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Nausea and fatigue almost all day


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itarachiu Enthusiast

As the title says, I do feel nausea(without vomiting) and fatigue in the same time everyday and for the most part of the day which cause the will of live for me close to 0. It's happening mostly after I eat. I'm 32 years old and until 5 years ago at 27 when I got the confirmation that I have celiac disease and went gluten free, I pretty much suffered for the most part of my life from various symptoms. When I switched to a gluten free diet my health cameback like 70-80% in just 1 year however some of my symptoms still persist and in the last 3-4 months nausea and being fatigue start to take control of my life again.

This nausea feeling comes from small intestine up into the stomach + my brain does not function at all, it also raise my blood pressure and I can feel that my immune system is doing something and I have to wait for this feel to go away everytime between 1-4 hours and then it repeats again after another meal. If I do fast for 24 hours I don't get nausea at all, sometimes I do get if when I wake up but sometimes but for the most part is related specific to eating, after i eat.

I tried low fodmap, intermittent  fasting 24 hours, only bananas for a few days, only meat for 1 week, I cut refined sugar, no fructose at all, nightshades... I was hoping it will be a leaky gut but I'm already 3 weeks in testing things and I lose my hope. A week ago I even lost my consciousness for less than a minute and has uncontrollable bowel movement, I was testing only raw spinach(diet) then I realised how bad it was(see oxalates). I lost my consciousness before after eating stuff like cashew it's not the first time and no is not epilepsy, I do feel actually 2 minutes before passing out that I will pass out and it's a sharp pain that is in my intestine. Something is wrong there.

My diet after gluten free was buckwheat seeds, carrots, onions(raw), garlic(occasionally) lettuce, green pea, meat(red, white, fish), white potatoes(steamed or french fries), tomatoes, eggplant salad, bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, figs, dates, some pickles(occasionally) and coffee with sugar in low quantities. Maybe I missed a few ones but these were mostly my diet after I got my celiac disease diagnosis. So yeah not the best but... is not working anymore.

What tests I had to do to eliminate this cancer thought from my head or other suggestions?

100% sure that is not gluten contamination.

EDIT: My tension drops to 84 and bpm(pulse) was 73 today when the nausea feeling striked me. Usually my tension is around 130 and my pulse a little bit over 70. I do feel very anemic as well(cold feel too in hands and feets).

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trents Grand Master

Welcome to the forum, itaratchiu!

How long does it take between the time you eat and when the symptoms occur?

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itarachiu Enthusiast
18 minutes ago, trents said:

Welcome to the forum, itaratchiu!

How long does it take between the time you eat and when the symptoms occur?

5 mins to 30 mins sometimes 1 hour.

Also sometimes I do have the same feeling in the morning without eating. When is mostly night I never feel nausea, my last meal of the day is about at 4pm.

EDIT: When this feeling of nausea strikes me I get panic attacks too most of the times. I guess this is important to be mentioned too.

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trents Grand Master
31 minutes ago, itarachiu said:

5 mins to 30 mins sometimes 1 hour.

Also sometimes I do have the same feeling in the morning without eating. When is mostly night I never feel nausea, my last meal of the day is about at 4pm.

EDIT: When this feeling of nausea strikes me I get panic attacks too most of the times. I guess this is important to be mentioned too.

It occurs to me that you may be experiencing histamine intolerance, a subset of MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome). I suggest you google these two problems. Here's a starter: https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/health-a-z/mast-cell-diseases/#:~:text=Diagnosis involves blood tests%2C including,for various mast cell mediators.

These two conditions are closely related to each other and very common in the celiac population.

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knitty kitty Grand Master


Have you been checked for diabetes?  Your reactions after eating are similar to my reaction of high blood glucose.  Panic attacks can occur if blood glucose levels stay high for too long.  

Are you keeping a food journal?  Writing down what you eat and the quantity could help a nutritionist evaluate your diet.  Vitamin deficiencies can occur on the gluten free diet.

Symptoms of Thiamine deficiency include nausea and fatigue.  The passing out you describe sounds similar to Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) which happens in thiamine deficiency, too.  Gastrointestinal Beriberi has symptoms similar to yours, as well.

The pancreas uses thiamine to make insulin.  Most people with Diabetes are deficient in thiamine.  

I've experienced all these symptoms myself.  My health has improved with supplementing with a B Complex and high dose thiamine, magnesium, Vitamin C, and D.


Hope this helps!

