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    • SoBannaz
      I know this super old, but I’ve been having this problem on and off for a few years now but it’s gotten worse. I haven’t eaten gluten in 10 years. I don’t eat dairy, soy, potatoes, rice sesame, or use any kind of spices on my food yet I still get a full body itch. I had allergy testing done all they found were a couple of tree nut allergies nothing else. The doctor pretty much brushed me off and told me everything looks fine. My skin looks like I’ve been burned. I can’t sleep I wake up scratching scratching it’s driving me crazy. Only time it goes away is after a long hot shower. And that’s temporary relief. I’m starting to think I’m coming in contact with something but even with my clothes I use a dye free detergent.  I’m seeing a dermatologist next year so I am really hoping they listen to me and don’t tell me I’m “young” and “healthy” when I’m literally scratching my skin off 
    • Mary Em
      Thanks! It should be quite helpful once I learn how to navigate properly🙏🏻
    • trents
      I've never fainted but do get severe cramps and intractable nausea followed by diarrhea. There's probably a lot of blood flow being diverted to the gut to support all the stressful activity happening there and, coupled with the dehydration that occurs, I can easily see how insufficient blood flow to the brain and fainting could occur. By the way, welcome to the forum, @Mary Em!
    • Mary Em
      Has anyone else fainted after gluten ingestion? Along with the vomiting, diarrhea and chills, I passed out   First time doing that and it scared me.  10 years celiac and I have been very careful but eating out is a gamble. 
    • jwoolman
      I love millet and rice (together or separately), and millet whole grain but as easy to cook as white rice (same directions). But I always think of those as grains. Rice is one grain that doesn't result in gas. I can eat it in any form with no problems. But I don't have celiac, just a pesky wheat intolerance. Not a gluten problem, something else in the wheat.   
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