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Navigating between gluten intolerance, candidosis and histamine intolerance

Spherical Bird

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Spherical Bird Contributor

Hi everyone, 

As usual, I'm not completely done with my diet and haven't been able to come up with any kind of strategy to come to terms with my symptoms... So I would like to know if anyone who has encountered this triad of problems would have any advice.


For the small history, I began the year with some issues due to some gluten free breads (that I don't tolerate well) and later made the mistake of eating too few greens. 


As a result, I've been dealing with a candidosis that seems particularly agressive and limited to the bladder area (and I also begin to wonder if this is not the last stage of healing from it, since it doesn't give me migraines like it used to... But this said, I also heard it can inhibit symptoms too so... maybe I'm not healing, I wouldn't know)


To help with the healing, I've been taking lactobacillus pills that seems to be quite effective, but I feel very perplexed because I have a feeling I may have deficiencies that weren't showing on my blood tests. I know I am usually deficient in D in B12 when sick of this thing in particular... However, B9 seemed to be fine when I freshly began the diet. And yet, my sleep problems and how they got resolved by a multivitamin complex makes me feel perplexed too (I got explained that the glutamate issue I always had - which troubled my sleep - was tied to B1 deficiency, and what a relief ! Because this was the main symptom that made me question my problems with gluten)

So do I even have celiac ? I don't know either.

However I got a vitamin complex that solved the sleep issue but seems to have caused a candidosis crisis again. At first I assumed it was just vitamin C (known to irritate the bladder when in supplement form) but I've read a little more about this and...

Well, the other problem is that Candida albicans/candisosis feed itself with some of these supplements, so I'm confused on where to start to heal properly now...


And to add up, I've gotten some pretty wild reactions to avocados and suspect it was histamine intolerance too as this was pretty violent (I woke up from a feelin that felt like an electric shock in my head and with my heart racing like never before, it was difficult to recollect my thoughts after that and the next day, I had a foggy mind) to this day I still fear this even has affected my heart. Things feels normal right now, but I get very scared of anything that raises my heartbeat lately...


I'm really confused with all of this as my own sensibility to gluten may not be caused by celiac disease (although... maybe, who knows...) and it may or may not simply be caused by candidosis.

But this problem itself (candidosis, and gluten intolerance, because heck, both create leaky guts after all) well, it seems to imply an histamine intolerance too (at least I know what foods to avoid too) but all of this makes me sad and scared as I don't remember having such horrible reactions to avocados... I may have taken a lot of lemon juice that day (histamine liberator) maybe that was the issue but I don't know.


Anyway, I'll be very grateful if anyone can think of something to start with.

I'm currently taking 2 lactobacillus pills, a lot of greens and 2000 UI of D vitamins too.

I bought some B complex and planned to add it to my diet but I'm feeling scared about some more reactions of my bladder and possibly a worsening of histamine intolerance too and etc... To this point I expect everything.


I really don't know where to start because this feels complicated. Oddly enough, also clear enough for me to grasp what's wrong and what triggers some issues but still unclear...

Thank you very in advance much for your answers ! (And again, my apologies if there's typos again, I'm French)

(And sorry if I sound a little chaotic in my post too, I just really want to heal from all of this so... This is very frustrating...)

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Have you been screened for celiac disease or candida albicans? If you've been gluten-free then it's likely too late to get screened for celiac disease, unless you're willing to do a gluten challenge and eat 2 slices of wheat bread a day for 6-8 weeks. However, you can be screened for candida albicans any time.

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Spherical Bird Contributor
10 hours ago, Scott Adams said:

Have you been screened for celiac disease or candida albicans? If you've been gluten-free then it's likely too late to get screened for celiac disease, unless you're willing to do a gluten challenge and eat 2 slices of wheat bread a day for 6-8 weeks. However, you can be screened for candida albicans any time.

Unfortunately not for celiac. But this was mostly due to the fact that eating gluten would trigger rhinitis, sleep apnea, terrors, ataxia, migraines, panic attacks and affect my mood in awful ways.

I really wanted to and have been considering it again since I took vitamins that seriously dimished all of these symptoms. The extreme relief I got is what kept me going.

And unfortunatly, back then, I only had seen doctors which were doubtful too. I remember being laughed at when I mentionned having sleep apnea at my age. And the only serious doctor I had, which was my family's doctor, told me to seek another doctor because he got too many patients. The only thing I had left is a one year long prescription for urine tests. So I have that, at least. Even though I already know what it is. And then again, it was complicated to go and do these tests as I had urges...

And regarding candida albicans, I've been prescribed treatments for it but it didn't worked and didn't go away until I stop the vitamins and eat more greens.

The only thing that seemed to have helped too (if it wasn't helping the entire leaky gut problem too I think) well, these were probiotics...

But I keep wondering how long it will actually takes to heal fully from these things. I'm guessing we can grow a tolerance to histamine back ? But I also remember reading that histamine isn't good for guts either...

I think I understand all of these things well enough to heal alone from these (since I've seen some big benefits and it's a nightmare to get new doctors where I live...) but I guess what's missing is that I don't know well enough what truly damage the guts and what doesn't...

Do you, by chance, have an article or something that features all the possible sensitivities to food that are associated with that/leaky guts syndrome ?

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Have you tried either of these diets?



