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Creatinine/BUN Ratio?


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xRavenHeartx Newbie


    First time posting here. I am a 40 year old female, and have been suspecting for a while now that I may have celiac disease, or at least some level of gluten sensitivity. (I have never brought it up to my doctor, however.) A few days ago my pcp did some bloodwork on me, and I saw the results on their online patient portal but it says my doc has not viewed it yet. They show that I have a vitamin D deficiency, as well as a very low creatinine/bun ratio. While I know that the D deficiency is common in people with celiac, I am not sure if the creatinine/bun ratio being too low could have any connection or not. Does anyone know anything about this and if the two could possibly be connected? I believe that a low creatinine/bun ratio is connected to a low protein intake or malnutrition, but I am a very healthy eater and get plenty of protein. So could this be due to the intestines being damaged from celiac? Thank you so much for any and all advice.

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trents Grand Master

Look in your recent bloodwork results and see if there are lines for albumin and total protein.

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Wheatwacked Veteran

Hello xRavenHeartx,

Quick weight loss in a person with low BMI can cause lower eGFR.  eGFR is inversely related to high BUN/creatine.  Happened to me, it can recover.  Oddly in the same study researchers found that rapid weight loss in a person with high BMI will experience higher eGFR and normal BMI show no change.

Meds can cause it, too.


          The BUN:creatinine ratio is a helpful calculation. Traditional teaching states that hypovolemia should be considered if the ratio is higher than 20:1. A ratio of more than 30:1 should prompt concern for an upper gastrointestinal bleed

If he is planning on an endoscopy ask them to take biopsies for Celiac Disease at the same time.  Get blood tested for Celiac Disease.  You are right it could be malnutrition due to villi damage.  In any case, don't freak out, malnutrition is reversable.  Ask doc about a vitamin D injection to speed things up.  Maybe an infusion of B vitamins. 

Low vitamin D is associated with kidney function.  Ravani et al. showed that serum 25(OH)D was an independent inverse predictor of kidney disease progression

Did he do a homocysteine test?. eGFR? Homocysteine is considered an independant indicator of cardiovascular disease.   

What is the Difference Between sCr, eGFR, ACR, and BUN?



      BUN to creatinine ratio

The ideal ratio of BUN to creatinine falls between 10-to-1 and 20-to-1. Having a ratio above this range could mean you may not be getting enough blood flow to your kidneys and could have conditions such as congestive heart failure, dehydration, or gastrointestinal bleeding.  A ratio below the normal range could mean liver disease or malnutrition.



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Scott Adams Grand Master

Feel free to share the blood test results here along with the reference ranges for each test. That would be very helpful.

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plumbago Experienced

Hi @xRavenHeartx, I have not had a low BUN/creatinine ratio, but on occasion my ratio has been high. I puzzled over it a while - the notes I took based on my research of this topic said 1) some labs do not do ratios if each component is within normal limits; 2) "high ratio could mean decreased blood flow to kidneys. If 30 (mine was 26 at the time), could be HF, dehydration, increased protein or GI bleed." - before I decided that I'm not gonna worry about it. At any rate, your ratio was low not high. I think somewhere in my notes (for patients), I wrote for low ratio to check liver enzymes if this happens, and malnutrition could be to blame.


Frankly, I would not sweat it, but if you are worried, for sure talk to your doc.


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Wheatwacked Veteran
13 hours ago, plumbago said:

for low ratio to check liver enzymes if this happens, and malnutrition could be to blame.

              A diet restricting liver, eggs and steak will be deficient in Choline. Choline deficiency is proven to cause Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in non alcoholics, and Fatty Liver Disease in alcoholics.  Supplementing with choline to at least the recommended intake and other B vitamins is cheap, safe, and may help.  It will not hurt, and may save the need for more diagnostics.  

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plumbago Experienced

I have never heard of that @Wheatwacked.

To clarify, I've never heard of someone eating low on the glycemic index and deficient in choline who has NAFLD. In my work and informal research, overwhelmingly implicated in NAFLD is the usual American (or increasingly Western) bugaboo: sedentary lifestyle and overconsumption of sugar. Risk factors are the usual ones, such as poor diet, and fat in the abdominal area.

