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chocolate and getting stomach upset


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Muhammaf Apprentice

Hello everyone, sometimes i get my stomach upset after chocolate even though it contains no gluten and lactose. For example after eating “Kupiec” rice cakes.

Why does it happen? is there anyone who suffers from the same problem? Maybe i overeat them? But it’s enough to get diarrhoea after one chocolate bar, but that chocolate bar is tested by people and it’s considered to be gluten-free(it’s not labelled as gluten free)

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trents Grand Master
1 hour ago, Muhammaf said:

Hello everyone, sometimes i get my stomach upset after chocolate even though it contains no gluten and lactose. For example after eating “Kupiec” rice cakes.

Why does it happen? is there anyone who suffers from the same problem? Maybe i overeat them? But it’s enough to get diarrhoea after one chocolate bar, but that chocolate bar is tested by people and it’s considered to be gluten-free(it’s not labelled as gluten free)

I underlined part of your post that is confusing to me. Who are you saying tested this chocolate product for gluten and who considers it to be gluten free? If it's not labeled gluten free then I doubt some company has gone to the expense of testing it. If they had tested it and found it to be gluten free, wouldn't they advertise it as such?

Not infrequently we have others on this forum who cannot tolerate chocolate. Can you take a pic of the ingredient list and attach it to your next post?

Lactose is the sugar in milk. If the chocolate has milk in it then it will most likely also have lactose. Maybe that's why they call it "milk chocolate". As far as a dairy intolerance goes, lactose is not always the culprit. Some people also react to the protein casein in milk.

And there may be another ingredient in the chocolate such as an emulsifier that you are reacting to.

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Muhammaf Apprentice
3 hours ago, trents said:

I underlined part of your post that is confusing to me. Who are you saying tested this chocolate product for gluten and who considers it to be gluten free? If it's not labeled gluten free then I doubt some company has gone to the expense of testing it. If they had tested it and found it to be gluten free, wouldn't they advertise it as such?

Not infrequently we have others on this forum who cannot tolerate chocolate. Can you take a pic of the ingredient list and attach it to your next post?

Lactose is the sugar in milk. If the chocolate has milk in it then it will most likely also have lactose. Maybe that's why they call it "milk chocolate". As far as a dairy intolerance goes, lactose is not always the culprit. Some people also react to the protein casein in milk.

And there may be another ingredient in the chocolate such as an emulsifier that you are reacting to.


i meant to say that the place i live in has a paltry amount of gluten free products and we got some forums here where people share their experience with gluten intolerant ones. i have tried a chocolate bar which is said to be safe by these people and to be honest i’ve tried another one which is labelled “gluten-free” but the result was the same. i don’t think that these rice cakes with Dark Chocolate has lactose.

maybe emulsifier causes that as you said.


my stomach can digest schar's products. i sometimes eat their lactose containing sweeties as well and they don’t give much trouble as the chocolates do.


i have no idea what’s wrong maybe i can’t digest pure chocolate in large quantities 

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Chocolate is well-known to have a laxative effect in some people, especially when eaten in larger quantities.

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Jackie Garrett Collaborator
On 4/18/2022 at 5:43 AM, Muhammaf said:

Hello everyone, sometimes i get my stomach upset after chocolate even though it contains no gluten and lactose. For example after eating “Kupiec” rice cakes.

Why does it happen? is there anyone who suffers from the same problem? Maybe i overeat them? But it’s enough to get diarrhoea after one chocolate bar, but that chocolate bar is tested by people and it’s considered to be gluten-free(it’s not labelled as gluten free)

Hello Muhammuf

Maybe a whole bar is too much for  your system now, and what you once could get away with you can’t now, maybe try just having a small amount and see how that goes, emulsifiers are not good with me, are you reacting to Histamines ?? There is a lot of information  out there now on Histamine intolerance, I have to watch my levels and avoid certain things to keep well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Muhammaf Apprentice
On 4/20/2022 at 11:04 AM, Jackie Garrett said:

Hello Muhammuf

Maybe a whole bar is too much for  your system now, and what you once could get away with you can’t now, maybe try just having a small amount and see how that goes, emulsifiers are not good with me, are you reacting to Histamines ?? There is a lot of information  out there now on Histamine intolerance, I have to watch my levels and avoid certain things to keep well.

i don’t think so cause i can eat citrus fruits, tomatoes they are okay to me. as you said maybe it’s so since i usually eat a large amount of chocolate. i can’t help it sometimes 

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Muhammaf Apprentice
On 4/19/2022 at 9:02 PM, Scott Adams said:

Chocolate is well-known to have a laxative effect in some people, especially when eaten in larger quantities.

yeah, definitely that’s where the problem lies

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      I do. That’s actually what tipped my GI dr off to check for celiac. I was first, diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis through my colonoscopy. I immediately started a two month course of budesonide, and then had to labs done for celiac. When that came back positive, we did the endoscopy to confirm things.
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