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Why Are You Looking For Doctors?


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Rachel--24 Collaborator

One more thing.

A doctor told me once that she knew someone practicing within my HMO.....she said they were fired for seeing patients for more than 10 minutes.

I can believe this. They definately rush you in and out and are more than willing to whip out the perscription pad as if somehow that means they've done their job.

I think even if there *were* some good doctors out there they are unable to acheive anything with the kind of demands put upon them. If they are willing to work in the medical profession under those conditions then I have to believe they are only it for the money. If I were a doctor and my goal was to HELP people....I would not be satisfied with giving the kind of treatment that I've received as a patient.

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Guest nini

These personal attacks have GOT to stop. This is a SUPPORT board. We come here to vent, to cry, to laugh, to scream and to be supported in our everyday battle with this disease and the related topics that go along with it. We may not all agree with each others point of veiw, but please stop attacking each other for believing something other than you. We have it hard enough out there in the real world and need a safe place to vent our frustrations. We should be able to do that here without resorting to personal attacks just because we don't agree.

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Rachel--24 Collaborator
These personal attacks have GOT to stop. This is a SUPPORT board. We come here to vent, to cry, to laugh, to scream and to be supported in our everyday battle with this disease and the related topics that go along with it. We may not all agree with each others point of veiw, but please stop attacking each other for believing something other than you. We have it hard enough out there in the real world and need a safe place to vent our frustrations. We should be able to do that here without resorting to personal attacks just because we don't agree.

I agree,

People are going to be afraid to post if this continues. Whatever your view...you should not be judged, attacked, or belittled because it differs from others. This goes BOTH ways! I remember a thread about "whiners" awhile back....I think everyone was in agreement that we ALL have bad days and this is a place to share ALL experiences....good OR bad. While its ok to disagree....its NOT ok to insult or create a hostile environment because of your views.

I stand by my earlier post stating if you have a problem with the theme of the thread do NOT attack the poster....simply avoid the thread. I personally, dont get involved in topics that I'm not comfortable in.

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jerseyangel Proficient

I agree that the personal attacks on you are uncalled for. I had been following the whole thread, and still can not understand why. I appreciate a sense of humor and think we could use more of it--the subject matter is serious enough! A little levity dosen't diminish the seriousness of this disease. Not everyone is going to agree with everything that is posted here. When I feel strongly about something, I will post my opinion or experience. If I disagree, I let my post speak for itself--I don't think this is a place for personal attacks.

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mouse Enthusiast

I agree that the attacks on you are totally uncalled for. Each of us should be allowed to voice our opinion on any topic without the fear of retaliation. We do not have to agree at all times, but what we have to say should not be attacked. I thought this was a forum where we could get help, try to help and give our opinions. The anger towards other members on several of the topics is not necessary. We should be able to behave like adults and agree to disagree.

As far as the anger towards doctors. I have been there and decided that it was a waste of my energy and was doing me harm. I am very proactive in my medical care and if a doctor cannot accept that, then I find a new one - which is not easy in Arizona - finding a good one. :(

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Rachel--24 Collaborator

Ok...I've read all 6 pages of this thread and I feel that there are a handful of posts that were less than supportive. Its these "jabs" that led to yet *another* arguementive thread. Its like kids that poke each other back and forth a little harder each time but then when one kid gets punched....the crying begins.

I thought we were all adults. :(

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CeliacMe Rookie

Not this time


Now I am really confused...... :blink:

Was this directed at me? :huh:


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Celiac.com Sponsor (A8):
Celiac.com Sponsor (A8):

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I agree- I have had with this personal attacks as well. I was the subject of one a few days ago and it's not fun 9I was called a "whiner" "cry baby" "tattle-tale"). I have been on the board for about a year now and only recently have I felt things were getting "ugly". Everyone has a right to stating their opinion and everyone has a right to agree or disagree- BUT TO DO SO RESPECTFULLY. Calling people names will not earn you respect from anyone.

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CeliacMe Rookie

It is not for your to judge whether or not the "doctor bashing" is doing anybody any good. Trust me, I have been sick enough, if I want to make myself sicker by "being hateful" than that is my business and this is SUPPOSED to be a safe place for me or anybody else to do that.

This is an online support group for gluten free, celiacs and those who are trying gluten free diet due to being chronically ill and having no other answer.

If you do not like doctor bashing or you like doctors, read another thread. I find that cirticizing us for wanting to complain about or hate doctors, is definitely warranted.

Furthermore, if we feel a certain way and want to "single out" or "bash" doctors, or the medical profession or whoever else, this should be a place where we can do so. If you want to be supportive of that then, fine. If you would like to come on this thread and tell us that we are being unreasonable and "full of hate", than you are defying the purpose of this site.

