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Vertigo caused by celiac ?


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Steve6090 Newbie


  I have just been diagnosed with celiac disease but have been suffering stomach pain, joint pain and pretty much every symptom for the past 3 years and just now getting a doctor to finally listen and test me appropriately. My question is I have severe vertigo and dizziness/off balance and wondering if anyone else has symptoms like this. I also have bpv (benign postional vertigo  in right ear but bpv usually last 20 secs every once in a while. I have it 24 hrs a day. I’m so miserable and maybe changing my diet will help vertigo just wondering is anyone else has this issue. Thanks 

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CassidyGrace Newbie

Hi Steve. My daughter with Celiac's and down syndrome is dizzy a lot, still has lots of stomach pain and complains of various aches and pains mostly in her legs. We have no answers yet either. 

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trents Grand Master

Steve, celiac disease has long fingers. A host of other medical problems can be spinoffs of celiac disease. There are several other forum participants of late with gluten-related maladies who have struggled with vertigo as you do.

I would offer three pieces of advice:

1. Focus on truly purging gluten from your diet. Educate yourself on how widely gluten is used by the food industry and the terms that may disguise it's presence. For instance, did you know that practically all canned soups will have gluten as an ingredient, even tomato soup? And did you know that gluten is a primary ingredient in most soy sauces. It can also be found in may chocolate syrups. It can be present in the meds, vitamins and supplements you take.

2. Give it time. It can take up to a year of true gluten-free eating in order for the gut to heal and to see a major impact on other medical issues tied to celiac disease. Longer if you cheat or are careless.

3. Realize that not every health issue can be tied to gluten. Seek medical help for your vertigo. Have tried the Epley maneuvers? 

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Steve6090 Newbie
35 minutes ago, CassidyGrace said:

Hi Steve. My daughter with Celiac's and down syndrome is dizzy a lot, still has lots of stomach pain and complains of various aches and pains mostly in her legs. We have no answers yet either. 

I’m so sorry this is happening to her. It’s just awful. I don’t wish it on anyone and of course doctors have made me feel crazy for the last 3 years telling them something is definitely  off with me while they tell me I’m fine. So finally a doctor told me something but don’t known if related to celiac or not .

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Steve6090 Newbie
25 minutes ago, trents said:

Steve, celiac disease has long fingers. A host of other medical problems can be spinoffs of celiac disease. There are several other forum participants of late with gluten-related maladies who have struggled with vertigo as you do.

I would offer three pieces of advice:

1. Focus on truly purging gluten from your diet. Educate yourself on how widely gluten is used by the food industry and the terms that may disguise it's presence. For instance, did you know that practically all canned soups will have gluten as an ingredient, even tomato soup? And did you know that gluten is a primary ingredient in most soy sauces. It can also be found in may chocolate syrups. It can be present in the meds, vitamins and supplements you take.

2. Give it time. It can take up to a year of true gluten-free eating in order for the gut to heal and to see a major impact on other medical issues tied to celiac disease. Longer if you cheat or are careless.

3. Realize that not every health issue can be tied to gluten. Seek medical help for your vertigo. Have tried the Epley maneuvers? 

Yes i have had Epley meneuver done a lot. This go around they did it and said they fixed it but I still feel very off balanced /dizzy/ foggy and very out of it. They just keep telling me to do vertigo therapy which I have done and it doesn’t really change. I just feel like they are missing something and I’m going to just croak over and die. My brain fog is so bad sometimes with the dizziness (not so much vertigo) that I feel like I’m going to pass out. It’s Just very frustrating 

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BuddhaBar Collaborator

Oh yes, still has some vertigo after my Christmas glutening. My head is not spinning, but I lose my balance everytime I move my head too quickly. I'm still pretty newly diagnosed (may 2019) so I still makes mistake, but I'm the ataxia-type so I have to be reaaaaally careful because eventually ataxia can cause permanent nerve damage.
If you have vertigo caused by gluten you might be the ataxia-type too. Google gluten ataxia. It's scary s$#&. You might have it. 

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Steve6090 Newbie
3 hours ago, BuddhaBar said:

Oh yes, still has some vertigo after my Christmas glutening. My head is not spinning, but I lose my balance everytime I move my head too quickly. I'm still pretty newly diagnosed (may 2019) so I still makes mistake, but I'm the ataxia-type so I have to be reaaaaally careful because eventually ataxia can cause permanent nerve damage.
If you have vertigo caused by gluten you might be the ataxia-type too. Google gluten ataxia. It's scary s$#&. You might have it. 

How did you get diagnosed ataxia type ? My GI doc told me after endoscopy yep you have classic celiac damage so you are celiac eat gluten free for 1 month and come back and see me that’s it . Do I need to go to different doc that knows celiac specifically? Thanks for all this info I was only diagnosed 2 days ago so it’s really new to me. My husband and kids (my name is tiffany despite my user name ) just don’t understand the pain and misery I’m in and they probably think I’m just dramatic but I feel super sick all day everyday,

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BuddhaBar Collaborator

I don't think there is a test for ataxia. I just know based on my symptoms. I know now that symptoms involving the nerves and brain were my first symptoms of celiac. The doctor thought I had MS. I get the same symptoms when I get glutened now too, but not as severe. Symptoms: unsteady gait, pins and needles, burning pains, "electric shocks" and vertigo. 

