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May contain ?


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Tiwa Apprentice

When going gluten-free after getting a celiac diagnosis should you avoid food labeled “may contain traces of gluten”? 

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ItsHarley99 Newbie

Okay, so personally I avoid any food that says that, some people who aren't that sensitive may be able to eat small bits of gluten and not feel the effects.  Not me, even just a tiny bit makes me cramp up and double over in pain. I try to check the label and make sure it has the Celiac Foundation certification or else I don't trust it usually.  I do the same thing wit nuts and tree nuts if it says may contain I avoid it. 

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cristiana Veteran

I try to avoid that, I've occasionally eaten something by mistake though.  It happened last week and I wondered why I felt so ill, and then saw the warning, which appeared much further down the packaging than the main ingredients list.

What one has to watch out for in my country (the UK) is that food labelling that says "may contain" can be located in a separate area from the ingredients, and a few times I've completed missed the warning.  I think "may contain" ingredients should be clearly displayed in the same area as the main ingredients.

Edited by cristiana
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Tiwa Apprentice
Just now, cristiana said:

I try to avoid that, I've occasionally eaten something by mistake though.  It happened last week and I wondered why I felt so ill, and then saw the warning, which appeared much further down the packaging than the main ingredients list.

What one has to watch out for in my country (the UK) is that food labelling that says "may contain" can be located in a separate area from the ingredients, and I've completed missed the warning.  I think "may contain" ingredients should be clearly displayed in the same area as the main ingredients.

Yes, I agree. In my country, everything that has more than 20 ppm must be labeled with gluten. So “may contain” should have less than 20 ppm. I'm not sure if It's worth avoiding it the first months? Or if I'm safe enough anyways. 

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cristiana Veteran
Just now, Tiwa said:

Yes, I agree. In my country, everything that has more than 20 ppm must be labeled with gluten. So “may contain” should have less than 20 ppm. I'm not sure if It's worth avoiding it the first months? Or if I'm safe enough anyways. 

That's really interesting, I didn't realise that about the 20 ppm.  I wonder if that is the same in the UK?  Anyway, I always have rated myself as an extra sensitive coeliac so perhaps that's why it does tend to affect me.

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Tiwa Apprentice
Just now, cristiana said:

That's really interesting, I didn't realise that about the 20 ppm.  I wonder if that is the same in the UK?  Anyway, I always have rated myself as an extra sensitive coeliac so perhaps that's why it does tend to affect me.

Yes, some very sensitive celiacs do react, but most can tolerate it. But I think I'll avoid everything in the beginning just to be sure. :)

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GF-Cate Enthusiast

The other thing to remember is that "may contain" statements may be on items that you're not expecting. For example, I recently almost used a bag of dried lentils without reading the label, and sure enough it had a "may contain" for wheat (I'm in the US - Goya brand).

Also packaged nuts in US almost always have a "may contain" statement, at least in my local grocery stores (my guess is because they get processed on the same lines as trail mixes - anyone know for sure?). 

Personally I don't tolerate "may contain" items and do not use them.

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Sharib Apprentice
On 12/13/2021 at 12:33 PM, GF_Cate said:

The other thing to remember is that "may contain" statements may be on items that you're not expecting. For example, I recently almost used a bag of dried lentils without reading the label, and sure enough it had a "may contain" for wheat (I'm in the US - Goya brand).

Also packaged nuts in US almost always have a "may contain" statement, at least in my local grocery stores (my guess is because they get processed on the same lines as trail mixes - anyone know for sure?). 

Personally I don't tolerate "may contain" items and do not use them.

I have tried crackers that were labeled gluten free and my stomach was upset.  I’m sensitive to either the small amount of gluten and/or other additives.  I cook all my meals at home.  My Celiac is complicated with SIBO, H pylori, histamine issues and leaky gut.  It’s been a long road of treating each.  I am doing the supplement route to treat H pylori with a practitioner.  I treated the SIBO with supplements recently and it seems to be in check.  The gluten free way of life is tricky.  I love this site and all the information provided.  

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trents Grand Master
On 12/13/2021 at 9:33 AM, GF_Cate said:

The other thing to remember is that "may contain" statements may be on items that you're not expecting. For example, I recently almost used a bag of dried lentils without reading the label, and sure enough it had a "may contain" for wheat (I'm in the US - Goya brand).

Also packaged nuts in US almost always have a "may contain" statement, at least in my local grocery stores (my guess is because they get processed on the same lines as trail mixes - anyone know for sure?). 

