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Swollen Face


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gointribal Enthusiast

I was just wondering if its just me or has anyone ever had their body swell (besides stomach) because of gluten? I think I was glutened last night but I don't have any other symtoms besides the fact that the left side of my face is swollen. Any ideas? :o

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Guest nini

are you possibly allergic to something else?

I mean, yeah, it's possible it could be from gluten, stranger things have happened.

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francelajoie Explorer

Did you eat nuts, peanuts, unusual fruit, or anything different from what you usually eat?

I get a swollen face from eating pineapple...I'm allergic to the peel.

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Guest Robbin

I get swollen hands and face, especially cheeks and around the eyes. I thought I was just weird, though maybe it is an allergy, too. Even when the D was so bad, I would have a swollen face. I'm still pretty new at this and keep getting gluten accidently. Caramel color seems to be a big one for me. Take care :)

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jerseyangel Proficient

When I have a gluten reaction, I get a little puffy, like I'm retaining water. In my case, it's all over, especially in my face and hands. My neurpoathy also gets worse and that involves the left side of my face. Do you feel any numbness or tingling in your face?

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gointribal Enthusiast

Carmel color, that might have been it. Thats the only thing that sticks out, I've never had a promlem with nuts before. Oh and my hands where sooo puffy, I could hardly get my rings on and yes I do have a slight tingle in my face.

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sspitzer5 Apprentice
I was just wondering if its just me or has anyone ever had their body swell (besides stomach) because of gluten? I think I was glutened last night but I don't have any other symtoms besides the fact that the left side of my face is swollen. Any ideas? :o

My eyes get swollen sometimes, especially my left one. I thought it might be gluten, but sometimes it seems swollen and I don't have any other symptoms. So, maybe it's an allergy to something else?


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I get swollen hands and face, especially cheeks and around the eyes. I thought I was just weird, though maybe it is an allergy, too. Even when the D was so bad, I would have a swollen face. I'm still pretty new at this and keep getting gluten accidently. Caramel color seems to be a big one for me. Take care :)

I was told I have Celiac today. My stoll was tested and aparently I am Gluten Intolerant. Im shocked and unbelieving. My haed hurts a lot, vision difficulty sometimes almost like a alergic reaction. im wondering if anyone else feels this way. i have never broken bones and this is all so new and confusing, please help me. Summer

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gointribal- I get one bump above my right eye. I call it my "glutenometer". If I wake up in the morning and it's puffed out, then I know something snuck past "security". I've been tested for allergies (70 allergens total) and i am allergic to nothing. So, I'm pretty sure that little swelling above my eye is gluten.

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  • 2 years later...
Aga28 Newbie

Hello everybody! I am new to all this. Went gluten free 6 m ago,went back to gluten and noticed how horrible I felt. One cookie made me stay in bed the whole weekend.

Just wanted to ask you guys if it is a safe idea to cut off all the grains. I am nutrition student and it has been said that we do need grains for proper brain function. Any ideas?

Also have very loow BP 70/50 :(

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ravenwoodglass Mentor
Hello everybody! I am new to all this. Went gluten free 6 m ago,went back to gluten and noticed how horrible I felt. One cookie made me stay in bed the whole weekend.

Just wanted to ask you guys if it is a safe idea to cut off all the grains. I am nutrition student and it has been said that we do need grains for proper brain function. Any ideas?

Also have very loow BP 70/50 :(

Welcome Aga, we really can do fine with minimal grain in our diets. Some people eliminate it completely. Most celiacs can tolerate nongluten grains like rice, millet, quiona, buckwheat wild rice etc. As far as the need to have grains for brain function remember that we heavily fortify or grain foods in this country. That may be where the concern that someone would be deficient if they gave up grains came from. You can get the nutrients you need from other sources and also the fiber. You should grab your text and look for the appendix that has the nutritive values of different foods. There you will be able to look at the nutrients and fiber contents and compare them with what you would otherwise be getting if you were eating the gluten grains. If your book by chance does not have one there are good ones available all over. Something that may also help with your brain and nerve function would be a sublingual B12 supplement. Many of us can not utilize this B from our diet or swallowed supplements.

I would suggest also that you post this query in a new post, more people will be able to see it and you'll get more replies.

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  • 1 year later...
alissar Contributor

I found out I have Celiac two months ago. I was waking up every morning with swollen hands and severely swollen eyelids/puffy face and thats actually how I found out I have Celiac. I would never have gone to the dr's otherwise. I never associated the swelling with my GI issues (I was told I had IBS/lactose intolerance). The only thing I have changed in the past two months is not eating gluten and my swelling has diminshed by about 90%/sometimes gone completely. However, if I go out to a restaurant, it comes back full force and takes about a week to go down again. I definitely believe the swelling is due to gluten. Hope this helps!

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Fey Rookie

I found out I have Celiac two months ago. I was waking up every morning with swollen hands and severely swollen eyelids/puffy face and thats actually how I found out I have Celiac. I would never have gone to the dr's otherwise. I never associated the swelling with my GI issues (I was told I had IBS/lactose intolerance). The only thing I have changed in the past two months is not eating gluten and my swelling has diminshed by about 90%/sometimes gone completely. However, if I go out to a restaurant, it comes back full force and takes about a week to go down again. I definitely believe the swelling is due to gluten. Hope this helps!

