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How to maintain weight on a Gluten/ Dairy free diet?


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Sarahcat58 Explorer

So I do not have a diagnosis yet. My blood test for celiac came back negative, I have all the symptoms of gluten sensitivity but it doesn’t allear to be as strong as someone with celiac. ( I can afford to eat a piece of glutened food, but I get bad symptoms if I eat it consistently.) The doctor also thinks I could have Ulcerative colitis with the gluten and dairy sensitivity falling under that, because I also have suffered from minimal rectal bleeding when eating dairy and gluten, (either or? I’m not sure) . I’ll have to wait until next month before getting my colonoscopy, and then a couple months later the Endoscopy to confirm exactly what’s going on. I’m 22, and in the middle of Nursing school so money and time is also tight to get these procedures done. Anyway, I’m having a little trouble with my weight. After starting this new diet, I eat less. I’m not sure if it’s due to my body just having less cravings or the stomach cramps being so regular that I don’t want to eat. Does anyone have any tips for maintaining a healthy weight? I feel as if my body can’t handle anything more than a small amount of food anymore, and it’s been about 4 months since I’ve started the diet.

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Sergio Astorino Rookie

I am in the same boat.  I am on a gluten free diet since maybe 2 or 3 months.  I am losing weight and my pants are loose.  I am worried that I keep losing weight and constantly weigh myself.  Dietician says I am not taking in enough carbs.  Anyone can tell me if losing weight is normal when first diagnosed with possible Celiac? 

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mareahf Apprentice


I hope you get the answers you need from the doctors. As for myself I have a hard time gaining weight after a bad glutening sometimes I lose 8 lbs in 2 weeks and I am skinny to start with. 

I have found a Tablespoon or two of Orgainc Coconut oil helps. I put it in my coffee but I know people who eat it plain or add it to smoothies. Also but butters. I like Almond butter but they’re so many varieties now you can choose what you like. Just make sure it’s gluten and dairy free. I think they all are. Almond butter on bananas it a great fast breakfast. And last but not least ice cream! I know you want to be dairy free and you can find some good dairy free, gluten free ice cream. I like SoDelicious brand. 

I hope this helps. Good luck!

Lol not but butters ? Nut butters. Sorry

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mareahf Apprentice


I was the same way when I first started the gluten free diet. First make sure your are completely gluten free and keep a food journal and symptoms to rule out a reaction to other foods. 

It is scary at first but don’t pay attention to the scale. Use some of the suggestions I wrote about above and start a gaining weight diet. 

It will take time and you have to eat more than you probably normally do but it works. Good luck 

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Sergio Astorino Rookie

Thanks for the advice.  I'm having a tough time copying.  I feel like I'm dying.  The worst part is that my systems are ok and really not present.  I just google everything I feel and hear and end result.....you are dying.  I see weight coming off and worry it may be something else.  I just need to vent sometimes and you are all amazing people to provide such great feedback and support.  Thank You

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healthysquirrel Enthusiast
39 minutes ago, Sergio Astorino said:

Thanks for the advice.  I'm having a tough time copying.  I feel like I'm dying.  The worst part is that my systems are ok and really not present.  I just google everything I feel and hear and end result.....you are dying.  I see weight coming off and worry it may be something else.  I just need to vent sometimes and you are all amazing people to provide such great feedback and support.  Thank You

Hello Sergio, did you eat a lot of junk food before? sometimes we lose weight because now we have to think before we eat and plan ahead. I used to eat everything that was in front of me because I was always SOOOOOOO hungry. Going off beer made me drop not only a chin, but also a few inches off my waist.  

That said, please see your doctor to make sure you don't have other issues and stay on here to ask advice, the mental part is tough at first. Maybe stay off google for a while :) I find that "gluten dude" is not paranoid and has tons of info on his site and in his book.

I stopped reading about celiac disease before bed, it was giving me nightmares and stressing me out for no reason. Stress also makes you lose weight too.

Stay healthy and strong, try to find ways to relieve the stress that work for you.

All my best!

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Ennis-TX Grand Master

Vegan protein powders in shakes with nut butters, Stuff like HPN Powders for a good vitamin packed one without tons of added veggies/etc that you might have issues with. Pioneer Labs make a Celiac Meal replacement plant based you can down between meals. Other single proteins and almond butters can be added to baked goods like Pea protein (Growing naturals best flavor, but Naked Pea is the cheapest), pumpkin protein (Jarrow is cheapset), sacha inchi protein (taste like dosedo cookies Julian Bakery makes it as unflavored pegan protein). I can give you sources for most. -_- Most of my diet is plant based as I do not digest meats.
Protein bars like Julian Bakery Pegan are nice add in, protein cookies from nui, bhu, or know foods are good addins.
Califlour foods offers a plant based pizza crust, top with Miyoko vegan mozz,  bit of sauce and veggies for a nice high fat low carb vegan pizza
Find some grain free mixes for stuff and sub in flax eggs for eggs.\]
Protes makes Vegan protein chips that are grain free to add in protein, use with guacamole for OMG results or pair with vegan nacho cheese/queso.
Pamlea Creamery makes cashew cheese alfrado
Leaf Cuisines, and Tree line make vegan cheese spreads, Kite hill makes the most awesome vegan ricotta and truffle cheese.

