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Low Blood Pressure


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covsooze Enthusiast

I've always had low blood pressure but go through patches when it seems to be worse and I end up feeling light headed and seeing stars all the time. It seems to be worse when i'm really tired.

Am I right in thinking there's a link with celiac disease? Is there a link with anemia? (I am anemic and need my levels rechecking)

Today, it snowed (yay!!) so I built a snowman with DS and all that bending down to roll the snow got me feeling very strange.

Is there anything I can do apart from not bending down or getting up too quickly?

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Lollie Enthusiast

I tend to have pretty low blood pressure, I try not to get up too quickly and stuff like that. Do you have hypoglycemia? Sometimes I get the light headedness and seeing stars if my blood sugar is too low. Just a thought. We had a posting earlier this week about the hypoglycemia link.

I know that as one of the tendencies for Celiac, is to have low blood pressure, and really good or low levels on your cholesteral- I think it has something to do with the malabsorbtion......

Sorry I'm not much help! I'm pretty knew to all of this......but it seems like celiac is the culprit for alot of other ailments! :rolleyes:


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jerseyangel Proficient

Susie--Me again :D --I have read that low blood pressure is associated with Celiac--although I have the opposite problem. I would suggest that you have your blood tested for Anemia. I was severly anemic--my red blood cell count went from 12 to 8.5 in two months time. I was lightheaded a lot--and actually fainted a couple of times. I was also more tired than usual and very pale. I don't know how long you've been gluten-free, but after 6 months on the diet, my count went up to 14.5!

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covsooze Enthusiast

That's what happened with my blood count too. I've not ben v good at taking my iron recently though, as it irritates my stomach so much. I need to go back to the doc to get checked out.

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jerseyangel Proficient

The iron suppliments were very hard on me too, and I couldn't stand taking them. I actually just took a Centrum (it has MDR of iron) instead--the gluten-free diet worked wonders for my anemia. I noticed that you've been gluten-free just a short time--hopefully after a few months you will get similar results :) Still a good idea to get checked out, though.

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jaten Enthusiast
I know that as one of the tendencies for Celiac, is to have low blood pressure, and really good or low levels on your cholesteral- I think it has something to do with the malabsorbtion......

WOW Y'all are good!!! You just explained another one (or two)!! Have struggled with low blood pressure most of my life. Normal for me has been 104/68, and not unusual for numbers to dip into the 90's over the 50's. At these times I'd always get very weak and dizzy (of course) and nothing to do but lie down.

AND despite not the healthiest of eating habits my cholesterol was always phenomenally great.

Now that I think about it, I haven't had those really low bp problems since gluten-free!!! Oh my gosh...y'all are good. Two thumbs up!

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GC1 Rookie

It's been normal for me... the worst was noted during a doctor visit when I was a kid; 80/40--at which point my poor mom almost fainted when told this was low, but not unexpected in children with asthma. I now know it had far less to do with asthma, and much more to do with Celiac. Never understood why I was so skinny, 'cause I ate fairly good as I got older... and I missed my teenage "growing phase", being as big at 10 yrs old as I am now. The Celiac really robs your body of the nutrition to function and grow as 'normal' people do..... About a year ago, during having a tooth pulled, my blood presure was actually on the high side... likely from storing too much glucose/fat, but it's now returning to normal after being gluten-free 6 months.

BTW... being dizzy/light headed was normal as a skinny kid, and as an over-weight adult.


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      @Rogol72 Not yet, I'm pretty happy with for the moment with this one. I guess it's working because I do feel better.
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    • knitty kitty
      I take Niacin Vitamin B 3 for my Dermatitis Herpetiformis outbreaks.  I take the form of Niacin that causes flushing.  The flushing only lasts for half an hour or so and lessens the longer one takes Niacin.  The flushing is caused by a dilation of small blood vessels in the skin, but this helps reduce the dermatitis herpetiformis bumps.   B12 is only one of the Eight B vitamins.  Everyone needs all eight.  The Eight B vitamins work together.  The one we can run short on the quickest is Thiamine B1.  Thiamine stores can be depleted in as little as three weeks to three days.  Thiamine interacts with each and every other B vitamin.  Just taking B12 can cause a deficiency in Folate B 9 because they work together.  Thiamine and Niacin work together.  Thiamine and Pyridoxine B6 make life sustaining enzymes.  Thiamine and Riboflavin B2 make other life sustaining enzymes.  Please supplement all eight B vitamins.  And Vitamin D which lowers inflammation.  And magnesium.   I found the Autoimmune Protocol Diet, a low histamine Paleo diet, most helpful in recovery.  No processed foods, no dairy, no grains, no nightshades, no legumes.  Strict, yes, but very helpful in healing.  After a few weeks, add back in other foods, checking for reactions.
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