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Feeling worse before you feel better??


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scanlanmd Apprentice

Hi all!

I am about a month into my gluten free diet, I was feeling better initially, now, I have been having some sinus problems, headaches and fatigue. It almost feels like I’m constantly coming down with a cold, but, it never actually happens. 

Has anyone experienced this in the initial stages of their healing journey?

Currently taking:

l-glutamine, multi-vitamin, magnesium, b complex, vitamin D+C, probiotics.





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knitty kitty Grand Master

Can you tell us more about your gluten free diet? 

What sort of things are you eating?  Processed gluten free facsimile products?  Dairy?  


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scanlanmd Apprentice
20 minutes ago, knitty kitty said:

Can you tell us more about your gluten free diet? 

What sort of things are you eating?  Processed gluten free facsimile products?  Dairy?  


I have been quite diligent!

Mostly whole foods-fruits/veggies, smoothie form/salad form/soup form. Cauliflower rice, gluten-free rice, gluten-free pasta.  I do eat tofu and soy products more often than not (tempeh, soy based vegan cheese) I have had some avocado toast on some gluten-free bread the past few days.

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knitty kitty Grand Master
9 minutes ago, scanlanmd said:

I have been quite diligent!

Mostly whole foods-fruits/veggies, smoothie form/salad form/soup form. Cauliflower rice, gluten-free rice, gluten-free pasta.  I do eat tofu and soy products more often than not (tempeh, soy based vegan cheese) I have had some avocado toast on some gluten-free bread the past few days.

Are you vegetarian?  

Some Celiacs have difficulty with soy and processed gluten free facsimile foods.  

Have you tried the Autoimmune Protocol diet?  It's Paleo, but there is a vegetarian version.  (The Paleo Approach by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and heal the intestines.) 

Eating a diet high in carbohydrates can encourage Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). 

The AutoImmune Protocol diet cuts out lots of carbohydrates which starves out the SIBO bacteria.  Thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency can result in SIBO since thiamine helps keep SIBO in check.  (Thiamine deficiency must be corrected by taking 300-500 mg of thiamine a day.  A B Complex doesn't contain enough to correct a thiamine deficiency. Improvement is usually seen within hours to days.)  



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scanlanmd Apprentice
17 hours ago, knitty kitty said:

Are you vegetarian?  

Some Celiacs have difficulty with soy and processed gluten free facsimile foods.  

Have you tried the Autoimmune Protocol diet?  It's Paleo, but there is a vegetarian version.  (The Paleo Approach by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and heal the intestines.) 

Eating a diet high in carbohydrates can encourage Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). 

The AutoImmune Protocol diet cuts out lots of carbohydrates which starves out the SIBO bacteria.  Thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency can result in SIBO since thiamine helps keep SIBO in check.  (Thiamine deficiency must be corrected by taking 300-500 mg of thiamine a day.  A B Complex doesn't contain enough to correct a thiamine deficiency. Improvement is usually seen within hours to days.)  



Not strictly vegetarian, I eat MOSTLY veg lifestyle, but, whatever my body is craving, I give to it. I've not tried the above protocol, however, I am so open to trying it!

I have a naturopathic and dietetic appointment next week too, so I mention all the above to them!!

UPDATE: I also do shift work, and with all the changes in my diet, I think I may have a mild sinus infection as a result, LOL. I got some OTC meds and am feeling more energized today.

Again, you all are so helpful here, thank you for easing my mind and journey every single DAY.


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    • Hopeful1950
      I am considering using the Metabolic Meals delivery service. They claim to be 100% gluten free. Has anybody used this service? If so, have you had any reactions? Is the food worth the price? Thanks, any input is appreciated
    • Wheatwacked
      If you are looking for a good diet to follow to start your real recovery Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, 6 Week Plan is a good choice. Dr. Fuhrman’s 6-Week Nutritarian Diet Quick Start Dr Fuhrman is a Cardiologist who began the Nutritarian diet.  Helped me immensely with understanding nutrition.  Adapt it to GFD. If you can find them Drs Fuhrman, Amen, Davis and Hyman all had recurring annual specials on South Florida Public Service TV.
    • cristiana
      @hilly Sorry as this is a blind post as I have a lot to do today and haven't read the entire thread.  But I had bad bloating for a while, and at my gastroenterologist's suggestion after a three week trial of going entirely dairy free  I found relief.   I reintroduced dairy gradually and am pretty much OK with it now.  I also found heavy iron supplementation added greatly to bloating.  For me, bloating gets to me either in my lower gut or in my stomach and upper back, and I once thought I might be having a heart attack the pressure was so immense.  I then remembered I'd taken some iron that morning.   If you are on iron, you may wish to try a different supplement.  My GP put me onto much more gentle iron fumarate tablets at one point,  suggesting I took them an hour before breakfast, with water, and that really helped. Also, take a look at the low FODMAP diet.  Although intended for sufferers of IBS, it suggests foods that can help lessen bloating.
    • cristiana
      Thanks for drawing our attention to this, Scott.  I have no idea about this in the UK, I think I need to do some more homework!  
    • Wheatwacked
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