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itarachiu Enthusiast

Thank you for the suggestions, I will look into them.

Yes I did the test for diabetes, my father has type 2 diabetes and I use the device every few months to check it and everytime he tells me that I have it more than normal.

Yesterday I eat only red meat(a little bit fatty) and felt pretty bad, even this morning when I woke up I had nausea vreo 5-6 hours which is more than usual. Right now I eat a banana(unripe) and some blueberries, I will try these for 1-2 days to see what is going on, until now NO nausea whatsoever.

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Try the Autoimmune Protocol diet.  Following this diet helps intestines heal.

Read more about it here...


Please consider supplementing with Benfotiamine.  The problems with your glucose and your blood pressure dropping suddenly so you faint, and the problem with spinach oxalates are symptoms of thiamine insufficiency.  

Read more here...




Hope this is helpful.

P. S. Bananas and blueberries don't contain much thiamine...

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itarachiu Enthusiast

@knitty kitty

Thank you for replies! Well I tried today only bananas(unripe) and blueberies because they are FODMAP, and I have no more nausea! I will eat for a few days only these 2 foods and see what is going on. I did read an article about celiac disease how was discovered and I found it intersting and why not to try.


BTW yes I do keep a journal of my foods. I pretty much know them if I think but a text document on my PC will not hurt.

I did stop to take any suppliment because I was suspecting them that maybe because of them I had nausea. I do take B12 Methylcobalamin and B complex, this one has Thiamin 10mg. Both these products are from a company in US, Solgar is called. I live in Romania and this was one of the most expensive ones that I could find, they do sell even 5 times cheaper than this but they are from companies that I never heard. At least this company has a website and they are very transparent about what they contain. I will try to look for Thiamin specific vitamin not from a complex.

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Great!  If at all possible, try a form of thiamine called Benfotiamine or Thiamax.


Keep us posted on your progress!

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itarachiu Enthusiast

Yep I will, my body right now is finally calm, I have 61 bpm pulse. I notice that after every meal until today my heart rate was increasing just like that to even 80 or at least 70, today it stayed at 60 all day. Most of the time nausea was coming after eating but sometimes even at 4am in the morning while sleeping it was waking me up. It's a strange feel of nausea without vomiting, increased heart rate(panic attack?) fatigue and dizziness and anxiety and wondering why is this happening to me and the constant feel that I will lose consciousness. As I mentioned I did actually lost consciousness because of a foods 2 times and everytime I could feel 2 minutes before, it's a specific diziness that you will not will put you down. I also losed consciousness when I got COVID 2-3 months ago because of high temperature but without uncontrollable bowel movement. Only with cashew and spinach had uncontrollable bowel movement. Also I did fainted in my life many times, tiered, stress or whatever other reasons. I had health troubles since I was 3-4 years old and until 27 I pretty much struggled with health, I keep struggling even today after 5 years of being gluten free. I was doomed since birth, I had symptoms even as a kid but my parents, doctors, whatever, they ignored the simple fact that I have a bowel movment every 10 days, nobody asked why so you know the rest... I have the same story just like everybody that was not properly diagnosticated, I remember reading stories like mine 5 years ago, not a few cases, too many in fact.

BTW when I got the confirmation that I have celiac disease it was because I made a list of all my symptomps and everything was pointing out to this disease, just by googling, not because my GI doctor requested it. They were keep telling me that I have ulcers and I need treatments but nobody asked why I got ulcers in my stomach.

Now I hope after I wake up until I eat again to feel the same... hopefully... 2morrow I will introduce sweet potato and carrots.

I have to keep researching about leaky gut because this is the only explanation why I struggle in general. A gluten free diet was not enough.

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Covid can deplete your Thiamine stores and cause a deficiency.

Be well: A potential role for vitamin B in COVID-19





Another symptom of low Thiamine is constipation, IBS, leaky gut...








I've had all these complaints and more.  My parents ignored my symptoms because they couldn't admit they had problems either, so I know what it's like struggling your whole life to just feel a little better.  High dose Thiamine has been the cause of the best improvements I've experienced in my health.  

I do hope you will give high dose Thiamine and B Complex and magnesium supplementation a good try.

