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Nausea and fatigue almost all day


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knitty kitty Grand Master


We are supposed to have beneficial bacteria in our intestines.  

Rifaximin has been shown in early studies to promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.  You may want to consider taking a probiotic and continue taking B Complex vitamins as Rifaximin can cause vitamin deficiencies.  

So glad you are seeing improvement!  



Eubiotic properties of rifaximin: Disruption of the traditional concepts in gut microbiota modulation


Systematic review with meta‐analysis: rifaximin is effective and safe for the treatment of small intestine bacterial overgrowth



Look at the side effects and dosage...



Try rotating antifungal herbal remedies....

Antifungal and Immunomodulatory Ingredients from Traditional Chinese Medicine


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itarachiu Enthusiast


The microbial density increases from the stomach to the rectum (Figure 1), with low densities in the small intestine.


Not really sterile, my mistake. I think I heard that to Dr. Mark Pimentel on YouTube, he is researching SIBO and all that stuff.

@knitty kitty

I tried probiotics(powder) before antibiotics, they pretty much did nothing however before probiotics(powder) I tried for a month to drink kefir(milk) and it really improved my digestion, specially better digestion for the first meal in the morning but nothing more. Now my plan is to use rounds of 10 days on antibiotics + herbs and then 5 days of probiotics(as powder) and kefir(milk) but without anbiotics. Taking antibiotics and probiotics in the same time I think is useless. I will do this for a few months at least, what I do know is the fact that is working.

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Yes, @itarachiutaking antibiotics and probiotics together is rather useless.  However, since Rifaximin promotes the good bacteria naturally in the intestines, boosting those with a probiotic containing good bacteria like Lactobacillis should still be beneficial. 

Finishing the antibiotics first, then follow up with probiotics is a good plan, too.  

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    • Russ H
      Those serum tests are for total immunoglobulins in each class (IgA and IgM) and are not specific to coeliac disease. You need the test results for antibodies to tTG2, which is a very sensitive test for coeliac disease. I would follow your doctor's advice.
    • glucel
      knitty, I am scheduled for physical exam near eom. Would like to have b 12 etc tested. Should I stop taking supplements so as not to get false readings? Is stopping supplements for 3 weeks or so causing harm?
    • MariaC
      I was diagnosed with anemia 4 months ago (Iron 3, hemoglobin 88) and had a colonoscopy and endoscopy to look for internal bleeding. Nothing was found in the colonoscopy and the endoscopy showed mild duodenitis. The doctor took some samples of my small intestine to check for celiac disease. The tesults came back and the diagnosis was duodenal mucosa and partial villous atrophy which could indicate celiac disease among other possible diagnosis. A couple of weeks ago I had bloods taken for a celiac serology and so far just the first part of the results have come back and shows elevated IgA and IgM. IgA - 4.10 (ref. range 0.8-4.0 g/L) IgM - 2.38 (ref. range 0.5-2.0 g/L) My gp has recomended I start a gluten free diet as she believes I am celiac based on those results and that would explain my anemia. The second part of the test should arrive next week. Should I start a gluten free diet straight away? Or should I wait for the second part of the results?  I don’t know much about celiac disease, my journey has just started, but would the IgA result being 0.1 above threshold really be positive for celiac disease?
    • Bltjr21
      I do. That’s actually what tipped my GI dr off to check for celiac. I was first, diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis through my colonoscopy. I immediately started a two month course of budesonide, and then had to labs done for celiac. When that came back positive, we did the endoscopy to confirm things.
    • glucel
      Yes I forgot it is the green leafy. I just don't take drugs well. It wasn't just the inr but was also getting nose bleeds. Right now I have to figure out what I am going to do with the mri as discussed with rmj on this page and see how my weight goes. Need to get some info together before my next cardio visit so I can deal with a doc who claims celiac and not aspirin is the problem. 
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