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Please help me interpret my blood results! (Possible Diagnosis)


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granolagoddess1 Newbie

Hello! I have been having gastrointestinal issues + fatigue for years, so finally decided to get bloodwork done. I was told my celiac diagnostic panel was positive, indicating a high likelihood of me having celiac. My questions are: 

1. What are the chances of me actually having celiac based on my bloodwork + some of the tests coming back "normal?" 

2. Should I continue eating gluten prior to my endoscopy? 


Thank you :)


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granolagoddess1 Newbie
2 minutes ago, granolagoddess1 said:

Hello! I have been having gastrointestinal issues + fatigue for years, so finally decided to get bloodwork done. I was told my celiac diagnostic panel was positive, indicating a high likelihood of me having celiac. My questions are: 

1. What are the chances of me actually having celiac based on my bloodwork + some of the tests coming back "normal?" 

2. Should I continue eating gluten prior to my endoscopy? 


Thank you :)

EDIT: Here are my bloodwork results: 

- Tissue transglutimase Ab, IgG - Normal / antibody not detected 

- Tissue transglutimase Ab, IgA - High (38.2) / antibody detected 

- Gliadin (deamidated) Ab (IgA) - High (15.5) / antibody detected 

- gliadin (deamidated) Ab (IgG) - Normal (4.6) 

- Immunoglobulun A - Normal 

2 minutes ago, granolagoddess1 said:



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trents Grand Master

The chances are high that you have celiac disease. The centerpiece of the antibody testing you had done is the tTG-IGA and it is positive. It would have been more helpful if you had included the reference ranges for each test as different labs use different reference ranges for positive vs. negative. or high vs. normal in this case. You also have a positive for deamidated IGA. The Immunoglobulun A is not a celiac antibody test per se but a measure of total antibodies. If that one is low (which it is not) it can skew the individual celiac antibody tests toward negative. It is common for people with celiac disease to test negative for all antibody tests as some of the tests are less sensitive than others (and some are more specific than others). 

Yes, you should definitely continue to eat normal amounts of gluten (the equivalent of at least two slices of wheat bread daily) until you have the endoscopy/biopsy. 

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Scott Adams Grand Master

I agree, and given that you have two high blood test results for celiac disease, you likely have it, especially given your symptoms. Has your doctor discussed your results with you yet?

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trents Grand Master

I corrected something I said as I typed something other than what I meant to say. Please see the underlined portions in my first post.

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Kate333 Rising Star

Yes...you need to keep eating G before your endoscopy to ensure its accuracy.  

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    • Layu
      The doctor said that Anti Gliadin IGG can be elevated in IBS or in atopic dermatitis, which I have had since childhood, appears every winter. What do you think about it? 
    • Wheatwacked
      Elevated levels of Anti-Gliadin IgG might mean that your body is reacting to gluten. This can happen when your immune system is more sensitive to gluten, which could be a sign of non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS).  In the US 10% of the population are diagnosed NCGS while only 1% are diagnosed Celiac Disease.  "5 of 26 patients (20%) with biopsy-proven celiac disease during our specified period had a positive AGA IgA or IgG and a negative tTG." Anti-Gliadin Antibodies Identify Celiac Patients Overlooked by Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies In my non medical opinion, while your tests don't completely rule out Celiac disease it does indicate a high chance of Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.  A biopsy would be required to rule out Celiac Disease.  Many have posted that they test negative for blood test, but were eventually confirmed to have Celiac by a biopsy, some took 10 years to finally be diagnosed. The tTG-IgA test has a sensitivity of 78% to 100% and the EMA-IgA test has a sensitivity of 86% to 100%.  So there is room for the doctors to be wrong.  Since you do better on gluten free diet, it is likely one of the two.  Both require gluten free diet for your health.
    • Layu
      Hi Wheatwacked,  I maked tests when i eat gluten every day and don't take probiotiks.  Calprotectin 27 ( norm is 0 - 50) tTG IGA - 0.41 ( norm is <20)  total IGA - normal (1,02). Norm is 0,60-3.48 EMA IGG  and EMA IGA - <1:10 (it was written that such a result excludes celiac disease by 98%)  Anti Gliadin G ( Alpha gliadin G) - 100 U/ml (norm is 0-12). I can also say that i have often mucus in stool. I forgot to say that.  Gluten free diet helps me, right, but i can eat sometimes bread and other. Not every day. And i havent diarrhea. 
    • Wheatwacked
      Hi Layu, Could you copy the lab results, exactly as they appear.  Test, your results and the range the lab uses? Did the gluten free diet help? It could be that the probiotic helped limit the damage the gluten was doing.  It may have lowered your test results, especially if your tests were taken during a period when you were not eating gluten.  Foods like fermented pickles and sauerkraut (lactobacillus) might also help.    
    • Rageagainstthewheat
      Does anyone have experience with H&B supplements? I purchased a few different supplements and most of them don’t say they are ‘gluten free’ but they don’t have wheat or gluten in their ingredients list and they don’t have a ‘may contain’ warning. Does that mean they would be safe to take? 
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