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Nausea and fatigue almost all day


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itarachiu Enthusiast

@knitty kitty

I do use olive oil and coconut in the food, everything I eat has a little bit some oil, quail eggs and chicken eggs a few per day some meat but not much. Now I feel my large intestine fine, bowel movments are fine but there is a problem with the small intestine now, because I eat so much rice like 2-300 g per day even 400 in some days in the last 2-3 months I can feel the SIBO got out of control, I can feel things exploding 30 seconds later after I start to eat in my small intestine specially in the left side under the stomach, I can feel gas and pressure there which does not pass however is getting better day by day slowly but is getting better.

Now I can't complain that I feel nausea anymore but I have other problems. I will keep the 0 carb diet for 1 month more, according to my research the problem with SIBO is the fact that you have low stomach acid which is pretty common in celiacs. If I get rid of SIBO I have to fix the stomach acid thing because otherwise SIBO will comeback if I introduce again carbs, specially anything that is grain. Potatoes(carbs) they do feed bad bacteria too but not as much grains carbs.

I also have to mention that I think I have SIBO based on my symtomps and research, I was not tested, when I eat anything that feeds the bad bacteria I can feel the gas how is produced in the small intestine and it feels VERY uncomfortable immediately after I eat, if I eat anything that does not feed bad bacteria everything is smooth and calm.

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Rogol72 Collaborator
36 minutes ago, itarachiu said:

@knitty kitty

I do use olive oil and coconut in the food, everything I eat has a little bit some oil, quail eggs and chicken eggs a few per day some meat but not much. Now I feel my large intestine fine, bowel movments are fine but there is a problem with the small intestine now, because I eat so much rice like 2-300 g per day even 400 in some days in the last 2-3 months I can feel the SIBO got out of control, I can feel things exploding 30 seconds later after I start to eat in my small intestine specially in the left side under the stomach, I can feel gas and pressure there which does not pass however is getting better day by day slowly but is getting better.

Now I can't complain that I feel nausea anymore but I have other problems. I will keep the 0 carb diet for 1 month more, according to my research the problem with SIBO is the fact that you have low stomach acid which is pretty common in celiacs. If I get rid of SIBO I have to fix the stomach acid thing because otherwise SIBO will comeback if I introduce again carbs, specially anything that is grain. Potatoes(carbs) they do feed bad bacteria too but not as much grains carbs.

I also have to mention that I think I have SIBO based on my symtomps and research, I was not tested, when I eat anything that feeds the bad bacteria I can feel the gas how is produced in the small intestine and it feels VERY uncomfortable immediately after I eat, if I eat anything that does not feed bad bacteria everything is smooth and calm.


My naturopath prescribed the following two products for balancing the gut bacteria and getting on top of SIBO and/or Candida. Something similar might help you. Oregano, Olive Leaf, Garlic and Caprylic Acid are all good natural antibiotics.




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trents Grand Master
5 hours ago, itarachiu said:

VERY BAD. You can really feel that you have less energy and in the first days I had to put under my tongue a little bit of refined sugar 2-3 times a day because I was very dizzy. I also experienced night sweats in the first 2 days. I still feel after around 10 days of 0 carbs the effect, carbs really give you energy. I also lost 1 kg in weight.

Essentially, you have put yourself on a ketogenic diet if you have eliminated carbs. There is an adjustment period with the ketogenic diet that lasts for a couple of weeks I'm told. During that time, you feel crummy until your body learns how to efficiently burn fat for energy. But as knitty kitty said, you must give it the fat in your diet to burn.

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itarachiu Enthusiast
6 hours ago, Rogol72 said:


My naturopath prescribed the following two products for balancing the gut bacteria and getting on top of SIBO and/or Candida. Something similar might help you. Oregano, Olive Leaf, Garlic and Caprylic Acid are all good natural antibiotics.




According to my research garlic does feed bad bacteria. I do eat every 3 4 daya but jusuuuust a little. I will check the links but for the moment no antibiotics... I will try the diet way, it's working, slow but it's working. Next month we will see the results how I feel.

I do eat alot of ginger it's also good for histamine.

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Rogol72 Collaborator
1 hour ago, itarachiu said:

According to my research garlic does feed bad bacteria. I do eat every 3 4 daya but jusuuuust a little. I will check the links but for the moment no antibiotics... I will try the diet way, it's working, slow but it's working. Next month we will see the results how I feel.