Try adding nut butters, seed meals, avocado, coconut etc to you food and loading on the healthy fats
I love nut meal porridge with 2 scoops of plant based protein powders

BCAA also help maintain muscle mass and are sold as preworkouts to prevent muscle loss for body buiders and athletes, I just take a couple of pills of them form Jarrow.

I manage my UC with a high fat low carb diet, Ketogenic girl (She has vegan and dairy free cook books) does this for her UC. I also use a few supplements to soothe the gut.

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Eat fat!  

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Thank you very much for sharingOpen Original Shared Link

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ronaboat Rookie


I am confused. Have you started a gluten-free diet BEFORE taking your tests? Is that why you are losing weight? It’s my understanding you need to be eating exactly what you always eat (including the gluten) before they can accurately diagnose your condition. In my day it’s why I almost died during the final three weeks of waiting for my endoscopy because I was already so sick. The doctors told me nothing about gluten and I wouldn’t have had a clue anyway since it was 16 years ago. Have you been told to alter your diet before the colonoscopy and endoscopy? I also thought that the endoscopy was the determining one for celiac disease. Am I wrong about this? 

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ronaboat Rookie

Also, I actually gained weight when I began the gluten-free diet. I had stayed the same thin weight since high school probably because I wasn’t absorbing my nutrients etc and, since I became lactose intolerant, I suffered badly with constant diarrhea ...so when I started eating gluten-free bread and cookies and food that DIDN'T cause me cramps etc I gained about 10lbs and have never really been super thin again. Like 70% of Celiacs I was no longer lactose intolerant so no more diarrhea and  I can actually get a bit fat these days but if I’ve ingested Gluten accidentally I don’t feel hungry for a few days and I lose weight fast.  

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Ronaboat makes an excellent point.  Were you gluten free when you had the celiac blood test?  All celiac disease testing (even an endoscopy to obtain intestinal biopsies), requires you to be on a full gluten diet (6 to 12 weeks for the blood test and 2 to 4 for the endoscopy).  

Did you know that there are seronegative celiacs?  Did you get the full blood panel?  Not everyone gets a positive on the typical sceening TTG (like me).  

I understand you are a student.  If you need to postpone getting a diagnosis, I understand.  If you choose to go gluten free, make sure you are really gluten free.  Planning meals and snacks is key.  



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    • RMJ
      Celiac associations have some directories of physicians: National Celiac Association Pediatrics directory Celiac Disease Foundation searchable directory  
    • JForman
      Thanks so much. I will definitely look into this. 
    • JForman
      Thank for you such a lengthy response! She has been on gluten (eating whatever) for quite some time, and was when we did the scope after the first round of labs. Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit “crazy,” after so many doctors have been unable to find a root cause for her troubles. Your insight is helping me feel less so. I do have NCGS. Or I suppose it could be celiac. I’ve just never been tested. I realized a few years ago if I have gluten, I get a horrible rash on my scalp and my eyelids, get gassy, the like.  Wouldn’t it be important to determine if she does have celiac, to prevent cross contamination and prepare her for the future? I know taking her off gluten and living a gluten-free lifestyle without testing is an option, but wouldn’t it be best to know for sure if it’s celiac?  Is there any kind of directory I could access to find a celiac specialist? Our GI was fine, but when the scope was negative it felt like he threw all possibility of it being celiac out the window, not considering some of the basic things youve said here. And he’s the one who ordered the labs I reported above. We are cash pay in the US, so it may be that he was trying to save us money by not ordering it. Not sure.    Thanks again! 
    • Russ H
      For those in the UK wondering whether a diagnosis of coeliac disease alone makes one eligible for a 2024 Autumn COVID booster, it seems that yes, this does make one eligible. There is variability between GP surgeries in proactively calling people in for vaccination, but it is straightforward to use the NHS App to book a vaccination. If attending a pharmacy you might have to point out the information to the pharmacist. I have had no problem receiving vaccinations at nurse-led drop-in centres or GP surgeries but did have an awkward pharmacist on one occasion. According to the UK Health Security Agency, COVID vaccination is offered to (ignoring other qualifying criteria): UKHSA, Who’s eligible for the 2024 COVID-19 vaccine, or ‘Autumn Booster’? According to Table 3 of Chapter 14a of the Green Book, coeliac disease is a risk group: COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a Approximately 30% of people with coeliac disease are hyposplenic - it is more common in those diagnosed in adulthood than childhood.
    • Nicole Maree
      So need some guidance here was diagnosed now 4 months ago and have been going gluten-free.  But I must admit haven’t been strict with the dairy.  On some days I’m great and then days like today I’m on the toilet four times and severe nausea -  it seems I’m getting worse before better the more gluten-free I become.  I have anxiety around the toilet issue and obviously over think the worse.  I did start taking herbal supplements and minerals and a probiotic a few days ago wondering if this is contributing or if it’s the coffee or perhaps the alcoholic beverage I had yesterday?  Just need some reassurance 
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