Lastly, I find that those who have had "good" experiences with doctors are just lucky. They have no idea what we have been through and therefore, are not in a place to judge.

I started this thread because there were all positive doctor threads and none for "bashing" (there are usually many). If we want to come on here and complain or bash or whatver, don't read it.

PS as far as your common sense, you couldn't possibly have any. If you logically thought about Celiac and the FACT that the average Celiac suffers for 11 years, you'd know "doctor hating" or "doctor bashing" was the nature of the beast and move on. Also, it is comparing apples with oranges when you compare the Canadian medical system with that of America.


I really have no idea what I had said to have you unleash your fury upon me, perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else.

Your post starting with "You obviously are biased", quotes things that I have not even said. Maybe you feel resentment towards me because I am Canadian and our medical system differs vastly from yours? Well, I am not going to apologize for being Canadian. Either way, I am really tired of being everybody's whipping post. The following below was TOTALLY uncalled for, IMHO. I respectfully beg to differ, I do believe I have been blessed with common sense.

Also, many others gave opinions along the lines of "doctor bashing" is not going to do us any good, only harm, but as usual, I am the one singled out. Enough.

In fact, I don't know what hurts more, the continued personal attacks, or the fact that NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON piped in to say "Hey, that was uncalled for."

Either way, I am really tired of being everybody's whipping post. I'm going on vacation, at least until this message board doesn't have so much anger and bitterness on it anymore.



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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

I chose to delete this post-Judy

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CeliacMe Rookie

I'm sorry to hear about you and your mom too.

HOWEVER, we obviously deal with anger differently. I am perfectly calm right now and normal, but I don't hold things in. (My blood pressure is also extremely LOW).

I feel that this (talking about my anger, no matter how "mean" ) helps me to be objective in listening to others opinions, although I usually do not agree. Please note that I was in the mood to "vent my frustrations" (as another poster wrote), so I did so on a new thread.

I did not do this on a thread where people were saying how great their doctors are or looking for new ones(although my stomach churned as I read those). Believe me, I could have gone on their threads and because I did not agree, I could have written all kinds of nasty things about how I hate the doctors and started an "invasion". I DID NOT DO THAT BECAUSE - I feel that to do that would have undermined what the others had to say and interfered with the objective of their posts.

Many of us need to not hold things in, I believe that makes you sicker and many cannot let it go until they have dealt with it, whatever it may be. THAT IS WHY THIS PLACE("support group") IS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.

FURTHERMORE, I DO NOT "have to" let anything go. I could come on here for the next 10 years and start doctor hating threads. We could all come on here and hate doctors for the rest of our lives and refuse chemo or whatever else we want to do and still hate or blame the doctors or whoever else. This should be a "safe place" for us to do that. If you do not agree with the subjectmatter of the thread, start another, that's what I did!

I am so sorry Pamela that you have so much anger in you. I have seen far more doctor's over my life then you. But, you have to let it go. This horrible anger depletes you and can and will make you sicker.

My doctor could not apologize because it would have opened him up to a lawsuit. He treated me great after that and I knew that was his way of apologizing. And no he does not think he is God. His staff felt terrible that they did not listen to my complaints and they did apologize.

Five days before I was finally diagnosed, I had to call the EMT'S and they felt it was not a medical emergency and so they called an ambulance service that is the largest in the East Valley. There were two policeman there also. When the ambulance people came in, they had been briefed by the police. I have been transported by ambulance several times in the last few years that I lived in Illinois. With the sirens blasting and always ended up in intensive care. I knew the routine. This particular trip did not follow routine. The police and the EMT in the ambulance decided that I just wanted a free ride to the hospital. They did everything they could to try and demean me and expose me to ridicule. I had thin cotton pajamas on and they would not cover me with a blanket (in Jan), even though I asked. They took me out on the stretcher exposed in this way. She asked me why I was in the ambulance and when I tried to explain, she would interrupt. When I said that I had D that sent me 15 or more times to the bathroom, she scoffed. When we had left, the fire dept. EMT's had put all of my meds. in a garbage bag to take to the hospital. And boy were there a lot by that time in my life (now I am down to only a few). I was having a hard time breathing and she asked if I wanted my inhaler, and when I said yes, she said "get it yourself". She told the triage nurse that I was having an anxiety attack. So the triage nurse asked me no questions, just took her word for it. I never got a blanket until I was in the actual staging waiting area. She had also placed me in front of the outside doors and it took a half hour of me sitting there before I got that blanket. I never saw a doctor in the 4 hours I was there. By, the time I realized I was not going to be seen until the next day, I was bent over with tears running down by face. I was by this time all bones and the sling of the wheelchair was pressing on my bones to bring additional pain to me. They would not give me an ice cube because of my throwing up and the D. I signed myself out to go home to die. Because I was dying. I could not let this go - the treatment by the ambulance. I saw two lawyers and was told to let it go. My husband told me to let it go. I did not want a profit, but I did want her out of a job. You want to know something - I HAVE LET IT GO. I used to be able to raise my blood pressure sky high by thinking of it, but not anymore. Also I should point out, that the reason this affected me so much was that the year before I watched my Mother in severe dehydration, where she could not even talk, but follow us with her pleading eyes to do something. My dehydration and pain were minor compared to hers. I now have to live with the thought that my brother and I were several days slow to transfer her from the nursing home to an emergency room. She died in hospice two weeks later - out of pain.

