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Pregnant, glutened and terrified


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LCArseneault Rookie

I was diagnosed after my third miscarriage as part of recurrent pregnancy loss workup. I really didn’t have much in terms of GI symptoms at all and would have never guessed. I’ve been gluten free for 3 months now and am 7 weeks pregnant, and was told my nachos were gluten free but I looked at the ingredients and they very much are not - the multigrain Tostitos. I ate probably 3/4 of a bag over the course of a couple of days. I am petrified of miscarrying again. It seems from what I can read that the anti-TTg can damage the placenta. Anyone have any similar experiences they can share? 😩

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Wheatwacked Veteran
37 minutes ago, LCArseneault said:

was told my nachos were gluten free but I looked

Hi @LCArseneault Welcome to the Forum. I am sorry to hear of your miscarriages. Congrats on the new pregnancy. My wife had three miscarriages before our son was born in 1976. He was diagnosed with Celiac as an infant when he was weaned. You would think that 42 years later there would be progress but there is still denial. It took a few months of Nutramagen baby formula exclusively followed by reweaning onto a gluten free diet tp recover and he grew up strong and healthy. At the time he was one of 13 children diagnosed in the country. It was suggested because I was a very colicky baby that I should see what a GFD does for me. I was 25 and had no digestive issues ( I did not consider underweight, and picky eater). Well in 2014 I finally tried it when I realized that at 63 I was the spitting image of my infant son with his bloated infant belly, unable to stand more than 5 minutes. Problems that had been blamed on alcohol cigarettes and age disappeared. I counted 18. Alcohol addiction (30 years) just went away. After a lifetime of being a mouth breather my nose works and the shortness of breath, blamed mostly on tobacco has completely resolved despite continuing to smoke a pack a day (not proud, just fact). The point here is get your husband on board with getting tested and regardless of the results, at least of month of GFD. The whole house being GFD will improve yours, your baby's and your husbands quality of life.

Nutritional deficiencies are comorbid with Celiac and these deficiencies will affect your pregnancy. Folate is well known for neural tube defects like spina bifida but choline works with folate. Estimate less than 10% eat the minimum recommended of choline.

Low choline levels in pregnant women raise babies' risk for brain and spinal-cord defects, study shows   "Choline, an essential nutrient found in egg yolks, soy, wheat germ and meats, was the only nutrient measured whose blood levels were linked to risk of neural tube defects."

Iodine and fertility: do we know enough?   "In this article, the metabolism of iodine and its potential role in fertility will be discussed, including the impact of both iodine deficiency and excess states and the importance of iodine in normal fetal development ...  Mills et al. (2018) conducted a study in over 500 women in the USA and found that those with lower urinary iodide levels had a 46% reduction in fertility. Moreover, women with low iodine levels also took longer to conceive, with 28% of the iodine deficient group failing to conceive at 12 months compared to only 12.5% in the iodine sufficient group. This suggests that iodine deficiency may contribute to a proportion of UI in developed countries (Mills et al., 2018). Another study in West Africa showed that women with iodine deficiency have twice the risk of reproductive failure and again, the risk of reproductive failure being directly proportional to the severity of iodine deficiency (Dillon and Milliez, 2000)."

Vitamin D and Pregnancy  A recent study found women taking 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily had the greatest benefits in preventing preterm labor/births and infections ...    The study confirmed vitamin D at this level is not only safe for you, but for your baby, and the researchers from this study now recommend this daily dosage of vitamin D for all pregnant women. The average prenatal vitamin only contains 400 IU of vitamin D, so additional supplementation should be taken daily.

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NNowak Collaborator
9 hours ago, LCArseneault said:

I was diagnosed after my third miscarriage as part of recurrent pregnancy loss workup. I really didn’t have much in terms of GI symptoms at all and would have never guessed. I’ve been gluten free for 3 months now and am 7 weeks pregnant, and was told my nachos were gluten free but I looked at the ingredients and they very much are not - the multigrain Tostitos. I ate probably 3/4 of a bag over the course of a couple of days. I am petrified of miscarrying again. It seems from what I can read that the anti-TTg can damage the placenta. Anyone have any similar experiences they can share? 😩

After diagnosis at age 24, I experienced infertility and three second term miscarriages. I also have 4 beautiful children- now ages 15-24. Ask your practitioner about progesterone. Methylated B complex prior to your pregnancy, and during, is essential. You may need choline as well - phosphatidylcholine. Check with your OB.