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itarachiu Enthusiast
10 hours ago, knitty kitty said:

I've had all these complaints and more.  My parents ignored my symptoms because they couldn't admit they had problems either

My father has type 2 diabetes since age of 45, he is on medication since then but he keeps doing the same thing that made him sick, eating only processed foods and ice creams and too much bread. We here in Romania have a joke, we eat bread with bread, this is our culture, bread like italians with pasta. He also had 4 mini strokes and he is constipated all the time, just like I was. My brother has Wilson disease, a very rare autoimmune(kind of) disease so this autoimmune thing is running in my family so, me, my brother and my father we all share something in common, autoimmune disease and nobody is asking what is wrong in our lifestyle. What chances are that our 4 members family, 3 of them to have auto immune disease. They don't care as long the treatments keep them alive and they can still go with their life with the SAME thing that made them sick in the first place.

Also I told to my father if he stops eating gluten and he cuts out the refined sugar and the desert like ice creams he will probably don't need anymore diabet treatment but he just does not care.

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knitty kitty Grand Master


I understand.  My parents were stuck in their ways, too.  

I was prescribed Metformin for my diabetes.  Metformin causes thiamine and folate deficiencies because Metformin blocks the transporters that carry thiamine and folate into the cells.  Do encourage your father talk to his doctor about supplementing with a B Complex and Thiamine.  

Celiac Disease is found in Wilson's disease.  Yes, some of these autoimmune diseases are connected.  

High dose Thiamine supplementation has been shown to be helpful in recovery from strokes and thiamine helps relieve constipation.  

Keep nudging your dad into a better diet.  Perhaps he will be encouraged by your progress!  

Be strong!  {{{Hugs!}}}

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itarachiu Enthusiast

@knitty kitty

My father still believes that celiac disease doesn't exists. He still believes that we all people should eat bread and this gluten thing is harmless. I will not even try to tell him anything because he will still do what he thinks so... cakes, ice cream and bread every day and his treatment that allows him to keep have this lifestyle.

My brother does not care too, only processed foods, coffees and cigarettes. He is taking treatment too... a very expensive one.

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knitty kitty Grand Master


You can set a good example for him.  He will notice how your health improves as you heal while eating a healthy diet.  

Look into the Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP diet).


I followed this diet and it has really helped.  You'll feel better soon.  Choose low histamine foods.


Talk to your doctor about supplementing with vitamins, extra thiamine and minerals. 

You're not alone.  You can do this.  

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itarachiu Enthusiast

@knitty kitty

Thank you for help but my father can't be helped. Some people are like that and that how my father is. If the doctor told him that he is sick and he needs treatment that's what he believes. Now let's go back to the post subject.

Yesterday I eat only 5 bananas(unripe), blueberries, sweet potato(first time) since I cut all nighshades, sweet potato is a good replacment for usual white potato.

Right now for me is 7am, I wake up 1hour ago, I did sleep for 7 hours straight without waking up, this is good because in the last 3-4 months after 4 hours no matter at what hour I was going to sleep, after exactly 4 hours I was already awake, ocasionally I could fall asleep again after goint to toilet and some water. A 7 hours sleep straight that's good... This was the good part, however there is a bad part too, after I became awake I was staying in bed looking on my phone and suddenly is strike me a panic attack and that nausea feeling was again present in my stomach and in my throat and that feeling of fainting and intentional shaking my body to calm me down. Usually I use to get this feelings while I was up on my feets, never in bed. And no it was not something that I read on my phone, it was something... random, it came randomly. Then I was to toilet to have a bowel movment and my intestine calmed down. I will speculate, it could be something related to my nervous system, he can't regulate, some deficiency... idk... or it could be the fat from the red meat that I eat 2-3 days ago, I was only on carnivore diet for 2 weeks, only red meat, some people have problems with fats from red meat.

Also, thank you for all the links I did digested(read) them yesterday and I found something intersting. So I got COVID, 2 months ago, however I experience nausea and fatigue and panic attacks in the last 5-6 months, however! After getting better because of COVID, about 1 month let's say... my health is worse than before so it makes sense what I read in those articles, whatever vitamin deficiency I have, COVID depleted from my body even more, because my health is worse than before. Another article was saying that too much carbs can make you thiamine deficient, well here is the thing. Before starting to get nausea everyday I eat french fries almost everyday for 1 year. I know that was bad, refined oils... nightshades... however this food is just how we live here in Romnia, like bread, is our culture, how I lived my entire life, it has no gluten so I can eat it... well that's what I said... it was not the only good of course but it was part of my main foods that makes my hunger go away.