Please let this go.


I started this thread because there were so many "good" doctor threads. There are usually very few. There are usually "doctor bashing" threads. Myself and I am sure many others, were in the mood to talk about it.

It upsets me when everyone has to come on here and belittle our feelings and what we have to say (we have been through that enough- at the hands of doctors). Karen was one of the first to come on here and do that. I feel that someone in the Canadian healthcare system does not know enough to comment accurately on what goes on in American healthcare. Furthermore, those who have had good experiences with doctors do not know enough about what we have been through to tell us not to "hate" or "bash" doctors. Even IF we were being unreasonable, it is how we feel, this is a "SUPPORT GROUP" you are not supposed to ridicule how people FEEL in a SUPPORT GROUP.

As for your "stop this thread" comment, why don't you stop coming on this thread!!?!?!

I don't go on your doctor loving and looking threads and make nasty comments about how you feel.

I am appalled, ashamed and furious at some of the vicious attacks posted here :ph34r:

I ck'd out the thread when it first went up and decided it was not going to be a positive one so went off and didn't go back on.

Pamela--fury like yours can also damage your health..

Why you chose to attack Karen from Canada is beyond me. She ---in my opinion-- if I'm intitled to have one-- has been so supportive of persons on this forum. You can disagree with her, but your venous spew reminds me of someone who has been taken off the forum...



If I was Karen, I'd go back into my shell and say 'to hell with wasting my time and compassion for people who do not deserve it'

I've had my share of 'horror medical experiences' but have chosen to put it behind me and look forward in a positive way. I hope some day that can happen for you Pamela



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Rachel--24 Collaborator

Why are people not understanding the purpose of this thread? :blink:

CeliacMe, Debmidge and others who have gone through much more than I've had to deal with at the hands of the doctors in this country....you have my deepest sympathy.

I consider myself a postive and helpful person. In NO way do I feel this thread is "spewing venemous hate"....I will continue to share my positive AND negative experiences on this forum because that is its purpose. The bashing has gotten out of hand.

If someone expresses anger about a negative dining experience or getting glutened at a relatives house or getting sick from a falsely labeled product....do we tell them to "put up or shut up"? It shouldnt be any different on this particular topic. If your experience was a more pleasant one...than as CeliacMe said....you are one of the LUCKY ones. Dont bash those here who've already been through enough trauma....if you cant offer support...dont post.

Its amazing to me that those who are offended by this topic keep coming onto this thread to incite more anger. Leave it alone and enjoy your day. Let those who would like to vent about their doctors do so in peace.


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CeliacMe Rookie


That 10 minutes (it's usually 15 minutes) is based on how much money the firm wants to make. They figure the insurance pays them so much for visit, they figure out how much that visit costs and deduct that amount. Let's say they get $150 per visit, the direct cost associated with the visit is $50. They now have a profit, or contribution margin of $100 per visit.

They then figure out how many visits they need to cover their salaries, insurance and other overhead costs. The number of visits they need gives them a figure of how long they can spend with a patient in order to make their quota. If the doctor wants a 300k salary, that number of visits goes up and since there are only so many hours in a day (god forbid they take less than a 2 hour lunch or close after 5), patient time goes down.

When I say "they" I mean the analyst the doctor hires, few doctors have enough sense to figure this out themselves.

One more thing.

A doctor told me once that she knew someone practicing within my HMO.....she said they were fired for seeing patients for more than 10 minutes.

I can believe this. They definately rush you in and out and are more than willing to whip out the perscription pad as if somehow that means they've done their job.