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GFinDC Veteran

Hi Tiffany,

Sometimes they find UBO's (unidentified bright objects) on the brain in ataxia patients.  They can show up on an MRI.

Dr. Hadjivassiliou

Nuerological symptoms without gastro symptoms

Another thing to check is vitamin/mineral levels.  Nerves are impacted by malabsorption just like other body organs.

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VictoriaC Newbie
19 hours ago, Steve6090 said:

How did you get diagnosed ataxia type ? My GI doc told me after endoscopy yep you have classic celiac damage so you are celiac eat gluten free for 1 month and come back and see me that’s it . Do I need to go to different doc that knows celiac specifically? Thanks for all this info I was only diagnosed 2 days ago so it’s really new to me. My husband and kids (my name is tiffany despite my user name ) just don’t understand the pain and misery I’m in and they probably think I’m just dramatic but I feel super sick all day everyday,

Tiffany, I totally feel your pain. I’ve been sick for literally years. I’ve lost jobs and been unable to work due to being sick all the time. I don’t even have a diagnosis yet but I know this is what I have. My doctor has been zero help. I asked about being tested and she said just don’t eat gluten. If nothing else know that you are not alone! This seems like a great group to be a part of. 

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Steve6090 Newbie
5 hours ago, VictoriaC said:

Tiffany, I totally feel your pain. I’ve been sick for literally years. I’ve lost jobs and been unable to work due to being sick all the time. I don’t even have a diagnosis yet but I know this is what I have. My doctor has been zero help. I asked about being tested and she said just don’t eat gluten. If nothing else know that you are not alone! This seems like a great group to be a part of. 

I’m sorry you have lost jobs that’s sounds horrible. If I didn’t have a good job that provides sick time that I earn with each paycheck I would probably be in same boat.If I was you I would try to get a new doc. I have been sick for about 8 years but the last 4 of them really sick. So For the past 4 years I was literally told nothing is wrong with you maybe you have anxiety or stress (related to job im a police dispatcher) so was told it probably related to that. I was told multiple times all your blood work is fine . I had to be my own advocate and tell them no something is wrong run more tests. I was the one that asked for colonoscopy , endoscopy,food allergy test,and complete blood work ( different from just the normal one ) this bloodwork checks mercury and metals in blood and wheat and gluten etc to be done. This is when they finally saw some red flags. Keep being pushy cuz that’s what I had to do. You know your body and know when something is off. 

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Scott Adams Grand Master
8 hours ago, VictoriaC said:

Tiffany, I totally feel your pain. I’ve been sick for literally years. I’ve lost jobs and been unable to work due to being sick all the time. I don’t even have a diagnosis yet but I know this is what I have. My doctor has been zero help. I asked about being tested and she said just don’t eat gluten. If nothing else know that you are not alone! This seems like a great group to be a part of. 

It's a bit depressing hearing that after 25 years of hard work on this site, that the best some doctors can do when you're diagnosed is to tell you not to eat gluten, which is exactly what they told when I got diagnosed. Back then there was basically zero information on the Internet about celiac disease. At least now there is a lot of info online, but given how common the disease is it's a shame that many doctors don't do more to guide their patients to a healthy gluten-free diet.

I doubt they would only tell patients who were newly diagnosed with diabetes that they "just need to take insulin," and send them off...but that is exactly what most of them do to their celiac patients.

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Posterboy Mentor
10 hours ago, Steve6090 said:

I’m sorry you have lost jobs that’s sounds horrible. If I didn’t have a good job that provides sick time that I earn with each paycheck I would probably be in same boat.If I was you I would try to get a new doc. I have been sick for about 8 years but the last 4 of them really sick. So For the past 4 years I was literally told nothing is wrong with you maybe you have anxiety or stress (related to job im a police dispatcher) so was told it probably related to that. I was told multiple times all your blood work is fine . I had to be my own advocate and tell them no something is wrong run more tests. I was the one that asked for colonoscopy , endoscopy,food allergy test,and complete blood work ( different from just the normal one ) this bloodwork checks mercury and metals in blood and wheat and gluten etc to be done. This is when they finally saw some red flags. Keep being pushy cuz that’s what I had to do. You know your body and know when something is off. 

On 1/13/2021 at 7:48 PM, Steve6090 said:


  I have just been diagnosed with celiac disease but have been suffering stomach pain, joint pain and pretty much every symptom for the past 3 years and just now getting a doctor to finally listen and test me appropriately. My question is I have severe vertigo and dizziness/off balance and wondering if anyone else has symptoms like this. I also have bpv (benign postional vertigo  in right ear but bpv usually last 20 secs every once in a while. I have it 24 hrs a day. I’m so miserable and maybe changing my diet will help vertigo just wondering is anyone else has this issue. Thanks 


Stress commonly depletes us of B-Vitamins!

They are used to help us  make energy in the body especially Thiamine with Magnesium as its Co-Factor.