So it makes sense that maybe... MAYBE I'm b1 thiamine deficient however I did eat foods with b1, maybe my body does not absorb it?!

In case you asking why I don't get a blood test or whatever to test for deficiencies then you don't know how broken is our society in this country. I was so malnourished before diagnosis and all tests were looking normal. I couldn't not stand on my feets anymore and they were saying that I have nothing. Thanks to my laptop and google and because I requested endoscopy for celiac disease.

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itarachiu Enthusiast

My suppliments B Complex are from Solgar and they say to take 2 each day. B1 thiamine contains 10mg per 2 so 1 contains 5mg.

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knitty kitty Grand Master


That brand of vitamins uses thiamine mononitrate, a form of thiamine that is not as well used by the body.  

Other forms like Benfotiamine or Thiamax (thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide) are more useful.  These forms can get into cells easily.  If you can find one of those  forms or even thiamine hydrochloride, those would be better absorbed than thiamine mononitrate.  Still take the B Complex, and take more Thiamine.

A person doesn't have to have an outright thiamine deficiency.  There can be a functional deficiency.  Thiamine is a cofactor in making many enzymes that the body needs to function.  When we are stressed, like physically ill with Covid or chronic illness like Celiac, our enzymes don't function properly.  With High Dose Thiamine, more thiamine can get into cells, more thiamine is available for making the enzymes and the enzymes work properly again.  And we feel better!

I understand about your doctors.  Mine were the same.  Because they couldn't figure out what was wrong, they said I was making stuff up, a hypochondriac.  You can read more of my story in my blog.  (You can get to my blog by clicking on my name in red up there.)

I used to not be able to sleep for more than three or four hours, too.  I would get up, go to the toilet, and get a drink of water and try to sleep again, but would have bad panic attacks, too, and more trips to the toilet.  I finally figured out that the drink of water would make my blood glucose drop low and that low blood sugar would trigger a panic attack, and probably stimulated my digestive system to do its thing.

Now, I have a snack (like a couple of dates) before bedtime.  If I wake, I try not to have much water.  Sometimes I can tell I'm getting low blood sugar, so I eat something and go back to bed. 

I sleep eight hours solid now.  The only time the waking at night happens now is if I've been glutened or if I haven't eaten enough before bedtime.  Benfotiamine helps with my type two diabetes, keeps my blood glucose levels more stable.  I'm able to control my diabetes with diet.  Thiamine is used to make insulin in the pancreas.  

 Try keeping a food-mood-poo'd diary.  It will help pinpoint foods that have a short transit time, and foods that cause more inflammation.  

Do try some bone broth and cooked until soft meat.  Liver is a great source of B vitamins and minerals.  The AIP diet reduced inflammation and calmed down my digestive system.  I hope you try it.

Be encouraged! You're on the right path now, with lots of support here.  


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itarachiu Enthusiast

I do keep a food journal, I note also dates, hours, how much I eat, how I felt after 1h, etc, Until now with my journal I was able to identify that fats from pork(red meat) cause nausea 5 mins after I eat. On the other hand same pork meat without fat I do better, so fat.. it's a nono. Right now I eliminated all meat from my diet and keep testing things. I did read another people here on the forum that they have problems with fats too, another example is from avocado it does not necessary to be animal fat.

Another question, it's safe to take more suppliment pills every day? Currently I take B12 sublingual and 1 B complex. The B complex I can take 2 it's saying on the label and I will do that. I want also to take magnesium(muscle spams/twitches), iron(i have cold feets and hands and anemia), and as you suggested more B1(specific B1 not from complex).

So, in total I will take 5 per day, 1 sublingual(b12) and 4 pills. Also I can try to rotate them, B12 everyday and to split them 2 by 2. How should I proced?

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knitty kitty Grand Master

I would suggest taking B12 before your breakfast meal.  The B Complex at the beginning of two meals and magnesium at the end of meals.  Iron is absorbed better if taken with Vitamin C.  

Since some of the B vitamins are involved in energy production, I prefer to take them earlier in the day so they don't keep me awake. LOL

Be consistent and take them every day.  Our bodies can't make vitamins, so vitamins must come from food or supplements every day.  The B vitamins are water soluble.  Any excess is excreted in urine.  They are safe and nontoxic.  

Are you taking Vitamin D?  It will help regulate and calm your immune system.  

I've made oxtail soup which contained a lot of fat and caused problems, so I understand.  Thiamine helps with breaking down fats, so that should improve with a little time.