I do eat alot of ginger it's also good for histamine.

Histamine is horrible, in the brain, sinuses, lungs etc. I've got it under control now, but I think I'll add ginger back into my diet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
itarachiu Enthusiast

Another 1 month update.

Good news! I'm 99.99% sure that I have SIBO, don't know which one but because of 0 carbs, 0 fructose, 0 sugar, 0 anything that feeds the bad bacteria improved my digestion very VERY well. I can tolerate now again eggs, meat, high histamine foods, 3 days leftover meat, anything which is high in histamine, didn't tried all of them but I can already tell that IS WORKING.

It took 1 month for my body to understand as somebody mentioned here already that the fuel now is fat, I do eat 4-5 organic chicken eggs per day now, meat almost every day, stock soups, I don't lose weight anymore, in fact I gained back almost all the lost weight. I was constipated for 2-3 weeks from meat but now is okyish, is getting better.

I did experienced die off symtomps related to SIBO... bloating, gas, trapped gas, pressure in the small intestine, depression, nausea, but not the same nausea from histamine intolerance, it felt different this nausea, burping for no reason, night sweats, nightmares, gut pain, cramps, insomnia, everything for about 2 weeks but I did continued because I have no choice, it must be this why I'm not healing and why I struggle in the last 4-5 years, it is the only explination. It must be this because I DO FEEL BETTER, bad bacteria was causing histamine intolerance, eating a low histamine foods is not the solution for histamine intolerance. Now I know... the problem is, what caused SIBO. Well that is easy is 100% because of celiac disease but what I'm afraid is the fact it can come back. If the cause for SIBO was because of minerals and vitamins deficiency, now because I DO absorb vitamins very well maybe it the gut will get fixed but there is the chance to be something else like tyroid, low stomach acid(I don't have symtomps for that). The problem with SIBO is the body does can't fight against them so they migrate from large intestine in the small intestine and then all of this non sense with histamine intolerance and pain and IBS and indigestion came from, because of this bacteria.

I will have to add more supplements for gut repair such as, Vitamin B6, C, Copper, Zinc, L glutamine. D3 and Magnesium I already take them. Other stuffs that stimulate the gut motility is Oregano oil, artichoke extract and ginger extract, ginger I already eat is as a food in large quantities and Artichoke extract I start to take them 1 week ago. Motility is very important, if the gut is slow, that is the perfect environment for bad bacteria.

Thanks to that 300-400g/day of rice on the low histamine diet which increased my SIBO which let me to google 'why I have gas in the small intestine' because otherwise I was going to keep struggle. I was planning to go back after 1 month of this specific diet that starve bad bacteria but no way... I'm not going back for 3 months more at least, I'm feeling too good to go back, I don't need carbs anymore. This can take months, god knows since when these bad bacteria are installed there in my small intestine, I'm 33 years old now and since when I was in high school at 16 I start to experience the problems from celiac disease so I will assume they start to live there since then, 1 month will not cure it for sure. In fact I still feel tiny tiny little bubbles that they do pop up in my small intestine, that is gas released from bad bacteria because they die.

The type of SIBO that I have is probably methane because I was always constipated, like my whole life. Hidrogen SIBO is for diarrhea which I never had. There are chances that maybe some other type of fungus and viruses to live there too, I don't know, what I know is the diet that starve these bacterias is WORKING. FINALLY SOMETHING IS WORKING! BTW there are no tests available for SIBO in Romania but I will check my tyroid after another 3-4 months of diet and healing.

BTW my skin is keep getting better, my premature wrinkles on face are getting better, I look younger, my mood improved very well, my energy, my anemia, my... everything is finally getting better, I can't believe it... it was THAT EASY, what is wrong with these doctors, why nobody told me... my godness... oh wait. There is no profit or treatment for these health issues, you just eliminate the culprit for 3-6-9 months, the gut will heal on it's own and there you go. THAT EASY.

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itarachiu Enthusiast

Can't edit anymore I was going to say that I don't feel hungry anymore, meat and a few eggs a day and more olive oil did the trick, in fact now I do eat even when I'm not hungry because I want to gain weight.