I think even if there *were* some good doctors out there they are unable to acheive anything with the kind of demands put upon them. If they are willing to work in the medical profession under those conditions then I have to believe they are only it for the money. If I were a doctor and my goal was to HELP people....I would not be satisfied with giving the kind of treatment that I've received as a patient.


Why are people not understanding the purpose of this thread? :blink:

CeliacMe, Debmidge and others who have gone through much more than I've had to deal with at the hands of the doctors in this country....you have my deepest sympathy.

I consider myself a postive and helpful person. In NO way do I feel this thread is "spewing venemous hate"....I will continue to share my positive AND negative experiences on this forum because that is its purpose. The bashing has gotten out of hand.

If someone expresses anger about a negative dining experience or getting glutened at a relatives house or getting sick from a falsely labeled product....do we tell them to "put up or shut up"? It shouldnt be any different on this particular topic. If your experience was a more pleasant one...than as CeliacMe said....you are one of the LUCKY ones. Dont bash those here who've already been through enough trauma....if you cant offer support...dont post.

Its amazing to me that those who are offended by this topic keep coming onto this thread to incite more anger. Leave it alone and enjoy your day. Let those who would like to vent about their doctors do so in peace.


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Canadian Karen Community Regular
I started this thread because there were so many "good" doctor threads. There are usually very few. There are usually "doctor bashing" threads. Myself and I am sure many others, were in the mood to talk about it.

It upsets me when everyone has to come on here and belittle our feelings and what we have to say (we have been through that enough- at the hands of doctors). Karen was one of the first to come on here and do that. I feel that someone in the Canadian healthcare system does not know enough to comment accurately on what goes on in American healthcare. Furthermore, those who have had good experiences with doctors do not know enough about what we have been through to tell us not to "hate" or "bash" doctors. Even IF we were being unreasonable, it is how we feel, this is a "SUPPORT GROUP" you are not supposed to ridicule how people FEEL in a SUPPORT GROUP.

As for your "stop this thread" comment, why don't you stop coming on this thread!!?!?!

I don't go on your doctor loving and looking threads and make nasty comments about how you feel.

It seems to me, and I went back and counted, that there were THREE other posters BEFORE ME who "went against the grain" of the post by not bashing doctors. Yet I once again was singled out.

You obviously have some assumption that up here in Canada, we are in Doctor Heaven or something. I have had my own personal hells, trust me. I find the fact that you are attacking someone who has now been officially diangosed as "refractory celiac sprue" and I can't absorb any nutrients if my life depended on it (and of course, it does), just because doctors up here in CANADA were just as slow to diagnose, I find that so incredibly ironic and I am just not going to continue to subject myself to this.

I can see absolutely nowhere in my posts where I was "belittling" your opinions, I share many of them, I just giving a different perspective, which I though was allowed on this message board, but I was mistaken.

That's why I'm outta here. I am beaten and bruised enough, thank you very much.


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MySuicidalTurtle Enthusiast

I suggest that everyone drop any conversation/topics not relating to the thread at hand. There are e-mails and PMs for any other topics- good or bad.

People who break board rules will be delt with in the proper ways, so, stay on topic, please. Thank you.

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CeliacMe Rookie

As for your malabsorption, I'm sorry to hear that. Obviously, all of us have our health problems and wouldn't be on here if we didn't.

BUT if you can't take the criticizm, than don't dish it out.

Because you absolutely did! (Also, please note that I said you were "one of the first", which means you are in a group with others). Here is what YOU said that promted me to target your comments above the others-

You said that by "doctor bashing" we were contributing to the problem in a healthcare system that we should be trying to fix. You also said that it reminds you of when the Canadian parliament thought it was okay to ridicule teachers and equated it with our "doctor bashing". If you don't believe me read your post again.

Again, teachers have little control over their environments and are not considered to be "professionals" and therefore are subject to ALL of the constraints of their work environment, whereas doctors in America have much control. Therefore, it is incorrect to equate the two scenarios.

If they (DOCTORS) cared that much they'd extend their hours and take shorter lunches. I know many lawyers, accountants and pharmacists in America who do not get to take lunch at all, let alone every day and for two hours. (BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY DO HERE IN AMERICA THE DOCTORS DO NOT WORK DURING THE HOURS OF 11 AND 1 AT ALL AND THEY DO NOT TAKE APOINTMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE HOURS OF 9 TO 11 AND 1 TO 4:30)

I did not say that you were in "doctor heaven" or imply it. It's common sense to think that it is very different system and that being sick is hard enough without having to deal with the bureaucracy of the HMOs that exist within the American healthcare system.

