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High ferritin in coeliac blood test


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Louise1991 Newbie

Hi everyone! 

So I’m a 30 year old female from the UK currently being investigated as possibly having coeliac disease or some kind of intolerance to gluten! 

About 4 weeks ago I had a blood test to check for the antibodies associated with coeliac disease, however the test came back negative- unfortunately I was given incorrect advice by my doctor who informed me I needed to eat gluten 2 weeks prior to the blood test. I had stopped eating gluten on the advice of a doctor I’d spoken to previously who suggested it would be good to see how I felt gluten free (much better- in fact most symptoms had gone within a week and a half of no gluten)

However, the results came back with high ferritin levels- Ive literally no idea what this really means, I know it’s to do with iron and quite frankly, after using doctor google, I’m not sure I want to know too much about this!! I know this would be considered unusual though in the case of a coeliac disease. The doctor I saw to get these results was not the best at explaining what could cause this however after asking me loads of questions she did say that she couldn’t believe the results had come back negatively. I have had a full examination twice and both times everything felt normal to the doctors. I have been told that it could be all to do with some inflammation due to eating gluten.

I have a repeat blood test booked for next week (after eating gluten now for around 8 weeks) and I’m really hoping for a positive result to explain all the symptoms I’ve experienced.

This message just looks like a big long moan at the moment but I guess what I’m asking is if anyone has been in a similar situation as this with these high ferritin levels? Im really panicking about what could be wrong with me, and it’s now causing me quite a bit of anxiety (thanks google)!! I guess I’ll know for sure next week but the anxiety is getting worse the closer next week comes! 

Thanks in advance for reading my long moan! Any advice or stories would be greatly appreciated!!  

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trents Grand Master
21 minutes ago, Louise1991 said:

Hi everyone! 

So I’m a 30 year old female from the UK currently being investigated as possibly having coeliac disease or some kind of intolerance to gluten! 

About 4 weeks ago I had a blood test to check for the antibodies associated with coeliac disease, however the test came back negative- unfortunately I was given incorrect advice by my doctor who informed me I needed to eat gluten 2 weeks prior to the blood test. I had stopped eating gluten on the advice of a doctor I’d spoken to previously who suggested it would be good to see how I felt gluten free (much better- in fact most symptoms had gone within a week and a half of no gluten)

However, the results came back with high ferritin levels- Ive literally no idea what this really means, I know it’s to do with iron and quite frankly, after using doctor google, I’m not sure I want to know too much about this!! I know this would be considered unusual though in the case of a coeliac disease. The doctor I saw to get these results was not the best at explaining what could cause this however after asking me loads of questions she did say that she couldn’t believe the results had come back negatively. I have had a full examination twice and both times everything felt normal to the doctors. I have been told that it could be all to do with some inflammation due to eating gluten.

I have a repeat blood test booked for next week (after eating gluten now for around 8 weeks) and I’m really hoping for a positive result to explain all the symptoms I’ve experienced.

This message just looks like a big long moan at the moment but I guess what I’m asking is if anyone has been in a similar situation as this with these high ferritin levels? Im really panicking about what could be wrong with me, and it’s now causing me quite a bit of anxiety (thanks google)!! I guess I’ll know for sure next week but the anxiety is getting worse the closer next week comes! 

Thanks in advance for reading my long moan! Any advice or stories would be greatly appreciated!!  

Welcome to the forum, Louise.

You might want to google hemochromatosis with regard to the high ferritin levels. 

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plumbago Experienced

It's probably too complicated for any of us to attempt to break this down for you. My first message is to talk this over with your doctor. It will also be my last message.

In between, I'll say I'm glad you are getting re-tested while on gluten; that is entirely appropriate.

Ferritin is the protein where iron is stored. (But the major storage site of iron is the liver) It is normally present in serum concentrations directly related to iron storage. But not always. There are cases when the correlation does not hold. That is when your doctor comes in, ok?

Increased ferritin can be a sign of iron excess. It can also be noted in people with certain kinds of anemia, and liver abnormalities. Increased ferritin can also be factitiously elevated in other cases.

Ferritin is also known as an acute phase reactant, a result from a defense mechanism, sometimes called acute phase reaction. The body will synthesize ferritin in response to an evasion of many pathogens.  The resulting conditions are sometimes referred to as the anemia of chronic disease, or more commonly today, inflammatory anemia.  These are often temporary conditions that cause the body to sequester iron that would otherwise be available to assist invading pathogens and worsen infection, tissue damage or other disease conditions.

Again, talk to your doctor, and good luck!

Editing to add: Also, there is always lab error. A good doc repeats tests that initially yielded and abnormal lab result.

Edited by plumbago
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trents Grand Master

I have only seen anemia of chronic disease in the frail elderly. 

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plumbago Experienced


There are a lot of others with anemia from chronic disease. I work with a population that can be very sick. It definitely exists outside of an elderly population. (I am not saying this is what is happening with OP at all, and I don't mean to alarm her.)

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Louise1991 Newbie

Thanks both for your responses. I appreciate it!! 

I agree that it’s something I am going to have to speak to my doctor in relation to. Im generally a panicky person (not sure why) and as mentioned in my initial message it’s the anxiety getting to me! 