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Rogol72 Collaborator
2 hours ago, itarachiu said:

Another 1 month update.

Good news! I'm 99.99% sure that I have SIBO, don't know which one but because of 0 carbs, 0 fructose, 0 sugar, 0 anything that feeds the bad bacteria improved my digestion very VERY well. I can tolerate now again eggs, meat, high histamine foods, 3 days leftover meat, anything which is high in histamine, didn't tried all of them but I can already tell that IS WORKING.

It took 1 month for my body to understand as somebody mentioned here already that the fuel now is fat, I do eat 4-5 organic chicken eggs per day now, meat almost every day, stock soups, I don't lose weight anymore, in fact I gained back almost all the lost weight. I was constipated for 2-3 weeks from meat but now is okyish, is getting better.

I did experienced die off symtomps related to SIBO... bloating, gas, trapped gas, pressure in the small intestine, depression, nausea, but not the same nausea from histamine intolerance, it felt different this nausea, burping for no reason, night sweats, nightmares, gut pain, cramps, insomnia, everything for about 2 weeks but I did continued because I have no choice, it must be this why I'm not healing and why I struggle in the last 4-5 years, it is the only explination. It must be this because I DO FEEL BETTER, bad bacteria was causing histamine intolerance, eating a low histamine foods is not the solution for histamine intolerance. Now I know... the problem is, what caused SIBO. Well that is easy is 100% because of celiac disease but what I'm afraid is the fact it can come back. If the cause for SIBO was because of minerals and vitamins deficiency, now because I DO absorb vitamins very well maybe it the gut will get fixed but there is the chance to be something else like tyroid, low stomach acid(I don't have symtomps for that). The problem with SIBO is the body does can't fight against them so they migrate from large intestine in the small intestine and then all of this non sense with histamine intolerance and pain and IBS and indigestion came from, because of this bacteria.

I will have to add more supplements for gut repair such as, Vitamin B6, C, Copper, Zinc, L glutamine. D3 and Magnesium I already take them. Other stuffs that stimulate the gut motility is Oregano oil, artichoke extract and ginger extract, ginger I already eat is as a food in large quantities and Artichoke extract I start to take them 1 week ago. Motility is very important, if the gut is slow, that is the perfect environment for bad bacteria.

Thanks to that 300-400g/day of rice on the low histamine diet which increased my SIBO which let me to google 'why I have gas in the small intestine' because otherwise I was going to keep struggle. I was planning to go back after 1 month of this specific diet that starve bad bacteria but no way... I'm not going back for 3 months more at least, I'm feeling too good to go back, I don't need carbs anymore. This can take months, god knows since when these bad bacteria are installed there in my small intestine, I'm 33 years old now and since when I was in high school at 16 I start to experience the problems from celiac disease so I will assume they start to live there since then, 1 month will not cure it for sure. In fact I still feel tiny tiny little bubbles that they do pop up in my small intestine, that is gas released from bad bacteria because they die.

The type of SIBO that I have is probably methane because I was always constipated, like my whole life. Hidrogen SIBO is for diarrhea which I never had. There are chances that maybe some other type of fungus and viruses to live there too, I don't know, what I know is the diet that starve these bacterias is WORKING. FINALLY SOMETHING IS WORKING! BTW there are no tests available for SIBO in Romania but I will check my tyroid after another 3-4 months of diet and healing.

BTW my skin is keep getting better, my premature wrinkles on face are getting better, I look younger, my mood improved very well, my energy, my anemia, my... everything is finally getting better, I can't believe it... it was THAT EASY, what is wrong with these doctors, why nobody told me... my godness... oh wait. There is no profit or treatment for these health issues, you just eliminate the culprit for 3-6-9 months, the gut will heal on it's own and there you go. THAT EASY.

That's great news. Credit to your determination to resolve your issues. I used to have pain in the bottom right quadrant at the junction of the Ileocecal valve when my UC was flaring, doctors dismissed it any time I mentioned it. I've read that inflammation and dysfunction with this valve can also cause SIBO.

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  • 9 months later...
itarachiu Enthusiast

This is a +10 months update: Everything is great! Carnivore diet actually recovered my health and I will stay carnivore for life I guess...

