can indeed have many causes, and while celiac disease can sometimes be linked to high LDH, it’s just one possible factor. Since your other blood work is normal, it's good to keep monitoring it and consult with your doctor to rule out any other potential causes. 
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