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Graeme1 Newbie

Hi everyone 

Just thought I’d post an update after finally getting answers on what has been going on for me . After having continued problems with blood in my poo (sorry) and seeing 5 different gps in my practice to try and explain I felt it needed further investigation I was still being fobbed off . I had my appointment for an endoscopy on Jan 9th , which I’ll be completely honest I didn’t eat gluten for due to still feeling poorly while being gluten free and not wanting to feel worse. While at the endoscopy I voiced my fears to the consultant about my worries with my bowels and while still telling me it was nothing agreed to send me fit tests , these came back positive and I was put on the urgent referral 2 week pathway and to be fair got my colonoscopy within a week and a half . 
This found a 25mm polyp which was removed and sent to be checked , I got my results this week and even without gluten my biopsies showed signs of celiac so nice to have that answer , and the polyp was ok so another colonoscopy in 3 years due to the size of it I think, and all bleeding has now stopped. Very relieved to have answers to everything now but a bit disappointed in my gps and feel validated for pushing them just a bit unfortunate I had to play the system to get checked , but if I had waited 3 years to reach 50 and in the age group for bowel cancer checks the results of my colonoscopy may have been very different.I’d like to thank everyone for there kind words of advice.it helped a lot as I was pretty stressed!

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herminia Apprentice
On 12/12/2022 at 2:17 AM, Graeme1 said:

Hi I’m new to site and hoped that speaking to others would help . I had been bothered with symptoms abdominal bloating , acid reflux and intermittent bloody stool (sorry!) for a couple of months , went to the doc who did bloods and also a celiac test as my son is celiac , bloods came back fine apart from celiac which was raised , I have given up gluten for 1.5 weeks and notice improvement but still bloating sometimes, it is the blood I’m worried about though , I have convinced myself I have cancer , I was hoping someone here might have experience or advice. I have pushed the doctor but not much happening. 

Perhaps a 2nd opinion?

My first gastro doc did an endoscopy and told me I had pancreatitis, could not be cured, only managed and my liver was damaged also (I haven't had an alcoholic drink in 12 years) She made it sound like a death sentence. I requested second opinions for liver and pancreas. Hepatologist & gastroenterologist agreed that I had a liver cyst but no pancreas issues.

For your own peace of mind get a second opinion.

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trents Grand Master

herminia, they must have done an endocopy (upper GI scoping) at the same time they did the colonoscopy. Celiac disease damages the lining of the small bowel, an area that cannot be reached by a colonoscopy. To scope and biopsy the small bowel they must go down through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach into the small bowel. But we are glad with you that you finally got some answers.

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MADMOM Community Regular
15 hours ago, trents said:

herminia, they must have done an endocopy (upper GI scoping) at the same time they did the colonoscopy. Celiac disease damages the lining of the small bowel, an area that cannot be reached by a colonoscopy. To scope and biopsy the small bowel they must go down through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach into the small bowel. But we are glad with you that you finally got some answers.

when you say bloody stools.. is it blood around the stools or in ??? you could have internal or external hemorrhoids.  i’ve had this issue lately since suffering from major constipation after a kidney stone episode 

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herminia Apprentice
45 minutes ago, MADMOM said:

when you say bloody stools.. is it blood around the stools or in ??? you could have internal or external hemorrhoids.  i’ve had this issue lately since suffering from major constipation after a kidney stone episode 

Madmom..Your reply was meant for Grame1. She posted that she had bleeding taking place and didn't feel comfortable with Dr diagnosis. I suggested she get second opinion. I'm new on site and haven't mastered procedures.

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    • Ginger38
      Yes I figured out I couldn’t have gluten years ago when I was symptomatic and tested positive, but was misinformed and told I couldn’t have celiac but to go gluten free. I was already gluten free. I was never willing to go back on gluten and make myself so sick to have the biopsy especially when the biopsy isn’t 💯. But Now I have to have a procedure anyway and he told me he was doing the biopsy either way .. but I should consider the gluten challenge since I have never had the biopsy. He acted like it was super important to have this on paper.  I had no idea there were any possible negative drawbacks to having a formal diagnosis 🤦🏼‍♀️
    • Scott Adams
      While I understand wanting a formal diagnosis, it sounds like you will likely remain gluten-free either way, even if you should test negative for celiac disease (Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS). Keep in mind that there are also drawbacks to a formal diagnosis, for example more expensive life and private health insurance, as well as possibly needing to disclose it on job applications.  Normally I am in favor of the formal diagnosis process, but if you've already figured out that you can't tolerate gluten and will likely stay gluten-free anyway, I wanted to at least mention the possible negative sides of having a formal diagnosis.
    • Wheatwacked
      I take Clonidine for BP no gluten reaction.  It was originally prescribed for adolescence who could not take Ritalin.
    • Ginger38
      Basically because he was going to do the biopsy either way , so I agreed after him bugging me lol (after all this time of refusing) (and I’m already regretting) to do the gluten challenge. But yes he’s already told me even in if the biopsy is negative I still have to live as a celiac for the rest of my life bc he’s certain I’m celiac positive regardless of what the biopsy shows. But he can’t put it on paper if it’s negative so I really don’t know what the point is. I have all the symptoms and have had positive IgA antibodies every time I’ve been tested. They did decrease after starting a gluten free diet but never made it to zero.  Also my daughter is going to pediatric gastroenterology in a few months so I thought it may be helpful for her for me to have the procedure 🤷🏼‍♀️
    • Scott Adams
      You can search this site for prescriptions medications, but will need to know the manufacturer/maker if there is more than one, especially if you use a generic version of the medication: To see the ingredients you will need to click on the correct version of the medication and maker in the results, then scroll down to "Ingredients and Appearance" and click it, and then look at "Inactive Ingredients," as any gluten ingredients would likely appear there, rather than in the Active Ingredients area. https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/   
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