I don't eat any seed/grain anymore finally, I don't feel hungry anymore which was always a problem for me no matter how much I was going to eat. No more histamine problems, muscle spasms, panic attacks, insomnia, low energy, digestion issues or whatever. Potatoes I miss them but they make me constipated so they are out of my diet too. Sweet potatoes are fine but regular potatoes no.

Last panic attack was 6 months ago, that is something because I use to have them on daily basis. Now I know and feel that my immune system has finally calmed down.

I stop taking any supplements more than 6 months ago because I did want to see if is the diet that is working or the supplements.

From time to time I still eat some bananas, some dry dates, soups, carrots, parsnip, onions but mostly 80-90% is only meat, eggs and bones stock for the gut. Instant coffee too every morning, normal coffee gives me anxiety sometimes.

So my bet is that I had SIBO but because I was almost full 6 months only meat, everything died there in the small intestine which finally let me get the proper level of vitamins from food, it's pretty much the only explanation. Some foods they really make me feel sick no matter how healthy they are for others.

Now I have to figure out why I have slow transit time, average time for bowel movments is 2.5 days, compared to 4 days how I use to be 1 year ago is still great but still not perfect. In january 2024 I will start to take magnesium supplement hoping to see an improvement and if that works I may introduce again more stuffs in my diet but for the moment I'm fine even with mostly meat.

Happy Xmas y'all!

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trents Grand Master

Concerning time between bowel movements, your current diet is probably pretty low in fiber. Grains supply a significant percentage of fiber in most people's diets.

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itarachiu Enthusiast

I had a lot of fiber in my diet before going carnivore and I couldn't go less than 4 days no matter what so as I am right now is a luxury 🙂

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Raquel2021 Collaborator
On 10/16/2022 at 12:28 PM, itarachiu said:

As the title says, I do feel nausea(without vomiting) and fatigue in the same time everyday and for the most part of the day which cause the will of live for me close to 0. It's happening mostly after I eat. I'm 32 years old and until 5 years ago at 27 when I got the confirmation that I have celiac disease and went gluten free, I pretty much suffered for the most part of my life from various symptoms. When I switched to a gluten free diet my health cameback like 70-80% in just 1 year however some of my symptoms still persist and in the last 3-4 months nausea and being fatigue start to take control of my life again.

This nausea feeling comes from small intestine up into the stomach + my brain does not function at all, it also raise my blood pressure and I can feel that my immune system is doing something and I have to wait for this feel to go away everytime between 1-4 hours and then it repeats again after another meal. If I do fast for 24 hours I don't get nausea at all, sometimes I do get if when I wake up but sometimes but for the most part is related specific to eating, after i eat.

I tried low fodmap, intermittent  fasting 24 hours, only bananas for a few days, only meat for 1 week, I cut refined sugar, no fructose at all, nightshades... I was hoping it will be a leaky gut but I'm already 3 weeks in testing things and I lose my hope. A week ago I even lost my consciousness for less than a minute and has uncontrollable bowel movement, I was testing only raw spinach(diet) then I realised how bad it was(see oxalates). I lost my consciousness before after eating stuff like cashew it's not the first time and no is not epilepsy, I do feel actually 2 minutes before passing out that I will pass out and it's a sharp pain that is in my intestine. Something is wrong there.

My diet after gluten free was buckwheat seeds, carrots, onions(raw), garlic(occasionally) lettuce, green pea, meat(red, white, fish), white potatoes(steamed or french fries), tomatoes, eggplant salad, bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, figs, dates, some pickles(occasionally) and coffee with sugar in low quantities. Maybe I missed a few ones but these were mostly my diet after I got my celiac disease diagnosis. So yeah not the best but... is not working anymore.

What tests I had to do to eliminate this cancer thought from my head or other suggestions?

100% sure that is not gluten contamination.

EDIT: My tension drops to 84 and bpm(pulse) was 73 today when the nausea feeling striked me. Usually my tension is around 130 and my pulse a little bit over 70. I do feel very anemic as well(cold feel too in hands and feets).

What about your iron levels? Very common for celiacs to have low iron. Do you consume meats/seafood? Not sure if you mentioned you are a vegetarian. 

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itarachiu Enthusiast
3 minutes ago, Raquel2021 said:

What about your iron levels? Very common for celiacs to have low iron. Do you consume meats/seafood? Not sure if you mentioned you are a vegetarian. 

