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Ennis-TX Grand Master

Now I have 3 major things that are dangerous to me, Gluten, Corn, and Whey from dairy. I can deal with being around my other issues but these I can not.
Now keeping gluten out was pretty much eliminated awhile back after the burrito incident. IE I cater lunch every day and provide snacks to everyone.
BUT the sorry SOB keeps sneaking in corn syrup sodas or milk. I stopped going over there and helping my dad at his shop for fear of these. BUT I snapped yesterday and confronted him. I told him I would buy him cane sugar cokes and for him to stop risking my life bringing that s$#& in there and if he does it again I will have him sent home without pay. He flipped and started making excuses about drinking it for months and me not getting sick.....yeah I do not come over here. I told him the skin contact issue is just a rash, no big deal. BUT IF he opens one of those and it "sprits" and aerosols that corn syrup next to me and I inhale it then I get anaphylaxis. Then he starts up again, I shut him up by asking if he will pay the $1200-1500 for the ambulance ride when my throat swells up....then I go on to every detail of how you start getting the urge to swallow but can't then you have issues taking breath as it feels like your tongue is swelling up and going down your own throat. Your ability to take breath diminishes and gets harder. He then started offering to not drink anymore in the building and for me not to bother...I told him straight that was BS and he would give in and go drink them since he was addicted and he said yes.....so I bought him 2 cases for cane sugar soda and put in the fridge for him.....TIME will tell. 
Dear god between idiots like him and just finishing watching 12 seasons of SVU I am seriously losing hope in humanity. Don't even get me started on the inability to get people to donate to starting my food truck or helping when I was in need of medical services.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Can I assume that you keep an Epipen handy? Also, try to take it more easy on people who don't understand...especially if it's your dad. Acceptance of these issues is often a problem, even among close family members. This article we published in 2005 may be old, but still relevant:


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Ennis-TX Grand Master
42 minutes ago, Scott Adams said:

Can I assume that you keep an Epipen handy? Also, try to take it more easy on people who don't understand...especially if it's your dad. Acceptance of these issues is often a problem, even among close family members. This article we published in 2005 may be old, but still relevant:


Generic one I got for free, never had to use one.....all 4 reactions I have had before getting it I got through with liquid antihistamines and chewing pills. An odd method that requires a sound mind and control but doing so and letting it slowly work down my throat has opened it back up.  But I always keep shot bottles of liquid antihistamines and a pocket carrier with pills.  What really sucks is even after my throat feels weird, like hours of numb and pain and stays restricted.

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    • Scott Adams
      I don't have an air fryer, but found this: https://www.everydayfamilycooking.com/gluten-free-air-fryer-recipes/ 
    • glucel
      I had a triple bypass so do not eat cheese or butter but I use avocado oil freely. Do not eat potato chips etc every night anymore instead fruit and or bowl of cereal with nut milk. Diet is much cleaner now but qty remains the same. My diet seems nutritional enough and pretty much follows: breakfast- hard boiled egg, 1/2 oz beef liver, cereal: flax, milk thistle pumpkin seed and oatmeal mixed together Lunch/dinner-  meat, chicken or salmon with potato or rice or quinoa and veggies no oil sometimes salad with dressing. Bread if needed. supper- 3 slice bread peanut or cashew butter or 5 grain cereal with nut milk, or soup loaded with rice or whatever evening- fruit maybe potato chips or cookies when I just have to do it. Ordinarily try not to keep them in house. I put on a pound or so when potato chips are eaten for couple days. I use to eat much more fat but am more careful now after bypass so suppose that makes a difference. I think small intestine might have something to do with it but was looking for confirmation.
    • MINancy
      I've been trying to cook healthier for my diabetic husband and my gluten free self.  My dermatitis herpetiformis eats almost all gluten-free in our home. Does anyone have any good recipes for an airfryer??
    • MINancy
      tumeric has to be supplemented with a little black pepper for your body to metabolize it. It just takes a little bit.
    • cristiana
      I recall some statistic I heard some years back, that in powdered chocolate milk there were something like 25 different stages in the production process taking into account all the ingredients.  I can see that if this is true, the more stages there are the more chances there are for cross-contamination.  Eating whole foods helps minimise or totally eliminate this risk.  It took me several years for my tTG levels to return to normal, and looking back maybe processed food could have been part of the problem.  Definitely worth trying cooking from scratch.
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