Right now detox with a lot of water and rest. Focus on what you can control by eating only what you’re familiar with. Please reduce your stress with this. I fully understand your anxiety about this - I’m sorry you are going through this. Hugs 💕

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Try to relax, as extra stress won't be able to turn back the clock. I think this unfortunate episode is unlikely to cause a miscarriage. I would, however, be extra vigilant about your gluten-free diet, and it sounds like you will be going forward. This article may help:


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Sabaarya Community Regular
On 5/23/2022 at 6:39 PM, NNowak said:

After diagnosis at age 24, I experienced infertility and three second term miscarriages. I also have 4 beautiful children- now ages 15-24. Ask your practitioner about progesterone. Methylated B complex prior to your pregnancy, and during, is essential. You may need choline as well - phosphatidylcholine. Check with your OB.

Right now detox with a lot of water and rest. Focus on what you can control by eating only what you’re familiar with. Please reduce your stress with this. I fully understand your anxiety about this - I’m sorry you are going through this. Hugs 💕

Hi. I had 2 miscarriages before my son. Well at that time I hadn’t  been diagnosed with celiac yet. My doctor put me on baby aspirin and progesterone for 3 months and I was able to carry my baby. I did have occasional spotting during my pregnancy and was so panicking but thank god was able to have my baby…

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    • Hopeful1950
      I am considering using the Metabolic Meals delivery service. They claim to be 100% gluten free. Has anybody used this service? If so, have you had any reactions? Is the food worth the price? Thanks, any input is appreciated
    • Wheatwacked
      If you are looking for a good diet to follow to start your real recovery Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, 6 Week Plan is a good choice. Dr. Fuhrman’s 6-Week Nutritarian Diet Quick Start Dr Fuhrman is a Cardiologist who began the Nutritarian diet.  Helped me immensely with understanding nutrition.  Adapt it to GFD. If you can find them Drs Fuhrman, Amen, Davis and Hyman all had recurring annual specials on South Florida Public Service TV.
    • MaximilianKohler
      First of all, you should read this information about SIBO: https://humanmicrobiome.info/sibo. It's a very questionable diagnosis that leads many people to harm themselves with misguided treatments. Regarding celiac, I think it's very likely that FMT can treat it. Have a look through the related research: https://humanmicrobiome.info/intro/#celiac. You will see that multiple studies have shown that "gluten intolerance" is actually intolerance to various other "prebiotic" substances. FMT should be able to restore the microbes required to properly digest/process those prebiotic substances. The main issue I've come across is that stool donors who are good enough to treat or cure any condition are extremely rare. FYI, there is no such thing as "resetting your microbiome". Antibiotics are often the suggestion for this, but they do permanent damage that FMT may not even be able to reverse. FMT is still in the research phase, so I'd be very weary of any doctor claiming to specialize in FMT. Most of the clinical trials are using low-quality donors and getting poor results because of that.   The gut microbiome plays a major role in regulating the immune system: https://humanmicrobiome.info/immune-system/ Furthermore, the gut microbiome also regulates intestinal permeability. And in many cases, it's a permeable gut barrier that allows various particles and microbes to enter the bloodstream, which then triggers an immune reaction.
    • cristiana
      @hilly Sorry as this is a blind post as I have a lot to do today and haven't read the entire thread.  But I had bad bloating for a while, and at my gastroenterologist's suggestion after a three week trial of going entirely dairy free  I found relief.   I reintroduced dairy gradually and am pretty much OK with it now.  I also found heavy iron supplementation added greatly to bloating.  For me, bloating gets to me either in my lower gut or in my stomach and upper back, and I once thought I might be having a heart attack the pressure was so immense.  I then remembered I'd taken some iron that morning.   If you are on iron, you may wish to try a different supplement.  My GP put me onto much more gentle iron fumarate tablets at one point,  suggesting I took them an hour before breakfast, with water, and that really helped. Also, take a look at the low FODMAP diet.  Although intended for sufferers of IBS, it suggests foods that can help lessen bloating.
    • cristiana
      Thanks for drawing our attention to this, Scott.  I have no idea about this in the UK, I think I need to do some more homework!  
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