I had iron deficiency too, my hands and feets were always cold even after hot baths, now they are normal, I don't feel that type of cold anymore. I do eat a lot of liver now specially for iron.

EDIT: Yes I was mostly vegetarian before going carnivore. I do eat mostly pork, sometimes a little fish too.

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Raquel2021 Collaborator
2 hours ago, itarachiu said:

I had iron deficiency too, my hands and feets were always cold even after hot baths, now they are normal, I don't feel that type of cold anymore. I do eat a lot of liver now specially for iron.

EDIT: Yes I was mostly vegetarian before going carnivore. I do eat mostly pork, sometimes a little fish too.

Good. Vegetarian diets can work wonders for some individuals but for us celiacs I think we definitely need to consume meats as we are already very restricted.  I think that following a paleo style diet or AIP is beneficial.  I have been gluten-free for 3 years now and I am still experiencing some symptoms. Still recovering I guess. 

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Hello, all!  

Thought I'd share some articles about SIBO and Thiamine deficiency.   Thiamine has antibacterial properties and keeps colonic bacteria from moving into the small intestine causing SIBO.  High fructose corn syrup forms a "biomesh" or lattice by which bacteria can creep into the small intestine, too.  Removing simple sugars like honey, syrup, rice and potatoes from the diet helps starve out the SIBO.  If you change your diet, you change your microbiome (the types of bacteria in the digestive system).   Thiamine deficiency causes constipation.  Thiamine deficiency can also cause Gastroparesis.


SIBO, IBS, and Constipation: Unrecognized Thiamine Deficiency?



When SIBO & IBS-Constipation are just unrecognized thiamine deficiency



Thiamine deficiency disorders: a clinical perspective



Hiding in Plain Sight: Modern Thiamine Deficiency



Micronutrient Deficiency in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Cause or Effect?


Edited by knitty kitty
Typo correction
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itarachiu Enthusiast

I have to try first with only magnesium supplement because muscles spams are pretty much the only symtom that bugs me sometimes. I also have to quit drinking the instant coffee because that blocks the absorption of magnesium. If is not working for 1-2 months then I will try with the B1 too.

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  • 7 months later...
itarachiu Enthusiast

Another 9 months update:

A quick recap, as the title of the post says, I had nausea and fatigue all day despite the fact I was gluten free for 6-7 years, I discovered that I also had histamine intolerance, fructose intolerance and all kind of intolerances pretty much to everything except meat which is my current diet, I mostly eat meat, 2-3 eggs and bone broth every day.

Here I am again, no more nausea and fatigue, nausea for sure not but fatigue I still experience a little. After about I think 2 years of canivore diet, I still try from time to time foods that do ferment or at least the bad bacteria like rice and avocados for example and my gut still does not like them which means my gut is still not recovered. It's for sure better compared to 2-3-4 years ago but not perfect. Now, because I'm very mad on the health care system for being misdiagnosis with celiac disease for 10 years I avoided doctors as much as I could however I was hoping that the carnivore diet will fix or cure all my health problems that still persisted even after going gluten free and well it did, for the most part but the fact that I still avoid a lot of foods because they gave me stomach aches and bloating and all sort of symptoms, well it's not ok.

So! Why is the food fermeting in my small intestine like immediately after I eat? It's a dysbiosis of bacteria, obviously. I don't think my gut is leaky anymore, that bone broth sealed my gut for sure but the dysbiosis is still there. Now after many years of avoiding anything that it's related to health care system, I sent stool sample to check for bacteria(SIBO) or fungi(SIFO). I live in Romania, however the stool sample was sent to Germany because here there is not techology available to do that so this private clinic sent the stool sample to Germany and it came back positive for both, dysbiosis of bacteria and fungi overgrowth. Now, I was sure that I had small intestinal bacteria overgrowth but I didn't expected to had also fungi overgrowth.

Now, I have an answer why my gut never recovered, SIBO is so easy to treat it however with SIFO they can do a biofilm in your small intestine and these fungi bugs can live there stealing your nutrients. In fact, I still experience muscle spams and anemia which means magnesium and/or calcium deficiency for muscle spams and iron, b12 and/or b9(folate) for anemia. Here is the intersting fact, these fungi use zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium to do their biofilm in the small intestine which COULD BE the reason why I don't absorb these nutrients, no matter even if I supplement. I believe I do have that kind of biofilm into my small intestine, looks something like this:

WARNING, it may look nasty for some people.