Personally I don't tolerate "may contain" items and do not use them.

According to Gluten Watchdog, lentils are the number one dried food for cross contamination with wheat.

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    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Scochran! You have had two antibody tests designed to detect celiac disease: 1. Tissue Transglutaminase Ab, IgA (aka, "tTG-IGA") 2. Endomysial Antibody IgA (aka, "EMA") The tTG-IGA you have had done twice and it seems to have been negative the first time but there is no negative vs. positive note the second time. We can't tell from the numbers themselves because different labs use different scales. So, unless you include the range for negative vs. positive for the second tTG-IGA test we can't be sure if it was negative or positive. And there is a question as to whether the second tTG-IGA test was accurate because you had already started a gluten free diet. The EMA was was also negative. This is an older test and not as sensitive as the tTG-IGA. It isn't ordered very often anymore. It is also relatively expensive. The other test, the IGA, which was high both times, is what we call "total IGA" and is not a test for celiac disease per se. It's value is that if it is low, it can create false negatives in the individual celiac IGA based tests such as the tTG-IGA. Your total IGA is not deficient so that is not a problem in your case. If you are wondering if a high total IGA is a health risk, I am not aware that it is significant in that sense. But yes, you are correct and your nurse practitioner is wrong. Total IGA cannot be used to diagnose celiac disease. It does not appear from the limited testing that has been done that you have celiac disease but it would have been helpful if an more complete celiac panel had been done and done at a time when you were consuming generous amounts of gluten. A more complete celiac panel would have included DGP-IGG antibody test. So, you might consider a "gluten challenge" and then ask for a more complete celiac panel If you are convinced that gluten is causing you problems then you may have NCGS (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) instead of celiac disease. NCGS shares many of the same symptoms of celiac disease but does not damage the lining of the small bowel as does celiac disease. There is no test for it. It is 10x more common than celiac disease. Some experts feel it can be a precursor to the development of celiac disease. Eliminating gluten from your life is the antidote for both.
    • Scochran
      Tissue Transglutaminase Ab, IgA, 1.2 (Negative)  IgA 393 mg/dLH High  Abnormal second test Endomysial Antibody IgA LCNegative t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA 2 iga 488 abnormal first test Comment from doctor from test   Your Celiac Screening Test showed a positive IgA, which gives you a 93% likelihood of having Celiac Disease. The treatment for this includes a gluten-free diet. I would suggest discussing this with your primary care provider and consider follow up with Gastroenterology. If you have any questions, please notify the office.  Thank you. She’s a nurse practitioner endocrinologist and told me I didn’t necessarily need to be eating gluten again after I had stopped for two weeks for second test but don’t avoid it. I felt that wasn’t correct from what I’ve read. Also she told me the total iga for this test is specific for celiac only. From what I’ve read that isn’t correct. She is diagnosing me just from elevated iga? Is this correct. My sister is celiac but her ttg iga is high and total iga. I feel so confused. My sister is definitely celiac and I have so many symptoms I believe could be but not the standard ones. I ache all over, off balance and dizzy, many health problems I feel could be related. Please chime in with your experience.
    • mbrookes
      Google is your friend. I just put in " air frier Whatever" and get recipes that so far have been really. After a while you see what they are doing and you can convert your old recipes to air frier. I love mine! 
    • Scott Adams
      I don't have an air fryer, but found this: https://www.everydayfamilycooking.com/gluten-free-air-fryer-recipes/ 
    • glucel
      I had a triple bypass so do not eat cheese or butter but I use avocado oil freely. Do not eat potato chips etc every night anymore instead fruit and or bowl of cereal with nut milk. Diet is much cleaner now but qty remains the same. My diet seems nutritional enough and pretty much follows: breakfast- hard boiled egg, 1/2 oz beef liver, cereal: flax, milk thistle pumpkin seed and oatmeal mixed together Lunch/dinner-  meat, chicken or salmon with potato or rice or quinoa and veggies no oil sometimes salad with dressing. Bread if needed. supper- 3 slice bread peanut or cashew butter or 5 grain cereal with nut milk, or soup loaded with rice or whatever evening- fruit maybe potato chips or cookies when I just have to do it. Ordinarily try not to keep them in house. I put on a pound or so when potato chips are eaten for couple days. I use to eat much more fat but am more careful now after bypass so suppose that makes a difference. I think small intestine might have something to do with it but was looking for confirmation.
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