When I was 15, I started having this issue that involved puffy joints at first, which then led to puffiness through my body - usually after eating mall food. Sometimes it was just hands and feet, and I'd get this dizzy feeling then swell up. Sometimes my entire body would swell up. The swelling would get worse in the sun or heat, while the joint pain would prevail in the cold.

My "tentative" diagnosis back then was Lupus, because of the joint pain, positive ANA, high SED rate, anemia, etc. Then it went away, I got better (with ups and downs, but nothing as extreme) until I turned 19 and had a huge Lupus flare (after moving out and cooking for myself... lots of gluten) and got officially diagnosed with Lupus.

Now that I found out about celiac, I can link all of my SLE flares to changes in eating habits. It was a month-long migraine with nausea and swelling in my extremities that finally made me gluten-free diet!

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  • 1 year later...
Linka Newbie

Hi... I'm new here. I've been (mostly) gluten free for over a year now after a lifetime of struggles with symptoms including canker sores, hives, indigestion/heartburn, bloating, gas...etc.

I've been avoiding eating anything that I don't have complete ingredient and nutritional info for but last night I gave in and had a McDonald's Strawberry milkshake as I drove home after work. I awoke this morning with an EXTREMELY puffy face and bloated stomach. (My 14 year old daughter was aghast when she saw me first thing this morning.)

I can't find any conclusive info relating to gluten content in McDonald's shakes... Can anyone provide me with evidence that the milkshake caused my reaction and that it is related to my gluten intolerance?

Another thought..... Has anyone here wondered if undiagnosed gluten intolerance/celiac disease has contributed to eating disorders??

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Hawthorn Rookie

I can't find any conclusive info relating to gluten content in McDonald's shakes... Can anyone provide me with evidence that the milkshake caused my reaction and that it is related to my gluten intolerance?

Another thought..... Has anyone here wondered if undiagnosed gluten intolerance/celiac disease has contributed to eating disorders??

With regards the milkshake.....could be a cc thing. All those breadbuns and sticky gluteny fingers. I would think it's highly possible that even if the shake itself was gluten-free, the hands handling the cup/lid probably are not.

Eating disorders. I have wondered about this since I have had issues with this myself. I had a lot of mental health problems, all of which seem to have cleared up gluten-free. Did a gluten challenge recently and they all came back.

I certainly get food cravings after a glutening. It's weird.

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  • 4 months later...
drjlgphd Newbie

I was just wondering if its just me or has anyone ever had their body swell (besides stomach) because of gluten? I think I was glutened last night but I don't have any other symtoms besides the fact that the left side of my face is swollen. Any ideas? :o

When I'm glutened my whole face swells or gets puffy but only my left am swells. I mentioned this to a friend who is a family physician and she said it's probably a build up of lymph fluid somehow triggered by my body's reaction to gluten.

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Kamma Explorer

I always get swollen legs, hands, face and my left eye sags. I put this down to salt intake as it always happened the day after I ate salty foods.

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    • Wheatwacked
      She should be tested for 25(OH)D vitamin D blood level.  Most newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease are disturbingly low.  Malabsorption syndrome causes poor dietary absorption of vitamin D orally and super high sunscreens block skin production.  Hypervitminosis D which nearly every article written warns of, is a very rare disease. Many these days drink bottled water so do not get the benefit of floridation.  I had lots of cavities as a kid and when they floridated the water I stopped getting cavities.  Of course in those days all we had for sunscreen was baby oil and that "don't be a paleface" stuff, so we actually got vitamin D from the sun.  Celiac Disease uses a lot of vitamin D to control the immune system response to gluten, but we don't get enough. Iodine can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, and may be more effective when used in combination with fluoride.  Get her medium urinary iodine concentration (Muic) tested for iodine intake deficiency.  In the last 30 years iodine levels have fallen by 50% in the United States.
    • Wheatwacked
      When my son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 1976 as soon as he was weaned, his doctor insisted that we feed him only Nutramigen it was the only hyperallergenic with complete nutrition.  Enfamil and Similac were not acceptable if we wanted him to get healthy.  For one thing they had no  choline back then. Given the lawsuits against them now, he was right. He spent about 6 months on the Nutramigen formula exclusively and weaned off of that to a gluten free diet and thrived. He also predicted that by kindergarden the teacher would beg us to put him on Ritalin, which he took all the way through High School.  
    • knitty kitty
      Check the label and tell us what kind of B12 is in your gummies.   If it's Cyanocobalamin, switch to a methylated (active) form of B12.   Some of us need to take the active form of B12 because our bodies have problems turning other forms of B12 into the active methylated form due to MTHFR genetic variations.   Take a B Complex supplement, too, because B12 needs the other B vitamins to function properly.
    • Barrie9
      Hi! I've been gluten free for years. No surgery,  but have dumping syndrome symptoms,  particularly if I've eaten a lot of FODMAP foods, or xanthan gum, or any other gums that are in many gluten free foods. You may want to stop eating foods with gums and see if that helps!
    • knitty kitty
      @Zoe26, Has he been checked for vitamin deficiencies?    Is he pulling up to standing position?  Does he crawl? I ask because delayed development can be associated with nutritional deficiencies.   Having a hoarse low voice is symptomatic of Thiamine deficiency in children and adults.  Complete loss of voice is possible, too.   "He's extremely lethargic, barely moving."  This statement really worries me.  Thiamine deficiency can cause fatigue and loss of energy like this.  Thiamine deficiency can be serious in small children.  Do mention this to the doctor. It's horrible you and your son had to wait so long for an appointment.
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