Right now I do probiotics, I drink kefir and I do herbs(a lot of them), I try the natural way and if it will not work for 2-3 months then I have to go the antibiotic route to kill everything and repopulate the gut again. There are also biofilms disruptors drugs but I really try to avoid this route.

I tried to attach the whole PDF file that came from Germany with the report but I can't upload PDF files so I will make a print screen where is the most important and I will atach it as a JPG file.

analiza disbioza.jpg

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trents Grand Master

Let me caution you about one possible flaw in your logic when you say that departing from the carnivore diet to experiment with other foods like avocados gives you nausea, bellyaches, etc. I think when you eliminate any food from your diet for a long period of time and then go back to it you can have problems, even if you are a normal healthy person with a health gut. When you add something back in you need to start with very small portions and work up. We see this kind of thing with bovines who have been eating only grass or twigs. If suddenly you give them a lot of grain they will "founder" and often die. Their gut can't handle the sudden change.

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itarachiu Enthusiast
1 hour ago, trents said:

Let me caution you about one possible flaw in your logic when you say that departing from the carnivore diet to experiment with other foods like avocados gives you nausea, bellyaches, etc. I think when you eliminate any food from your diet for a long period of time and then go back to it you can have problems, even if you are a normal healthy person with a health gut. When you add something back in you need to start with very small portions and work up. We see this kind of thing with bovines who have been eating only grass or twigs. If suddenly you give them a lot of grain they will "founder" and often die. Their gut can't handle the sudden change.

Grains are not a food for bovines, birds have digestive system for grains. Anyway you may be right but I tried this route too, I know my body, I know what he likes or not. For example this summer I tried tomatoes after years of not eating at all and I didn't have any problem.

Anything that is high carb and high fructose I can feel how is fermeting in my small intestine right after I eat, like 10-20 mins later. If I am right and I do have a biofilm there then here is the answer why these foods hurt me and why I'm still anemic and I still experience muscles spams and related problems to magnesium deficiency like some anxiety or waking up without reasons at 2-3am(insomnia).

Anemia can be also b12 deficiency or b9, however b12 I take it sublingual + shots and b9 I do supplement. I had to stop the supplement for iron because according to my research as I mentioned it does feed the fungi and they use that to create their biofilm. After I stop the supplement for iron my anemia got worse, it was worse even on supplements + eating a lot of iron rich foods like liver, I just don't absorb the iron. I have to look if I can get sublingual iron, liquid or whatever. I do know you can get iron infusion but only at the hospital, I may look to that as well, however I want to see how my situation will evolve without outside help like supplements, if my anemia gets better that means what I'm doing is working and indeed there is a biofilm in my small intestine.

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knitty kitty Grand Master


Try supplementing with Riboflavin B2 which can fight Candida.

Riboflavin Targets the Cellular Metabolic and Ribosomal Pathways of Candida albicans In Vitro and Exhibits Efficacy against Oropharyngeal Candidiasis


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itarachiu Enthusiast
1 minute ago, knitty kitty said:

Try supplementing with Riboflavin B2 which can fight Candida.

I already do in the last 1-2 months, even before I sent the stool sample to Germany.

I experimented almost all vitamins and minerals, still have a few to try them. The most health benefits I felt was because of Zinc, B12(sublingual and shots), Omega 3, Vitamin C and Vitamin D(sunshine).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rogol72 Collaborator
On 8/23/2024 at 5:29 PM, itarachiu said:

Right now I do probiotics, I drink kefir and I do herbs(a lot of them), I try the natural way and if it will not work for 2-3 months then I have to go the antibiotic route to kill everything and repopulate the gut again. There are also biofilms disruptors drugs but I really try to avoid this route.

Hey @itarachiu,

I'm interested to know what herbs you plan on taking to address SIBO / SIFO if you don't mind sharing that info.

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itarachiu Enthusiast
On 9/2/2024 at 5:59 PM, Rogol72 said:

Hey @itarachiu,

I'm interested to know what herbs you plan on taking to address SIBO / SIFO if you don't mind sharing that info.

