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Maddiecl Explorer

I was diagnosed around 7 months ago and have been eating strict strict strict gluten-free ever since.  I finally started to see some major improvements in my symptoms at my 5-6 month mark.  I'm only 24 and I have always been very athletic and healthy with no other health problems that I know of, so I assumed I would have healed and started feeling better fairly quickly.  I'm just getting so frustrated because although I'm starting to feel better I still get sick 1-2 days a week (yep, it's happening right now).  It's absolutely miserable I get crazy nauseous and my stomach balloons out and doing any small task feels like a huge struggle.  I'm definitely seeing more good days then I was when I was first diagnosed, but I still get so frustrated and desperate feeling when I have bad days.  I have tried to pay close attention to other food intolerances, but it is hard to find a rhyme or reason to my symptoms and pinpoint what makes me sick.  I feel ready to move on with my life... Start working again, go back to school, have a baby someday... But it feels impossible to do any of these things when I'm so unpredictably sick so often.  Does it get better? Is there anything else I should be checked for or do? Please help, I want my life back. 

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Zodi1993 Apprentice

Hi :) 

My daughter is also 24 but was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 4 years ago. You need to give yourself a break. Some days will be better than others and you will feel so frustrated because you just want to feel normal. But this is the new an improved you.  Just a suggestion that you might consider getting allergy tested. My daughter was still feeling horrible so she ended up being allergic to sesame seeds, yeast, and shrimp. So since eliminating these from her diet her health has improved. If you haven’t met with a dietitian they can be very helpful. If your kitchen hasn’t over gone a gluten-free makeover you need to do this ASAP. You could be inadvertently  contaminating yourself. Check your makeup and shampoo etc.  I’m so sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed but I promise It will get better. 

This is an awesome forum that has lots of  really wonderful people who have loads of information. 

Hoped this helped :) 

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Ennis-TX Grand Master

Yeah I get rolling intolerance even 5 years into the diet.....honestly your issue sounds like you got glutened or have something else if you distended. I get the distention with Ulcerative Colitis flares also.
The day you got sick did you eat anything new or do something that might have CCed your food? IE forgot to wash your hands after handling something CCed? Walked through a bakery area in a store and inhaled flour (it will get stuck in your mucus in your nose then drain into your stomach-intestines). Tried a new food that was made on equipment or might have contained wheat? Ate out or ate something fixed by someone else?
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They do suggest getting follow up blood test every so often to see what your antibody numbers are at and if they are going down might be worth getting yours checked.

If it is any condolence I am having vomiting issues myself nasua and D for 3 days....not gluten I know but something else. Food diary and cross references ingredients leaves me with a few sad culprits and one I am  hopeful for. 1. Tapioca Starch, 2. Olive Oil (I had the issue with it go away over half a year ago). OR I am hoping I got salmonella poisoning as I just realized the eggs I have are on from that last batch they said to toss out.....

Anyway double check the newbie 101 thread to see if you missed something? Maybe a cooking pan/appliances/utensil got glutened?  And reference your food diary, try mixing up your meals more with more basic and rotating diet to find the culprit.
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Maddiecl Explorer

Thank you both for the replies. At my 6 month mark I had a repeat endoscopy and colonoscopy.  A bunch of biopsies were taken and from what my doctor told me I had no other gastro issues besides the celiac and my villi looked much better but not healed.  I have also been tested for nutrient deficiencies and my doctor said everything actually came back better than average.  I have made my entire kitchen gluten-free, even got new pot, pans, utensils, strainer, bowls, etc.  I have tried keeping a food journal but no matter how hard I try I cannot figure out a rhyme or reason to my symptoms.  One day I think something makes me sick and the next day it doesn't.  I would like to be tested for food sensitivities but my doctor told me the test wasn't very accurate and just tried to talk me out of it.  


Ennis_TX  I feel you, it is SO frustrating to feel sick and know there is no way it is from gluten! I hope you figure it out soon!

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Congratulations on the repeat endoscopy and colonoscopy indicating some healing!  That is great news.  But even the most seasoned celiac can get hidden exposures to gluten (I know I did).  It is so frustrating.  

Consider trying the Fasano gluten-free diet developed for those who are somehow still getting exposure to gluten.  

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You might think you are gluten free, but maybe you are not.  Besides your kitchen, are your pets gluten free (if you have any).  Do you ever eat out?  One member was getting glutened by her babies who smothered her with slobbery kisses.  Have you eliminated even gluten-free oats?  What about lactose?  

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    • trents
      Yes, by all means, get another doc. Believe me, the ignorance about celiac disease in the medical community sometimes amazes me! Some of them treat it as if it were the latest "fad" diagnosis. It is getting better but there are a lot older docs, even GI specialists out there, who are operating on very outdated notions concerning celiac disease.
    • beyondbabs23
      @Wheatwacked I am a little frustrated with my doctor and the way things have went. I also have been suffering with severe acid reflux and nausea since my EGD, called the office to let them know and haven’t even gotten a call back for that, let alone anything else.  When I return home after this job assignment, I will look for a better Gastro to build a repor with, as of course this happens out of town. Im also frustrated because I’m 26, this is all new to me. I feel like they are treating this as a  run of the mill diagnosis to them, when it isn’t to me! It just isn’t being handled with much grace
    • Wheatwacked
      It is not your ignorance but your doctors ignorance that is concerning, That’s why the moral of the story at this time is to evaluate how you feel when you eat 100% gluten-free for a couple of months. Until we have highly sensitive tests we can rely on to accurately diagnose gluten sensitivity, diagnosing will involve “building a case” by pulling together many pieces In an effort to justify why we can go against the result of a positive test, we ask “how positive is it’? It’s like getting a positive pregnancy test back and asking “how pregnant am I?”  Are You Confused About Your Celiac Disease Lab Results?
    • beyondbabs23
      @trents Thankfully I haven’t given up Gluten yet fully due to just having my biopsy and have been savoring it until I’m told to let it go, lol.    Yeah very much so it seems the symptoms overlap, as you said from what I’ve been reading. I was having sigmoid pain and strange bowel movement issues. but the doctor told me all Celiacs have upper stomach pain, vomiting, and those are the only Hallmark symptoms, which I don’t believe in the slightest.    I’ll keep pushing ! I did a food intolerance test 2 years ago so I knew I was intolerant to gluten and wheat, but never was tested for Celiac despite that. So NCGS is very possible, I’m not sure if that would elevate IgG like mine or not, but worth asking about ! 
    • trents
      Keep in mind that if you decide to get any repeat testing done for celiac disease, whether it be blood antibody testing or endoscopy/biopsy, those tests are invalid if you are already on a gluten free diet. If you start a gluten free diet at some point as an experiment, you would need to go back to eating generous amounts of gluten (the amount in approximately 4-6 slices of bread) daily for several weeks leading up to the testing. Many doctors are ignorant of the wide range of symptoms and associated medical conditions caused by celiac disease. There are over 200 of them. Yet, many physicians are stuck back on dated models of celiac symptomology composed of "classic symptoms" and give bum steers to their patients. You mention being evaluated for possible diverticular disease which would easily present symptoms that overlap with celiac disease.
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