I was told it could be a lab error- just not sure how often these occur!!! 

plumbago- You’ve not alarmed me don’t worry, I think maybe it’s just best if I try to stop panicking about everything until next week!

Thanks both again though! 

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ZosiaK Newbie
On 10/26/2021 at 7:51 PM, Louise1991 said:

Hi everyone! 

So I’m a 30 year old female from the UK currently being investigated as possibly having coeliac disease or some kind of intolerance to gluten! 

About 4 weeks ago I had a blood test to check for the antibodies associated with coeliac disease, however the test came back negative- unfortunately I was given incorrect advice by my doctor who informed me I needed to eat gluten 2 weeks prior to the blood test. I had stopped eating gluten on the advice of a doctor I’d spoken to previously who suggested it would be good to see how I felt gluten free (much better- in fact most symptoms had gone within a week and a half of no gluten)

However, the results came back with high ferritin levels- Ive literally no idea what this really means, I know it’s to do with iron and quite frankly, after using doctor google, I’m not sure I want to know too much about this!! I know this would be considered unusual though in the case of a coeliac disease. The doctor I saw to get these results was not the best at explaining what could cause this however after asking me loads of questions she did say that she couldn’t believe the results had come back negatively. I have had a full examination twice and both times everything felt normal to the doctors. I have been told that it could be all to do with some inflammation due to eating gluten.

I have a repeat blood test booked for next week (after eating gluten now for around 8 weeks) and I’m really hoping for a positive result to explain all the symptoms I’ve experienced.

This message just looks like a big long moan at the moment but I guess what I’m asking is if anyone has been in a similar situation as this with these high ferritin levels? Im really panicking about what could be wrong with me, and it’s now causing me quite a bit of anxiety (thanks google)!! I guess I’ll know for sure next week but the anxiety is getting worse the closer next week comes! 

Thanks in advance for reading my long moan! Any advice or stories would be greatly appreciated!!  

My husband has high ferritin and it is due to Fatty Liver

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  • 2 years later...
Pat Denman Newbie

I, too have both conditions. Hemochromatosis diagnosed on 1996. I am now 89 years old. Never formally diagnosed Celiac but stopped eating gluten 2 years ago as I could not get out of bed after eating it for some days and all the doctors seen over my lifetime Never tested for it even though I had hall marks. Short stature, migraines, digestive upsets, chronic fatigue! My oldest son was Celiac but Jehovah God helped me to save him when he was an infant thru special diet and prayer.

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    • Wheatwacked
      Elevated levels of Anti-Gliadin IgG might mean that your body is reacting to gluten. This can happen when your immune system is more sensitive to gluten, which could be a sign of non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).  In the US 10% of the population are diagnosed NCGS while only 1% are diagnosed Celiac Disease.  "5 of 26 patients (20%) with biopsy-proven celiac disease during our specified period had a positive AGA IgA or IgG and a negative tTG." Anti-Gliadin Antibodies Identify Celiac Patients Overlooked by Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies In my non medical opinion, while your tests don't completely rule out Celiac disease it does indicate a high chance of Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.  A biopsy would be required to rule out Celiac Disease.  Many have posted that they test negative for blood test, but were eventually confirmed to have Celiac by a biopsy, some took 10 years to finally be diagnosed. The tTG-IgA test has a sensitivity of 78% to 100% and the EMA-IgA test has a sensitivity of 86% to 100%.  So there is room for the doctors to be wrong.  Since you do better on gluten free diet, it is likely one of the two.  Both require gluten free diet for your health.
    • Layu
      Hi Wheatwacked,  I maked tests when i eat gluten every day and don't take probiotiks.  Calprotectin 27 ( norm is 0 - 50) tTG IGA - 0.41 ( norm is <20)  total IGA - normal (1,02). Norm is 0,60-3.48 EMA IGG  and EMA IGA - <1:10 (it was written that such a result excludes celiac disease by 98%)  Anti Gliadin G ( Alpha gliadin G) - 100 U/ml (norm is 0-12). I can also say that i have often mucus in stool. I forgot to say that.  Gluten free diet helps me, right, but i can eat sometimes bread and other. Not every day. And i havent diarrhea. 
    • Wheatwacked
      Hi Layu, Could you copy the lab results, exactly as they appear.  Test, your results and the range the lab uses? Did the gluten free diet help? It could be that the probiotic helped limit the damage the gluten was doing.  It may have lowered your test results, especially if your tests were taken during a period when you were not eating gluten.  Foods like fermented pickles and sauerkraut (lactobacillus) might also help.    
    • Rageagainstthewheat
      Does anyone have experience with H&B supplements? I purchased a few different supplements and most of them don’t say they are ‘gluten free’ but they don’t have wheat or gluten in their ingredients list and they don’t have a ‘may contain’ warning. Does that mean they would be safe to take? 
    • Wheatwacked
      I tried that but it wasn't enough.  Liquid Iodine drops.   In the 1970s, the median urinary iodine (UI) level in the United States was 320 mcg/L, which indicated adequate dietary iodine intake. However, the median UI level dropped by 50% between the 1970s and 1990s. This decline was likely due to a decrease in salt and egg consumption and the removal of iodate conditioners from breads. 
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