I take NAC(N-Acetylcysteine) as a biofilm because I personally believe I do have a biofilm and these bugs steal the iron(anemia) and the magnesium(muscle spasms) before I have the chance to absorb these nutrients. See the study link.

I also take Rifaximin which is the antibiotic to treat SIBO for the most part but it does work for SIFO as well. I do live in Romania and here I was able to find this drug under the name Normix, also is very cheap. In USA for example is sold under another name and is very expensive but there is a trick, something about canadian mail order to get it from Canada very cheap.

As a antimicrobials I take oregano extract, berberine and black cumin seed oil for the moment. I

Also as an update, I did my first round of 10 days of antibiotic and antimicrobials and I'M HAPPY TO REPORT THAT IS WORKING!!! I finally find the last piece from the puzzle. My mind is finally almost clear after 18 years of brain fog, my muscle spams almost stopped and the anemia as well... in just 10 days of antibiotics. Can't believe it... No supplements needed, keep doing my carnivore diet.

So, OK, I do have SIBO and SIFO. Why my body didn't recovered on his own is the question. Why my immune system can't keep my small intestine sterile which is how is supposed to be. I will make another rounds of 10 days of Rifaximin until I will feel that is 100% cured, the best part for this antibiotics is because you can take it even for months, is the only antibiotic which does not get into the blood and it stays active only in the small intestine.

I highly recommend to anyone, if you still struggle with the health even on a gluten free diet, try 10 days of Rifaximin and a biofilm disruptor. If is working, then you have SIBO(at least).


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Rogol72 Collaborator

Thanks @itarachiu, much appreciated. Great news that you finally got to the root cause of your SIBO/SIFO and the protocol is working. Are you using any liver support while taking the herbal antimicrobials? I suspect that I have a mild case of SIBO or SIFO/Candida as I get bloated after meals, especially after starchy carbohydrates ... in addition to histamine intolerance.

Keep us posted on your progress.

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trents Grand Master

Your small intestine is supposed to be sterile? Are you sure about that?

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    • trents
    • trents
      So, did you get the decimal point wrong in both places? Was that original tTG-IGA 18.9 instead of 189? So, did it go from 18.9  up to 22.6 or from 189 down to 22.6? The endomycial (aka, EMA) is an older test and has generally been replaced by the tTG-IGA which is less expensive to perform and pretty much tests in the same way. It is more sensitive than the EMA so it is not uncommon for the tTG-IGA to be positive and the EMA to be negative, especially when the tTG-IGA is not a strong positive. As mentioned by knitty kitty, dairy can cause elevated tTG-IGA and so can oats (even gluten free oats) in about 10% of celiacs. We call this cross reactivity. The proteins of these foods are similar in structure to gluten. Also, there are some medications like NSAIDs and a certain blood pressure med that can damage small bowel villi as well as certain other medical conditions. https://www.verywellhealth.com/villous-atrophy-562583
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @glucel! Are you still consuming dairy?   About half of people with Celiac Disease also react to dairy.  Dairy products can make antibody levels rise. More importantly, vitamin deficiencies occur after surgery.  Anesthesia can precipitate a B 12 deficiency because nitrous oxide used in anesthesia can irrevocably bind with the B12 making it useless.  Thiamine deficiency can be precipitated by surgery because of increased metabolic demands when ill.   Deficiencies in these vitamins can cause constipation and "senior moments".  Do talk to your doctor about checking for nutritional deficiencies as part of proper follow up care for Celiac patients.  Supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals can boost your absorption of these nutrients.  Most Celiacs are deficient in the B Complex vitamins, Vitamin D, and minerals like magnesium, iron, and zinc, all important in repairing and healing the body.   Keep us posted on your progress!
    • Scott Adams
      If your husband is 100% gluten-free going forward, any fertility affects caused by untreated celiac disease should disappear, it's very important that his diet is gluten-free. This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):    
    • Scott Adams
      I agree with @trents and your low total IgA means that your tTG-IgA would have been higher--and you already mentioned that it was a "weak positive." A weak positive is still a positive test result, so the likely next test would be an endoscopy to confirm celiac disease.  This article might be helpful. It breaks down each type of test, and what a positive results means in terms of the probability that you might have celiac disease.     
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