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Looking for answers :(


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Kimberlee170 Newbie

Hello everyone,

First time posting on the forum as I'm now desperately seeking answers to my ill health over the last few months.

Around about November 2018, I started to lose all energy and have severe fatigue. My life had been busy and I had just opened my own business so I put it down to that. I'm a vegan as well, but have never had problems with energy before. I took myself to the docs in early january, where she said she would 'bet her house' that I was anemic before sending me for blood tests. 

The tests came back fine, I was a tiny little bit low on iron and my white blood cells were slightly off but she said nothing to be concerned about. She fobbed me off with iron tablets and told me I might be depressed.

A week later, I went back (I changed docs) and she said I looked unwell, did another blood test and my white blood cells were even more off. Apart from fatigue, i've missed a period, had a massive change in my bowels, mainly diarrhea or soft stools. Most noticeably I feel like I need to go straight after food. Not to be too graphic here, but my stools are really stinky the last few months (I mean, seriously WTF and to the point my partner has commented on it when using the bathroom afterwards) and they are ALWAYS floating and different colours (a light, pale brown mixed with darker brown) and they look like my body isn't absorbing my food properly. I've lost my appetite and I'm only eating when I feel I need to I guess. I keep waking up in the middle of the night, and the last week I've had tingling and numbness all over my body.

My sister is in the healthcare industry and she is pushing me to ask the docs about if it's celiac disease. I'm going back to my GP in two days for more tests.

Does anyone have any information or ideas?

Thank you so much for your time :) 

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Welcome, the only way to know for sure is to get tested:


Keep eating  gluten until all testing is complete!  

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Your symptoms do seem consistent:

So the hard part, at least with some doctors, is getting them to order the blood tests. If you have trouble with this imaware (a sponsor of this site) and other companies do offer inexpensive home test options.

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Kimberlee170 Newbie

Guys, thanks so much for taking time out of your day to reply to me. I'm going to ask my doc for the test, she's super and I'm sure she will go for it. This whole thing has sure taken it's toll on me both mentally and physically the last couple of months... to be honest, I don't care if I have it or not, I just want to know what's going on :(

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    • Scott Adams
      I don't have an air fryer, but found this: https://www.everydayfamilycooking.com/gluten-free-air-fryer-recipes/ 
    • glucel
      I had a triple bypass so do not eat cheese or butter but I use avocado oil freely. Do not eat potato chips etc every night anymore instead fruit and or bowl of cereal with nut milk. Diet is much cleaner now but qty remains the same. My diet seems nutritional enough and pretty much follows: breakfast- hard boiled egg, 1/2 oz beef liver, cereal: flax, milk thistle pumpkin seed and oatmeal mixed together Lunch/dinner-  meat, chicken or salmon with potato or rice or quinoa and veggies no oil sometimes salad with dressing. Bread if needed. supper- 3 slice bread peanut or cashew butter or 5 grain cereal with nut milk, or soup loaded with rice or whatever evening- fruit maybe potato chips or cookies when I just have to do it. Ordinarily try not to keep them in house. I put on a pound or so when potato chips are eaten for couple days. I use to eat much more fat but am more careful now after bypass so suppose that makes a difference. I think small intestine might have something to do with it but was looking for confirmation.
    • MINancy
      I've been trying to cook healthier for my diabetic husband and my gluten free self.  My dermatitis herpetiformis eats almost all gluten-free in our home. Does anyone have any good recipes for an airfryer??
    • MINancy
      tumeric has to be supplemented with a little black pepper for your body to metabolize it. It just takes a little bit.
    • cristiana
      I recall some statistic I heard some years back, that in powdered chocolate milk there were something like 25 different stages in the production process taking into account all the ingredients.  I can see that if this is true, the more stages there are the more chances there are for cross-contamination.  Eating whole foods helps minimise or totally eliminate this risk.  It took me several years for my tTG levels to return to normal, and looking back maybe processed food could have been part of the problem.  Definitely worth trying cooking from scratch.
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