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medical tape


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cgraceride Newbie

I had to get stitches Tuesday night on my arm and the Dr put strips of tape over the stitches. My stomach is swollen and I feel the same as if I had ingested gluten. It is a really bad laceration so I don't wan to try and pull the tape off for fear of ripping my stitches. Any advice?

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Did they give you any other medication to take orally? My thought is that the stomach issues might be associated with something you ate, rather than the tape used to cover the wound. I would advise you against taking it off unless you consult with your doctor first, as it's probably there to prevent infection.

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Did the doctor give you an antibiotic? 

I have Type Four Hypersensitivity to Sulfites.  Antibiotics often contain Sulfites or sulfite preservatives.  I have gotten gastrointestinal symptoms when I was given sulfur based drugs.  You may want to discuss this possibility with your doctor.

Hope this helps!

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Awol cast iron stomach Experienced

In the 2008 I had delayed hypersensitivity to band aids and adhesives. I was concerned I was reacting to adhesives and other compounds. It was 8 years before my gluten issues were tested for.

It was a time my immune system was on high alert and reacting to everything. I called an allergist to ask for testing they missed my gluten intolerance, despite my prior inquiry they did not have testing for adhesives and manufacturing compounds,( as they initially conveyed) but determined I was not allergic to latex. They tested me for environmental allergens only and latex. Regardless I had delayed hypersensitivity IV to bandages on my skin.

I assume your gluten intolerance is diagnosed and under control ? Do you have any other allergens going rogue? I still don't know what I reacted to back then. No one confirmed. I over the years have issues with corn and it's possible corn dervatives or another component of adhesives or manufacturing upset my immune system. 

I do know when I got cc in 2016 and ended up undergoing my gluten challenge and food intolerance testing my immune system went rogue again. I'm not IgE allergic to latex or avocado by testing , but oddly enough when my immune system is rogue my body thinks avocados taste like latex to me . A nurse in the past who rolled her eyes about my latex issues dismissed my concerns. I am happy to report most medical people  themselves now wear nitrile so I am happy regardless.

The immune system in my opinion gets keyed up and makes some acute chemical surveillance associations. For me I worked in labs when younger, and I had bad gi issues then ( likely my gluten intolerance). In the past latex gloves often had gluten or corn based powder linings. My personal theory is my immune system remembers those times of high alert from undiagnosed gluten intolerance  and remains vigilant for those associations and protections.

I hope it settles down for you. It may not be as simple as the bandage or tape itself. I found in the past most allergists don't have the proper reliable testing . Most will tell you it's not IgE mediated so they prefer you to find a bandage or tape you can use then go without.

My hope is in general your immune system will settle down and you will have comfort. At the minimum I hope your medical team note your reaction even if ruled out as not IgE mediated. There is still much scientist s and the medical community doesn't know about the immune system.

Good luck 




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    • Wheatwacked
      So the BRAT Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast (hopefully gluten-free) is very high carbohydrate.  High Carbohydrate Malnutrition is real.  Carbohydrates need increase the amount of Thiamine you need, so thiamine is high on the list of supplements that will help the most right now.  For general pain and gut issues Alka Seltzer Original. You could try Willow Bark Tea.  It is where they got the idea for aspirin. Active ingredient is salicyic acid which used to be called vitamin B11. Plain Boiled Chicken. Chicken soup with celery and carrots. In general try to avoid any processed gluten free foods.  They add stuff to make it gluten like and many react to the additives. For energy choose sugar and avoid high fructose corn syrup.  The enzyme sucrase, produced by the small intestine lining, breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose.  The glucose and fructose are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the mitochondria where glucose is turned into ATP energy. Brown sugar has molasses, which is antiinflammatory.  I drink lots of Red Bull  and lemonade (made with sugar, not HFCF, for my daytime energy, then eat proteins, fats and other simple carbs in the evening. Taurine is an essential antioxidant like vitamin C. Probiotics like bifidobacterium from yogourt and lactobacillis from fermented pickles and other fermented foods ( not quickpickled made with vinegar.)  Two brands I know of are Batampte and Bubsies. Choline helps with fat digestion. Eggs and meat if you tolerate them, phosphatidyl capsules if you don't.
    • trents
      Newer "gluten challenge" guidelines call for 4-6 slices of bread (or the gluten equivalent) daily for at least 2 weeks before the antibody testing blood draw or the endoscopy with/biopsy. But I would give it longer than two weeks to be sure you get a valid testing experience, at least four weeks. So, if you ever want to get tested again for a formal diagnosis, keep that in mind. And many people find that their reactions are much stronger to gluten once they have been off of it for a significant amount of time. Here is a primer to help you get off to a good start on the gluten free diet:   
    • AmandaA
      Scott, I can’t recall, but I don’t think I was eating that much bread each day, so it may have been the case I didn’t have enough in my system? Thank you for the links, I will explore.    And ‘Trents’ that’s what I’m planning to do. This week is my first week fully gluten free and I am realizing that with the ‘May contain wheat’ warnings, my pantry is needing an entire makeover. Oof. I hate to do it just to have nothing improve, but I’m hoping it is the answer with everything else showing negative, and hoping the issues I’ve been having with nerves, vision, muscles, and such being caused by nutrient deficiencies. 
    • Scott Adams
      How much gluten were you eating on a daily basis before your blood and biopsy tests for celiac disease were done? It's recommended to eat lots of gluten, at least two slices of wheat bread per day for 6-8 weeks before getting tested, otherwise results could be false negative. You can still have celiac disease with negative blood test results, although it's not very common:  Clinical and genetic profile of patients with seronegative coeliac disease: the natural history and response to gluten-free diet: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5606118/  Seronegative Celiac Disease - A Challenging Case: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9441776/  Enteropathies with villous atrophy but negative coeliac serology in adults: current issues: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34764141/   
    • Julianne101
      I have been gluten intolerant for years and stayed on a strict gluten free diet.  I did not, however, worry too much about contamination since my reaction was not severe...mostly bloating, gas, and constipation.  About a year ago I entered peri-menopause and was dealing with difficult symptoms (hot flashes, joint pain, insomnia, etc).  A friend recommended a probiotic/herbal supplement called Provitalize that helped her immensely.  So, I tried it and within 24-48 hours had severe diarrhea.  Strangely, althought I stopped taking it, the diarrhea lasted on and off for 3 months!  I thought I had a parasite or something, but all parasite and other GI tests came back negative.  So I assumed my gluten sensitivity must have developed into full-blown Celiac Disease...  Has anyone else used Provitalize and had a bad reaction to it?
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