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cnazrael89 Enthusiast
21 minutes ago, knitty kitty said:

The B vitamins are water soluble.  Any excess is excreted in urine.  They are safe and nontoxic.

Quick question on benfotiamine. Since this is a synthetic, fat soluble form of B1 and it is more bioavailable than the common form of B1 in B complex supplements, do we need to worry about it building up and becoming toxic? Or is excess still excreted through urine?

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knitty kitty Grand Master

No, it's nontoxic.  There's a lipid (fat) attached to the end of the thiamine part.  The lipid tail is what gets the whole molecule through the cell membrane (made of lipids), but that tail is snapped off easily and reused as a lipid. 

There is a "thiamine paradox" where a few weeks into taking thiamine, a person might feel worse.  Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, who has researched thiamine for decades, compares this to a car that hasn't been started for a while backfiring.  Adjusting the dose up or down helps.  I've gotten through the paradox by switching to another form for a few days.  

Everybody's different, so you have to find the right dose for you.  

Here's more information on how high dose Thiamine works...



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cnazrael89 Enthusiast

Awesome, thanks so much! I had found and read through the Thiamine paradox by reading your blog and finding the link to that information by Dr. Lonsdale. I'll check out the youtube link! 😀 

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itarachiu Enthusiast

I do get daily vitamin D from the sun. I stay outdoor about 1h near to my car in front of my block. I have an older BMW that repair it, clean it, it's therapy for me... or sometimes I do watch YouTube or calling a friend... I do this every day for vitamin D.

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trents Grand Master
2 hours ago, itarachiu said:

I do get daily vitamin D from the sun. I stay outdoor about 1h near to my car in front of my block. I have an older BMW that repair it, clean it, it's therapy for me... or sometimes I do watch YouTube or calling a friend... I do this every day for vitamin D.

Still, if you have celiac disease you might not be getting enough D from the sun because you aren't absorbing it efficiently from your diet. Also, we are discovering that the optimum amount of D is considerably greater than what the established minimum daily requirement is.

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    • trents
      So, did you get the decimal point wrong in both places? Was that original tTG-IGA 18.9 instead of 189? So, did it go from 18.9  up to 22.6 or from 189 down to 22.6? The endomycial (aka, EMA) is an older test and has generally been replaced by the tTG-IGA which is less expensive to perform and pretty much tests in the same way. It is more sensitive than the EMA so it is not uncommon for the tTG-IGA to be positive and the EMA to be negative, especially when the tTG-IGA is not a strong positive. As mentioned by knitty kitty, dairy can cause elevated tTG-IGA and so can oats (even gluten free oats) in about 10% of celiacs. We call this cross reactivity. The proteins of these foods are similar in structure to gluten. Also, there are some medications like NSAIDs and a certain blood pressure med that can damage small bowel villi as well as certain other medical conditions. https://www.verywellhealth.com/villous-atrophy-562583
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @glucel! Are you still consuming dairy?   About half of people with Celiac Disease also react to dairy.  Dairy products can make antibody levels rise. More importantly, vitamin deficiencies occur after surgery.  Anesthesia can precipitate a B 12 deficiency because nitrous oxide used in anesthesia can irrevocably bind with the B12 making it useless.  Thiamine deficiency can be precipitated by surgery because of increased metabolic demands when ill.   Deficiencies in these vitamins can cause constipation and "senior moments".  Do talk to your doctor about checking for nutritional deficiencies as part of proper follow up care for Celiac patients.  Supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals can boost your absorption of these nutrients.  Most Celiacs are deficient in the B Complex vitamins, Vitamin D, and minerals like magnesium, iron, and zinc, all important in repairing and healing the body.   Keep us posted on your progress!
    • Scott Adams
      If your husband is 100% gluten-free going forward, any fertility affects caused by untreated celiac disease should disappear, it's very important that his diet is gluten-free. This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):    
    • Scott Adams
      I agree with @trents and your low total IgA means that your tTG-IgA would have been higher--and you already mentioned that it was a "weak positive." A weak positive is still a positive test result, so the likely next test would be an endoscopy to confirm celiac disease.  This article might be helpful. It breaks down each type of test, and what a positive results means in terms of the probability that you might have celiac disease.     
    • Scott Adams
      I believe you meant that your tTg-IgA levels went up even though you've been on a gluten-free diet, is that correct. If so, are you sure you understand the gluten-free diet fully? This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):    
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