Many of us cannot see doctors at all who are not on our plan, and do not get to take certain tests or medications without having to go through "red tape". Also, I find it unfounded that a Canadian person knows how to "fix" our healthcare system when she has not existed as an ill person within it.

I didn't hate doctors until I went to them and was sick. I was treated like a hypochondriac, my family treated me like one because the doctor must be right, he's a doctor. Everyone paid little attention to me when I was sick, even though outsiders would comment that I "looked sick" or "looked like I didn't eat".

I also suffered various types of infections due to my low immune system, mainly sinus infections, one of which was resistant to antibiotics and I had to have my sinuses drained because I couldn't breathe, I was 4. I was told over and over and over again that the symptoms that I was suffering with were normal and that I was normal. My colon is also damaged and my GI told me to be on the lookout for colitis when I was 18.

I have had interrupt my college education because of being sick from this. I have missed exams because of this. I have also passed out when on vacation, at school, work and at home or with friends. I have had migrain headaches that lasted more than two weeks and looked like anurizms on the CT scan. I have missed out on life because of this. YET despite all of this everyone just thought I was making it up because the doctors all said it's "probably in her head" and that I was "fine". I have been AFRAID to go to the doctor while being so sick because I knew what they were going to say. Their ridicule has made me, and many others, sacrifice our own well being. For those of you who do not know, being sick and then being turned away and ridiculed by a physician is emotionally taxing. Far more taxing than just being sick, trust me.

If myself or any one else chooses hate doctors, its with good reason. If doctors give me a good reason to hate their guts, than its common sense to think that THEY are contributing to the problem, not me.

It seems to me, and I went back and counted, that there were THREE other posters BEFORE ME who "went against the grain" of the post by not bashing doctors. Yet I once again was singled out.

You obviously have some assumption that up here in Canada, we are in Doctor Heaven or something. I have had my own personal hells, trust me. I find the fact that you are attacking someone who has now been officially diangosed as "refractory celiac sprue" and I can't absorb any nutrients if my life depended on it (and of course, it does), just because doctors up here in CANADA were just as slow to diagnose, I find that so incredibly ironic and I am just not going to continue to subject myself to this.

I can see absolutely nowhere in my posts where I was "belittling" your opinions, I share many of them, I just giving a different perspective, which I though was allowed on this message board, but I was mistaken.

That's why I'm outta here. I am beaten and bruised enough, thank you very much.


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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

I chose to delete this myself-Judy

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lovegrov Collaborator

"If they (DOCTORS) cared that much they'd extend their hours and take shorter lunches. I know many lawyers, accountants and pharmacists in America who do not get to take lunch at all, let alone every day and for two hours. (BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY DO HERE IN AMERICA THE DOCTORS DO NOT WORK DURING THE HOURS OF 11 AND 1 AT ALL AND THEY DO NOT TAKE APOINTMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE HOURS OF 9 TO 11 AND 1 TO 4:30)"

You need to look for a new doctor. Mine is in by 8:30 (after doing rounds at the hospital) and only very, very rarely leaves the office for lunch. Usually he just grabs something in the office. His last patient is 4:45, but he also works Saturdays on a rotating basis.

He's not a saint by any means and I have my share of doctor complaints, but I don't know of any doctors here who work just 5-6 hours a day.


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debmidge Rising Star

I had an opportunity yesterday to discuss celiac

with one of my customers who casually told me she was going to gastro for a liver problem, but described symptoms her mother had which could be celiac.

I gave her the usual run down of what common symptoms are, and told her about how sometimes the only symptom is neurological.

She said that she was going to get her mother tested for celiac because her mom has had the classic symptoms (Diarrhea, bloating, gas, weight loss, anemia) for years and no doctor so far has helped make her feel better, she just keeps getting worse.

I recommended my husband's current gastro who diagnosed him in 2003.

I feel a sense of duty to share this with people who are ill who are going from doctor to doctor for answers.

Perhaps I helped her get the right answers.

I never want anyone to go through what we went through. Open and honest discussion is what I advocate.

And I tell people who are going through this that if their doctor hasn't tested them for celiac disease they should have them do so.

Without my husband's story, there would be no way for these unfortunate people to know that they too could be misdiagnosed all this time too. How would they then know that others went unsuccessfully from doctor to doctor for scores of years if we don't talk about it?

If anything, it's a public service to be upfront and honest. My first duty (after my husband) , I feel, is to help those others and not to stop talking about our experience just to placate those on the message board who feel somehow it's wrong to criticize doctors.

(And as I recall, my husband's current gastro made a face himself when we told him about that particular medical group that mis-handled this case horribly in 1994).

