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TCA Contributor

I just had to post and say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you, my kids are now gaining weight. We went to the ped. GI today. My son had gained a pound since Dec., the first he's gained in over 9 mos!!!! What's more amazing is that my daughter gained 4 oz. in one week!!!!! This may not sound like much, but with her heart condition and celiac, she just crossed the 13 lb. mark and she's 10 mos. She had gained less than 4 oz. in the last 2.5 mos. What did it? I read on here how lotions, soaps, etc. could contain gluten. Last weekend I had a massive cleaning out and bam, she started gaining. Of course, the doctor had no idea that these things could make a difference, but I explained it all to him and he's sold. Maybe you helped other kids too! I'm so excited! We've worked and worried so much, now she's doing better. Praise the Good Lord for all of you!


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Guest nini

That is SOOOOO awesome! I remember what it felt like when my daughter finally started to put on weight!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!! I'm doing the happy dance for you!

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elfkin Contributor


My son had a big weight gain too!!! I was so excited! We had to take him in for a virus last week with a temp. of over 103*. When we got home I was calling the family to let them know how he was doing. It was sort of funny, because I was like, "He has a virus, he'll be fine soon." (In a rushed and hurried way) and then, "Guess what? He gained 2 pounds!!!!!!" I was way more excited about the weight gain than anything else! A virus will pass, but weight gain of two whole pounds! Now, that is worth celebrating! He hadn't been weighed in several months at the office, so I couldn't tell very much except that he looked better to me!

I am so glad that both of yours had such an amazing difference! WoooHooo! I am celebrating for you! :lol :D:P:lol:

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Guest Robbin
:):P I am so excited for you all!! I know how great it is to actually see your kids THRIVING!! God Bless!!
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jerseyangel Proficient

So very happy to hear your kids are doing well :)

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KayJay Enthusiast

That is so great! I hope they continue to do so! :D

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Dietcokehead Rookie

Awesome!!! It was so exciting for us when our little boy started to GROW!! It was like a miracle, we kept marking his progress on teh back of a closet door to keep track. He gained weight too and every pound made me so happy. I made sure to keep taking pics to document, so I wouldnt ever forget how sick he was and how much the gluten-free diet changed his life.

Congrats on the pounds!! :)

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chasesparents Rookie

Congrats to you, :D it brings back memories of my joy when my son gained weight too !!!! Only people in this message board could really appreciate and understand your excitement. That's what makes this place so great and supportive !!!!

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prinsessa Contributor

That is great news! I hope my son will start gaining weight once we start on the diet.

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    • TraceyG
      I would love some opinions. My Tis.Transglut.Ab IgA results were 29.9, with the normal range being 0-14.9.  My PCP said I have celiac disease, based on these results. I asked for a referral to GI, but they can't get me in for 6-9 months! I think I will start gluten-free now, and begin eating gluten again for at least 1 month prior to the biopsy. I know the GI biopsy is the gold standard, but is it reasonable for my PCP to diagnose celiac with just the blood results? I do not have classic celiac symptoms, but have struggled with some mystery peripheral neuropathy and joint pain for years now. Looking at symptoms, I have suspicion for family history of undiagnosed celiac (mom with lactose intolerance, aunts with sjogren's and non-hodgkin lymphoma). I am 39. I don't think I will be someone who can easily and quickly tell the difference in my body from not eating gluten (or getting glutened once gluten-free), so I feel that gluten-free trials will be tricky. If it's relevant, I surely consume smaller amounts of gluten and occasional bread, but my diet is vegan and fairly free of gluten (maybe why bloodwork numbers weren't higher?)  
    • Ltllizzie
      Please do not consume this if you have celiac disease. One of the ingredients is barley.     
    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
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