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    1. - trents replied to Raquel2021's topic in Coping with Celiac Disease

      Blunted villi almost 4 year after diagnosis

    2. - Raquel2021 replied to Raquel2021's topic in Coping with Celiac Disease

      Blunted villi almost 4 year after diagnosis

    3. - Helen Robertson replied to Raquel2021's topic in Coping with Celiac Disease

      Blunted villi almost 4 year after diagnosis

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      Newly diagnosed with Celiac disease

    5. - Raquel2021 replied to Raquel2021's topic in Coping with Celiac Disease

      Blunted villi almost 4 year after diagnosis

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    • trents
      Helen, you may know this already but your post above was confusing in this regard. Blunted villi would refer to what is found by endoscopy and biopsy of the small bowel, not the stomach. And to say that the biopsy was normal despite having blunted villi is a contradiction unless, that is, the biopsy referred to was of the stomach and not of the small bowel.  Cudos for weaning yourself off of the PPI. I did the same thing but it took me a full year. It was a real challenge because of the rebound. Here are some things that are documented as causing blunted villi besides celiac disease: https://www.verywellhealth.com/villous-atrophy-562583 . In regard to the GERD, I wonder if you are suffering from MCAS/histamine intolerance. There is also the possibility in all this that gluten has crept back into your diet in some unexpected way. Food companies can and do change formulations such that what was once gluten free may cease to be.    
    • Raquel2021
      Same here. Looking for answers.  My endoscopy also showed chronic gastritis. I hope you find some answers.  Let.me know if you.
    • Helen Robertson
      Yes, when I learned of the Omeprazole side effects I stopped it immediately and experienced extreme acid rebound, but between Tums and Famodidine, I stuck it out.  But I’m sure that the vitamin deficiencies I experienced were caused by taking this medication for almost a year.  And could it be responsible for the blunted villi?  Who knows.  The endoscopy also showed that I have an irritated stomach (again, whatever that means) but biopsies revealed “mild” irritation.  I’m hoping that with strict Gluten-free diet and mild foods that will repair on its own.  Not sure. And here I thought all you had to do is go gluten free and that would solve the problem.  I’m just sad that my GI doc who diagnosed me has retired.  My new GI doc is quite knowledgable, but extremely busy and I can’t get in to see him before November.  Unless they reschedule me again and push it out.
    • lnwalser96
      Hello! My names Lauren. I’m newly diagnosed with celiac disease and I am struggling. I have to eat on the go a lot due to my job. But I do my research and request gluten free. But it seems no matter what I get or eat I feel sick afterwards. Im not even entirely sure what symptoms I should look out for. What I’ve experienced so far is bloating, fatigue, gas, burping and nausea. Worse case scenario is extreme stomach pain and diarrhea….please help! I know meal Prep at home is best and I am discovering I may have to just do that! So recipes, stores, snack ideas are all appreciated!! 
    • Raquel2021
      Exactly my thoughts.  Having blunting of the villi means you have not completely healed the small intestine. It means you still have some damage.  We need normal villi to absorb nutrients properly.  From what I have heard your bot supposed to take Omeprazole indefinitely as this can also cause the body not to absorb nutrients.  It is interesting you had normal villi and now you are back to blunting. 
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