Many of us, and I am sure I speak for those who have gone through a lot of doctors and were misdiagnosed, do speak about celiac to others, but do retain the right to have gripes about how they were treated, or mis-treated, by doctors.

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Rachel--24 Collaborator
If they (DOCTORS) cared that much they'd extend their hours and take shorter lunches. I know many lawyers, accountants and pharmacists in America who do not get to take lunch at all, let alone every day and for two hours. (BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY DO HERE IN AMERICA THE DOCTORS DO NOT WORK DURING THE HOURS OF 11 AND 1 AT ALL AND THEY DO NOT TAKE APOINTMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE HOURS OF 9 TO 11 AND 1 TO 4:30)

Hmmm...maybe we were in the same HMO? <_<

My doctor would just flat out ignore me because I kept coming back and he apparantly didnt know what to do for me so he just IGNORED me. Once I waited in the exam room for OVER an hour. I was freezing and not feeling well. I started to feel that he was just skipping over me and seeing other patients instead. I left the room and inquired as to why I'd been left for so long. The nurse was shocked that he hadnt gone in to see me. He was WELL aware I was in the room. I was angry and asked if he was seeing patients scheduled AFTER me....that was EXACTLY what he was doing. I complained to the nurse about how bad I'd been treated the entire time I'd been sick. She said it wasnt right and she'd have her boss call me at home. She assured me that the boss would NOT treat me in the same manner. Well guess what....I never got a phone call....nor did I expect one because by that time I'd already been dealing with the same stuff for more than 2 years.

The rule at my HMO was that the doctor would return patients phone calls on the same day. Not for me....I usually had to call everyday and they'd tell me the message was still on the doctors computer and they couldnt understand why he hadnt returned my call...then they'd tell me to come in if I want to speak to him. I'd have to schedule an appt and waste more money just to ask the doctor a simple question or get a perscription refill. THEN they would say..."You didnt need to schedule an appt. for that...next time just call." :blink:

I could go on and on about the treatment I received....I would have never imagined in a million years that a sick person would be treated that way by a DOCTOR....of all people.

I was stuck in my HMO because I was out on disabilty, could not change plans except for a certain time of year and couldnt afford to pay out of pocket for another doctor. I was worried if I left my HMO my disabilty would end....the only thing they were good at was keeping me off work. If I had been forced to return to work at that time I would not have made it.

I diagnosed myself in August, returned to work in Sept. and left my HMO In November. My new plan went into effect the first of the year and I'm now seeing a non-traditional doctor. I got a new "regular" doctor yesterday under my new plan. All shes good for is treating the basics. I got a "pap", she checked my ears and throat and wasnt in the least bit concerned about all my problems. Thank God I have a doctor who DOES care now. Thank God I know not to expect anything from these traditional doctors. I have no expectations and I dont have that let down feeling anymore because I know the way the system works here.....its not in favor of the patient who's sick.

For over 2 years I felt soooo much hope everytime I was scheduled with a new doc....I had faith in the medical system still and truelly felt EACH and EVERY time that this would be the time someone would listen. NEVER happened. I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into hopelessness and frusteration. I became suicidal. I blame the doctors for this. I would try to stay upbeat but everytime I left an appt. I would be in tears. My symptoms always worsened after a doctors appt....my body could not handle the stress they would cause me. I was better off NOT seeing any doctors. It got to the point I felt they were kicking me when I was already down. Is this the way doctors are suppossed to treat sick people....with insults and indifference? I dont think that this will ever be erased from my memory. Prior to this illness I would have never imagined the problems within our medical system. I was very naive.

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CeliacMe Rookie

Unfortunately, HMOs don't regulate lunch hours (not to my knowlege at least). We can thank the Drug Reps for that. They wine and dine those A-holes from 11 to 1. As for your doctor, he's a obviously a dummy. I've been there too (in the waiting room for over an hour). Except I was throwing up and hadn't eaten in almost 3 days and decided not to go to the ER because of expense, I was holding down fluid and I'm always sick, so I guess I was jaded.

Does anyone know what the antigliadin (sp?) level should be? Mine was a 20 before I went gluten-free, is that high?

ps sadly, it's safe to assume your doctor is an idiot that way we don't get our hopes up.

Hmmm...maybe we were in the same HMO? <_<

My doctor would just flat out ignore me because I kept coming back and he apparantly didnt know what to do for me so he just IGNORED me. Once I waited in the exam room for OVER an hour. I was freezing and not feeling well. I started to feel that he was just skipping over me and seeing other patients instead. I left the room and inquired as to why I'd been left for so long. The nurse was shocked that he hadnt gone in to see me. He was WELL aware I was in the room. I was angry and asked if he was seeing patients scheduled AFTER me....that was EXACTLY what he was doing. I complained to the nurse about how bad I'd been treated the entire time I'd been sick. She said it wasnt right and she'd have her boss call me at home. She assured me that the boss would NOT treat me in the same manner. Well guess what....I never got a phone call....nor did I expect one because by that time I'd already been dealing with the same stuff for more than 2 years.

