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Question For Travelthomas


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YankeeDB Contributor

Hi TT, I have enjoyed your many informative posts throughout the site. You have certainly had an interesting life and I envy your extensive travel experiences.

What I was wondering about specifically is how you handle explaining to hotels/motels why are you cooking in your room?

Also, aside from the multi-fuel stove you mentioned, do you like any of the portable electrical devices such as the George Foreman grills or hot plates or electric griddles?

What are the tricks and tips for cleaning cookware in a hotel room? Do you take your own dishes, use throwaways, eat out of the pan, or....?

I suspect for a while my own travel will be limited to the USA and so would like to know how I could be minimalist in my luggage yet able to prepare good food in my room. I suppose I could always stipulate a refrigerator though not necessarily a microwave.

Thanks for your thoughts! :)

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plantime Contributor

Hi, Yankee. I know I'm not Thomas, but I suggest that if you are going to travel in the continental US, try driving instead of flying. You can store your cooking gear in the trunk, and tailgate cook if you need to. I would use disposable dishes whenever possible, simply because I hate washing dishes! The sinks in hotels are rarely large enough!

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tarnalberry Community Regular

Another consideration is that a lot of areas have residence-inn type places that have kitchens (with fridges) in the rooms. Very convenient!

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  • 2 weeks later...
celiac3270 Collaborator

I, too, am certainly not "TravelThomas", but when I went skiing, I never ate out. Recently diagnosed, and having been plagued with symptoms for years, I didn't trust the restaurants. As for telling the hotel.......if you clean up well enough and put your cooking gear in a suitcase or bag when maid service comes, you don't have to. :)

Obviously, having a small fridge in the room is helpful...if not, a cooler filled with ice can substitute. I agree with plantime in that I'd recommend driving. I find disposable plates to be best; you don't need to store them, and you can buy them at your destination. I brought a toaster oven and a George Foreman grill. The toaster oven allows you to eat toasted bagels or breads for breakfast, and you can cook potatoes, or whatever else, in it for dinner. The Foreman, obviously is helpful to add meat to your diet. My family has a larger one, which we brought on vacation, but I've seen smaller ones in various bright colors, that might be more suitable for travel. I don't have much to say...I've only gone on vacation on the gluten-free diet once...My ramblings probably had no useful information, but I hope there's something in there that's of use......

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YankeeDB Contributor

Thank you everyone for your excellent suggestions! I'm definitely going to invest in an electric grill the next time I travel. celiac3270, how easy is the one you have to clean?

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  • 1 month later...
celiac3270 Collaborator

To wash it....you just need to have it over a sink and sponge down the grilling part.....it can get slightly messy, but it's not particularly difficult...and if you just clean up after yourself, the hotel doesn't have to know ;)


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travelthomas Apprentice

Hi YankeeDB,

About cooking in the room; some are understand and some do not. The ones who do not make me cook outside (and they just tolerate that). I do not like to be deceitful, but I have to agree with celiac3270. What the hotel owners don

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celiac3270 Collaborator
For plane travel I take as much of my own food as possible, and on the real long air trips I take my chances with the airplane food (being real careful to avoid gluten). From what I hear they are starting to eliminate meals on flights, so it will not seem that strange if you bring meals with you.

My dad, who travels A LOT (mostly to Europe and around US, though...sometimes to Singapore or Hong Kong, but not usually). Since I was diagnosed he's more aware about celiac disease, obviously, and he's heard people asking for their gluten-free meals.....they must be relatively accomodating on planes, then.....just a thought ;)


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Thomas Apprentice

some airlines have gluten-free food choices

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  • 2 weeks later...
dianne Rookie

Yankee, Just wanted to put my two cents in. Did you know there are meals, which come in a resealable pouch, which only need boiling water to be added? I get them online, through Gluten Solutions. They have them listed under the brand, Gluten Free Cafe. Happy traveling! :rolleyes:


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    • cristiana
      Just to add something here... if any people in the UK are reading this, there can be definite advantages if you are formally diagnosed coeliac,  in terms of getting extra support from the NHS.  For free you get to see a nutritionist, additional vaccinations if deemed necessary, in some areas prescriptions for gluten free food; bone density scans, annual blood tests and reviews with a gastroenterologist, plus it has been my experience I've been able to see a gastroenterologist without a GP's re-referral when I've had complications.  That said, I don't know what impact there would be on health insurance; but I have found that when it comes to travel insurance I have had to declare it but it hasn't made any difference to the premium. However, I realise things can be very different in other parts of the world, and I am not sure where you are from, @Ginger38  
    • Ginger38
      Yes I figured out I couldn’t have gluten years ago when I was symptomatic and tested positive, but was misinformed and told I couldn’t have celiac but to go gluten free. I was already gluten free. I was never willing to go back on gluten and make myself so sick to have the biopsy especially when the biopsy isn’t 💯. But Now I have to have a procedure anyway and he told me he was doing the biopsy either way .. but I should consider the gluten challenge since I have never had the biopsy. He acted like it was super important to have this on paper.  I had no idea there were any possible negative drawbacks to having a formal diagnosis 🤦🏼‍♀️
    • Scott Adams
      While I understand wanting a formal diagnosis, it sounds like you will likely remain gluten-free either way, even if you should test negative for celiac disease (Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS). Keep in mind that there are also drawbacks to a formal diagnosis, for example more expensive life and private health insurance, as well as possibly needing to disclose it on job applications.  Normally I am in favor of the formal diagnosis process, but if you've already figured out that you can't tolerate gluten and will likely stay gluten-free anyway, I wanted to at least mention the possible negative sides of having a formal diagnosis.
    • Wheatwacked
      I take Clonidine for BP no gluten reaction.  It was originally prescribed for adolescence who could not take Ritalin.
    • Ginger38
      Basically because he was going to do the biopsy either way , so I agreed after him bugging me lol (after all this time of refusing) (and I’m already regretting) to do the gluten challenge. But yes he’s already told me even in if the biopsy is negative I still have to live as a celiac for the rest of my life bc he’s certain I’m celiac positive regardless of what the biopsy shows. But he can’t put it on paper if it’s negative so I really don’t know what the point is. I have all the symptoms and have had positive IgA antibodies every time I’ve been tested. They did decrease after starting a gluten free diet but never made it to zero.  Also my daughter is going to pediatric gastroenterology in a few months so I thought it may be helpful for her for me to have the procedure 🤷🏼‍♀️
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