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Tryptophan (a protein building block) whilst undertaking a gluten challenge.


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Charliexxx Contributor

I hope everyone is ok. Sorry, I have not been on for some time and can’t find the original post/thread regarding this particular protein building block (amino acid). Thank you so much to Knittykitty, for your advice. I did invest in some Tryptophan plus had a read around. Now, in my limited understanding, the only piece of medical research I could find was from 1964 entitled, ‘Abnormal Tryptophan Metabolism in Patients with Adult Celiac Disease, with Evidence for Deficiency of Vitamin B6. I noted that inadequate levels of this amino acid impacts on :-

  1. Serotonin (linked to happiness but it does so much more like gut contractions and memory)
  2. melatonin (sleep wake cycle) 
  3. vitamin B3 (lack of it can cause fatigue, skin problems, diahorrea)
  4. kynurenine (linked to serious mental health illnesses like schizophrenia, Dr Alessio Fasano has a special interest). 

But it also lessens the damage to the small intestine. Now, I move like an arthritic person which worsened during a gluten challenge but it improves with movement. Twice, a health professional has offered me a heavy duty addictive medication. My own opinion, which others are entirely allowed to disagree with, these are on a par with class A recreational drugs. Just because they are licensed and prescribed does not make them dangerous. There is a time and place for medication, some are truly life saving, others give quality of life and extend life. 

For us, with celiac /non-celiac gluten sensitivity, I strongly believe in detoxing, healing those gaps in our intestines which will have become ‘leaky’. Therefore, we will have ‘leaky’ brains. We need to dampen down inflammation and our whole gastrointestinal tract has to contract at the right speed. We need to have optimal micronutrient levels by adequate absorption and our gut bacteria needs to be balanced. Our bodies need to be nurtured which takes time and having adequate rest enables that repair. All of the above, really is a huge job. 

For this time in MY life, a gluten, dairy, nut free, FODMAPS, low histamine with low inulins (garlic, leeks, onions) and low oxalates (spinach, rhubarb) diet using ginger and turmeric as natural anti-inflammatories and antioxidants like quercetin and resveratrol is appropriate. Not forgetting bone broth for gut healing. Now, I doubt a physician would appreciate the complexity of MY own personal genetics, history, gut microbiome and individual biochemistry.  

It really does take time for us to work out what helps and hinders us as individuals. So patience is key. 



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Scott Adams Grand Master

Thank you for the update, it's great to hear that you're making progress! @knitty kitty may also want to know.

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    • Raquel2021
      Hello everyone , Hoping someone will have an answer for me.  I have had my celiac symptoms continue after being on a gluten-free diet. Was diagnosed in December of 2020 and followed a strict gluten free diet. I barely eat out and I am very strict. I even went dairy free for almost 2 years. I recently had and endoscopy with biopcies taken that revealed blunted villi. My celiac antibodies were also checked and they are within normal range. They were initially very high. The gastroenterologist I am seeing says I am in remission and that I don't have to worry about celiac being the cause of my symptoms.  I have read a lot about this condition and if the villi is still blunted that means I have not healed.  I have anemia that does not go away. I have tried to take B complex and vitamin D any vitamins would cause me severe severe insomnia.  So I cannot trade sleep for vitamins.  I know that is a common suggestion on this forum.  I am very confused.  Is this dr not knowledgeable? What am I missing? I thought my gut would have healed by now. I am so careful with the diet. He also mentioned I might have refractory celiac but then did not seem be worried about it. My symptoms are burning pain under the left ribcage. Fatigue and weight loss. I also eat lost of vegetables and fruits. I have lost a total of 20 pounds since I went gluten free and cannot put it back on. I was not overweight. 
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @NimaWishing, I cannot tolerate Ore Ida Tater Tots either.   Ore Ida Tots contain corn, which some Celiacs, like me, react to.  Those Tots also use Sulfites to keep the potatoes from discoloration and to promote browning.  Some Celiacs, like me, develop a Hypersensitivity to Sulfutes in foods and medications.    I buy store brand tater tots which don't contain those fancy expensive additives and they are cheaper.  No gluten free certification, but no gluten nor corn nor Sulfate ingredients either.   Hope this helps!
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @holl4088! Was this the ttg-IGA test score? Different labs uses different scales to score celiac antibody tests and different units of measurement might also be used. The tests aren't standardized so it would be helpful if you would post the range for negative vs. positive for the test used by the lab who analyzed it. There is only a very short time window for editing posts so your will likely have to provide the info in a new post.
    • holl4088
      Hi all,   I know this seems like a weird question to ask but to explain. I'm currently waiting for my biopsy results back to confirm everything and my ttg levels from the blood test were high enough I've not seen anyone be close. I just want to know if mine are wildly high or if I'm not alone.   My ttg level is 4301 btw... no I didn't miss a decimal 😅
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @NimaWishing! You may already know this but the difference between "Gluten Free" and "Certified Gluten Free" is the difference between having less than 20 ppm and less than 10 ppm. "Gluten Free" is an FDA standard and "Certified Gluten Free" is a standard of the GFCO, a nongovernmental third party certifying organization recognized internationally. 
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