The rule at my HMO was that the doctor would return patients phone calls on the same day. Not for me....I usually had to call everyday and they'd tell me the message was still on the doctors computer and they couldnt understand why he hadnt returned my call...then they'd tell me to come in if I want to speak to him. I'd have to schedule an appt and waste more money just to ask the doctor a simple question or get a perscription refill. THEN they would say..."You didnt need to schedule an appt. for that...next time just call." :blink:

I could go on and on about the treatment I received....I would have never imagined in a million years that a sick person would be treated that way by a DOCTOR....of all people.

I was stuck in my HMO because I was out on disabilty, could not change plans except for a certain time of year and couldnt afford to pay out of pocket for another doctor. I was worried if I left my HMO my disabilty would end....the only thing they were good at was keeping me off work. If I had been forced to return to work at that time I would not have made it.

I diagnosed myself in August, returned to work in Sept. and left my HMO In November. My new plan went into effect the first of the year and I'm now seeing a non-traditional doctor. I got a new "regular" doctor yesterday under my new plan. All shes good for is treating the basics. I got a "pap", she checked my ears and throat and wasnt in the least bit concerned about all my problems. Thank God I have a doctor who DOES care now. Thank God I know not to expect anything from these traditional doctors. I have no expectations and I dont have that let down feeling anymore because I know the way the system works here.....its not in favor of the patient who's sick.

For over 2 years I felt soooo much hope everytime I was scheduled with a new doc....I had faith in the medical system still and truelly felt EACH and EVERY time that this would be the time someone would listen. NEVER happened. I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into hopelessness and frusteration. I became suicidal. I blame the doctors for this. I would try to stay upbeat but everytime I left an appt. I would be in tears. My symptoms always worsened after a doctors appt....my body could not handle the stress they would cause me. I was better off NOT seeing any doctors. It got to the point I felt they were kicking me when I was already down. Is this the way doctors are suppossed to treat sick people....with insults and indifference? I dont think that this will ever be erased from my memory. Prior to this illness I would have never imagined the problems within our medical system. I was very naive.

I self dx'd myself last year somtime, before knowing about Celiac though. My doctor asked what was wrong with me when I told her I throw up all the time, but thought I had food poisoning. I told her that I must have "weird throw up disease with a side of IBS" because nobody can figure out anything else or cares to listen to me. When she asked why I didn't go to the ER since I hadn't eaten in almost 3 days, I told her because I hate doctors. haha

It's weird, I don't blame them about not knowing about Celiac, I blame them for being such jerks. Even if they would acknowledge that having "weird throw up with a side of IBS" isn't normal, and admit they are human and there is no explanation so far for my abnormal symptoms, than I'd be somewhat cordial to the profession.

As far as them not knowing, last time I checked the estimated Celiac statistics are a lot higher than the estimated HIV stats, yet the doctors know about that. Also, allergies are on the rise according to lab reports, they are starting to do studys about preservatives. How long do you think it'll be before they figure out its things like Gluten and Casein? We should start a pool. Since the doctors aren't the brightest crayons, I'll give them 7 years.

Trust me, I've been looking. My sister is a scum drug rep and almost every doctor's office in Broward County, FL operates under those hours, not just the ones that I have been to. Finding a doctor that operates outside of those hours is like a needle in a haystack. Perhaps you go to a specialist that actually works?

I'm sick of "Finding a new doctor". So I'll just hate them all.

"If they (DOCTORS) cared that much they'd extend their hours and take shorter lunches. I know many lawyers, accountants and pharmacists in America who do not get to take lunch at all, let alone every day and for two hours. (BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY DO HERE IN AMERICA THE DOCTORS DO NOT WORK DURING THE HOURS OF 11 AND 1 AT ALL AND THEY DO NOT TAKE APOINTMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE HOURS OF 9 TO 11 AND 1 TO 4:30)"

You need to look for a new doctor. Mine is in by 8:30 (after doing rounds at the hospital) and only very, very rarely leaves the office for lunch. Usually he just grabs something in the office. His last patient is 4:45, but he also works Saturdays on a rotating basis.

He's not a saint by any means and I have my share of doctor complaints, but I don't know of any doctors here who work just 5-6 hours a day.