See this study entitled "Thiamine and fatigue in inflammatory bowel diseases: an open-label pilot study"


See this study about Magnesium's connection to Vertigo....


One or Both might be your trigger for your Vertigo...

Magnesium is easiest to take as a Magnesium Glycinate with meals.....

This will help your body use Thiamine more effectively....

Here is study of Vertigo in a Celiac that was helped by Thiamine supplementation.

Entitled "Rare cause of central vertigo (in Celiac's)  of metabolic origin due to vitamin B1 aka Thiamine deficiency: Case Report"


Find you a Fat Soluble B-1 to take like Benfotiamine in the Diabetic section because they (fat soluble forms) have much higher bioavailability.

Or you can take Allithiamine or Lipothiamine with meals preferably with Mangesium Glycinate or Citrate.

Again always with meals to improve absorption!

Most people will show improvement in 4 to 6 weeks if this your underlying cause of your Vertigo.

I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.


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Jessi Lynn Newbie

I had vertigo for 4 years and migraines for many years before being diagnosed. I had stabbing stomach pains that finally got me to a gi and finally after a month got a diagnosis. Once I went gluten free the roaring in my ears stopped, vertigo went away and my migraines have declined dramatically. I hope this will be the case for you. I could barely function when I got vertigo it could last hours. I even went through vestibular therapy. 

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    • Wheatwacked
      So the BRAT Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast (hopefully gluten-free) is very high carbohydrate.  High Carbohydrate Malnutrition is real.  Carbohydrates need increase the amount of Thiamine you need, so thiamine is high on the list of supplements that will help the most right now.  For general pain and gut issues Alka Seltzer Original. You could try Willow Bark Tea.  It is where they got the idea for aspirin. Active ingredient is salicyic acid which used to be called vitamin B11. Plain Boiled Chicken. Chicken soup with celery and carrots. In general try to avoid any processed gluten free foods.  They add stuff to make it gluten like and many react to the additives. For energy choose sugar and avoid high fructose corn syrup.  The enzyme sucrase, produced by the small intestine lining, breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose.  The glucose and fructose are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the mitochondria where glucose is turned into ATP energy. Brown sugar has molasses, which is antiinflammatory.  I drink lots of Red Bull  and lemonade (made with sugar, not HFCF, for my daytime energy, then eat proteins, fats and other simple carbs in the evening. Taurine is an essential antioxidant like vitamin C. Probiotics like bifidobacterium from yogourt and lactobacillis from fermented pickles and other fermented foods ( not quickpickled made with vinegar.)  Two brands I know of are Batampte and Bubsies. Choline helps with fat digestion. Eggs and meat if you tolerate them, phosphatidyl capsules if you don't.
    • trents
      Newer "gluten challenge" guidelines call for 4-6 slices of bread (or the gluten equivalent) daily for at least 2 weeks before the antibody testing blood draw or the endoscopy with/biopsy. But I would give it longer than two weeks to be sure you get a valid testing experience, at least four weeks. So, if you ever want to get tested again for a formal diagnosis, keep that in mind. And many people find that their reactions are much stronger to gluten once they have been off of it for a significant amount of time. Here is a primer to help you get off to a good start on the gluten free diet:   
    • AmandaA
      Scott, I can’t recall, but I don’t think I was eating that much bread each day, so it may have been the case I didn’t have enough in my system? Thank you for the links, I will explore.    And ‘Trents’ that’s what I’m planning to do. This week is my first week fully gluten free and I am realizing that with the ‘May contain wheat’ warnings, my pantry is needing an entire makeover. Oof. I hate to do it just to have nothing improve, but I’m hoping it is the answer with everything else showing negative, and hoping the issues I’ve been having with nerves, vision, muscles, and such being caused by nutrient deficiencies. 
    • Scott Adams
      How much gluten were you eating on a daily basis before your blood and biopsy tests for celiac disease were done? It's recommended to eat lots of gluten, at least two slices of wheat bread per day for 6-8 weeks before getting tested, otherwise results could be false negative. You can still have celiac disease with negative blood test results, although it's not very common:  Clinical and genetic profile of patients with seronegative coeliac disease: the natural history and response to gluten-free diet: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5606118/  Seronegative Celiac Disease - A Challenging Case: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9441776/  Enteropathies with villous atrophy but negative coeliac serology in adults: current issues: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34764141/   
    • Julianne101
      I have been gluten intolerant for years and stayed on a strict gluten free diet.  I did not, however, worry too much about contamination since my reaction was not severe...mostly bloating, gas, and constipation.  About a year ago I entered peri-menopause and was dealing with difficult symptoms (hot flashes, joint pain, insomnia, etc).  A friend recommended a probiotic/herbal supplement called Provitalize that helped her immensely.  So, I tried it and within 24-48 hours had severe diarrhea.  Strangely, althought I stopped taking it, the diarrhea lasted on and off for 3 months!  I thought I had a parasite or something, but all parasite and other GI tests came back negative.  So I assumed my gluten sensitivity must have developed into full-blown Celiac Disease...  Has anyone else used Provitalize and had a bad reaction to it?
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