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Spherical Bird Contributor
On 4/2/2022 at 8:30 PM, Scott Adams said:

Have you tried either of these diets?



I'm famillar with the low FODMAP diet as it helped me a little during a painful crisis. 

However, I'm new to the AIP diet. I don't think I have an issue with beans, or maybe it's less painful than with nightshades, but I know for sure I resolutely have problems with tomatoes ! I even hated these as a kid actually...

I was told this might be because of their acidity or lectins (given the fact that I tolerate cooked tomatoes a little more)

I also remember that I always had the silly and not-so-justified (to others at least) habit to remove the tomato seeds.

I remember that they always seemed slightly easier to digest that way...

I luckily got the chance to get a few advices from a professional when it comes to reintroduce foods so I'll see how it goes...

Thanks for sharing anyway !

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Spherical Bird Contributor

As an update, I tried to reintroduce tomatoes, again, just to make sure I wasn't having wrong intuitions last time...

But as expected, I woke up several times from an uncomfortable tiggling sensation in my hands (it really felt like the bloodflow wasn't normal in these as I was sleeping, it was creepy...)

 And there was also my skin which looked dry (I mean, it had a lot of sheet marks that I don't have if I eat other things) and it was even red and hot in areas where it had more direct contacts with the mattress (tomatoes specifically does this... I have litterally no clue why) it disappeared during the day but damn, it's always the same reaction. I'm really puzzled... And I also struggled to open my eyes much widder too. Really odd... And to add up, I got shoulder pain today. Despite having that meal saturday.

All of this is very frustrating as I haven't got an official diagnosis, nor an assigned doctor and I really wish I had one... 

But I think this is the day to start the auto-immune protocol. I'll see how it goes... With the hope my guts might become less leaky. I ate a lot of nuts during the last years, not being aware about oxalates and the difficulties they can create (I learned that they can specifically impact the bladder... That makes a lot of sense...)

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    • glucel
      I have ingested 100 mcg of folic acid for many years but wised up and switched to folate about 3 months ago. I am now taking optimized b100 complex which includes folate 1240 mcg dfe (as 6s methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine salt, quatrefolic. Also get another 70 mcg from beef liver as well as whatever else from diet. I am not quite certain how much natural folate is safe as opposed to folic acid. Do the above description and amounts sound OK?
    • Wheatwacked
      I felt betrayed by the food I was eating,  I was angry at Agrobusiness.  Angry at myself because I blew off my son's doctor's recommendation in 1976 to go gluten free.  I was angry at the nutritional misinformation.  I actually became quite evangelistic about GFD.  My family banned me from mentioning wheat in their presence. High dose 10,000 IU Vitamin D and low dose 5 mg Lithium Orotate kept me grounded. It is not just a gluten free diet.  You also have to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  Pretend like you moved to another country so you have to find new favorite foods.  There are built in deficiencies in the western diet that at times seems intentional.  Vitamin D, Choline, Iodine is deficient in the general diet.  Add in the deficiencies caused by the Celiac Disease malabsorption you suffered with unknowingly and the difficiency caused by avoiding foods.  Don;t forget the deficiencies caused by no longer eating processed gluten foods with their fortifiction.  Gluten free foods on not fortified.  You get what you eat. Oh, anger at the people and doctors who said there was nothing wrong, when I knew there was. From as early as ten years old.  Guess I showed them.  They are getting sicker and I am not.  I invite them to my 130 birthday party. Give yourself a break, you were told lies.  But let the anger turn into productivity. To quote the Grateful Dead: "What a long strange trip it's been" Your weight will stabilize at it's natural level.  I was kick sand in the face skinny as a kid.  150  pounds average through my 20's Then blew up to 185 from my 50's until I started GFD at 63. You have the oppurtunity to avoid what I suffered.  Check out old TV shows like "Ozzy and Harriet", "Leave it to Beaver", "Donna Reed Show".
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @sadiec123! A couple of questions. First, what is the biggest driver behind your food anger? Is it having to deny yourself foods that you used to enjoy or is it the social cost of needing to eat gluten free? By social cost, I mean do you feel left out or even resented by family/friends at social events or do you avoid social events because of the need to eat gluten free? Second, is the weight loss welcome or has it put you in an unhealthy physical state?
    • Wheatwacked
      Even if Gliadin G is excluded from your diagnostic standards, you still have symptoms caused by eating gluten.  Perhaps you have Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS).     NCGS is diagnosed by first eliminating Celiac Disease as the cause of your symptoms.  A Negative diagnosis for Celiac Disease.  Then showing symptom improvement while on a trial gluten free diet.  Next show the return of symptoms with return of glutin to your diet.  
    • sadiec123
      I am 22 and was diagnosed with celiac back in May 2024. It was discovered after a year worth of excruciating pain and I was in the ER 3 times within a two week span from abdominal pain that presented as appendicitis or pancreatic issues. The physical pain and discomfort took months to heal after going gluten-free ( still going) however I feel so mentally & emotionally out of touch with everything. I know having other stressors in my life can add to that of course but I lost a lot of weight because I just don't want to eat anymore. I am angry all the time with food and feel physically awful with my diet. Did/does anyone else have this experience? I am really unsure of what to do or how to go about anything even though it's just a gluten-free diet that's supposed to fix it.
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