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Guest nini

I have a t-shirt that says "you're not the brightest crayon in the box, are you???" I love it... I should wear it to my next Dr. appt.!

I spent many long hours in a exam room waiting to be seen while I was projectile vomiting IN THE SINK in the exam room and having to leave the room every five minutes to go the the bathroom with diarrhea and the Dr. ignored me for over an hour... Every time I got like that though, rather than sit at home and be miserable I figured if I kept showing up at my Dr.s office like that eventually they would take me seriously.

Eventually they did finally refer me to the Dr. that correctly dx'ed me. But I think only because I kept going in when I was very ill and forcing them to deal with me and not keep ignoring me. I'm sure they got sick of seeing me. But eventually they started ordering more tests, eventually they realized the problem was outside their scope of practice and sent me to a specialist.

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Rachel--24 Collaborator
It's weird, I don't blame them about not knowing about Celiac, I blame them for being such jerks.

Exactly how I feel. I'm not angry about not being diagnosed...I'm angry at the way I was treated. No human being who is sick should be treated in that manner. It was humiliating and infuriating to be told over and over my problems arent "real".

I have a t-shirt that says "you're not the brightest crayon in the box, are you???" I love it... I should wear it to my next Dr. appt.!


I want that t-shirt!!!

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Guest nini

I would be so rich if I had a nickle for every time a Dr. told me it was all in my head and I just needed to see a shrink...

love it. Each time I went to the shrink they determined within the first 10 minutes of talking with me that it was NOT in my head and I did not have psychological problems, but very real physical problems that the medical dr.s needed to figure out. I got the response from the shrink "why are you here?"


I want that t-shirt!!!

I got it at Dollar General!

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CeliacMe Rookie

HUMILIATING is a PERFECT word to describe how they made us feel!

Did you see cornholio's comment about the BRIGHTEST CRAYON SHIRT! That would be a reason to go to the dr! lol!

Does anyone know about the gliadin levels!??!?

Exactly how I feel. I'm not angry about not being diagnosed...I'm angry at the way I was treated. No human being who is sick should be treated in that manner. It was humiliating and infuriating to be told over and over my problems arent "real".


I want that t-shirt!!!

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    • glucel
      hi @knitty kitty I knew there had to be somebody else that liked liver. Hearing of your weight loss/recovery and seeing another half pound gain this morning helps relieve some of the anxieties associated with celiac disease. I never thought that I would get excited about weight gain.  I am going to add a 100 g thiamine tablet at noon time and will add the Benfotiamine for a few months.  
    • cristiana
      @trents  @Vickey Matteson   Trents makes a very interesting point.  I did not have gastric symptoms initially but about six months before my diagnosis I had very odd liver function test results, iron deficiency and anxiety.  I developed gastric symptoms just prior to my diagnosis - I honestly think that if I hadn't, my doctors would still be wondering what was causing those other issues.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Vickey Matteson! What you describe is actually very common in the celiac community. We call it "silent celiac disease". Silent in the sense of not causing significant discomfort or distress. After diagnosis, many silent celiacs look back and realize they did have some symptoms but they were so minor as to not grab their attention or they were symptoms of a nature that they would not have connected with celiac disease. Given enough time, and as damage to the small bowel villous lining progresses, symptoms will eventually appear. Who knows how long before your diagnosis the onset of your celiac disease occurred. The time between onset and diagnosis may have been many years or only a few. You were born with the genetic potential for developing celiac disease but that doesn't mean you had it from birth. Almost 40% of the population has the genetic potential to develop celiac disease but only about 1% actually develop it. It takes both the genetic potential and some kind of triggering environmental or health event that turns the genes on, such as a viral infection or frequent antibiotic treatments.  So, since you say you can eat gluten and not have a reaction and you have no symptoms, how is it that you got diagnosed with celiac disease? What led to that? There must have been some lab work or health issues that prompted your physician to test you for celiac disease. There are over 200 known symptoms associated with celiac disease and most of them have nothing to do with GI distress. Most people (and unfortunately, many physicians) only think of classic GI symptoms when considering celiac disease. What led to your being tested for celiac disease?
    • Vickey Matteson
      Hi all, I've been diagnosed Celiac. I don't have symptom's if I eat gluten and the doctor's don't know why. Has anyone heard of this happening?  I am on a gluten free diet because of the diagnosis but it doesn't make any sense if I don't have symptom's. I was diagnosed when I was 60, I am now 70, so what happened my first 60 ? Any thoughts? Thanks, Vickey
    • cristiana
      Good point, they should never have cut this from the syllabus.  
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