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Wheatwacked Veteran

They do try to blame us for their bad advice over the last fifty years.

Could we be overlooking a potential choline crisis in the United Kingdom?

Here's an oddity that happened to me today:

  • At 1 pm my blood sugar was 203 mg/dl.
  • I had 195 grams of egg (3 jumbo), 560 mg choline;108 grams pork breakfast sausage, 76 mg choline.
  • At 4 pm my glucose was 107 mg/dl.

That's the first time in 2 1/2 years my glucose has been below 125 mg/dl.  Normally on low carb the longer I fast, the higher it goes.  Lately I've found adding sugar, lowers my glucose.  Except for high triglyerides and cholesterol my bloodwork is perfect.  Homocysteine is ranges between 14 and 25. Below 18 is normal, no indications of cardivascular inflammation. 


Some research on choline



        Choline Metabolism Provides Novel Insights into Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and its Progression  Key points

  • Choline is an essential nutrient with multiple mechanistic roles in NAFLD and its progression including VLDL export, enterohepatic metabolism of bile, mitochondrial function, epigenetics, ER Stress, and VLDL export.
  • Choline deficiency in humans is associated with liver dysfunction and susceptibility is dependent on factors, including genetics, gender, and the gut microbiome, which influence choline requirements.
  • Recent evidence has identified a prominent role for choline and one carbon metabolism in metabolic syndrome.
  • Applying knowledge of individual choline requirements into gastroenterology clinical practice has the potential to improve outcomes.





 The Addition of Choline to Parenteral Nutrition

However, in the patient with intestinal failure, choline bioavailability from the diet is decreased markedly as a result of malabsorption.  Choline deficiency in human beings results in hepatic aminotransferase abnormalities and hepatic steatosis. This is owing to deficient very low density lipoprotein synthesis, with a resultant decrease in triglyceride transport out of the liver. A significant inverse relationship was observed between plasma-free choline concentration and both ALT and AST levels.  Methotrexate, an inhibitor of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, results in decreased availability of folate as a methyl donor, and is associated with the development of hepatic steatosis, and, in later stages, fibrosis. Choline supplementation reverses the methotrexate-induced steatosis in rats. There are currently no available human data.


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plumbago Experienced

I don't really understand what you're saying, except to say that on a population level, the incredible rise of added sugars in our diets are directly linked to the crazy rise in NAFLD. I have never heard of choline deficiency as the cause of the NAFLD epidemic.

And, if you are avoiding (added) sugars, yes, your blood glucose could slowly rise due to the lack of insulin activation, so introducing some sugar would trigger release of insulin which then clears out a lot of the circulating glucose in the blood. I would not be happy if my BG had not been below 125 in two and a half years @Wheatwacked!

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Wheatwacked Veteran

Sorry if I am confusing.

No, choline alone is not going to fix the Western Diet.  But add Celiac Disease malabsorption in a recovering Celiac to the fact that 90% of the general population eat less than Adequate Intake; if liver enzymes are off and the dotors are saying maybe it is this or could be that or just telling you don;t worry be happy; maybe it is simply choline deficiency. The fastest and cheapest way to find out would be to spend $20 bucks on a choline supplement for a few months and see how it changes the enzymes.  Even if it does not affect the liver enzymes it a) possibly eliminates choline as a potential cause and b) will probably benefit one of the many other systems choline is essential to.  In any case, no harm done.

          Dietary choline intake and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in U.S. adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2017–2018  Conclution: With the latest NHANES data, we found that higher dietary choline was associated with a lower risk of NAFLD in American adults, and such a relationship exists in both females and males.


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Wheatwacked Veteran
3 hours ago, plumbago said:

I would not be happy if my BG had not been below 125 in two and a half years

During that period my physical and mental health has improved.  Metformin turned me into a zombi.  Others have had no effect, at best.

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xRavenHeartx Newbie
On 11/19/2023 at 12:45 PM, Scott Adams said:

Feel free to share the blood test results here along with the reference ranges for each test. That would be very helpful.

These are my test results, if this helps anyone out pertaining to my situation-

FUrea Nitrogen (BUN) is 4, reference range is 6-19.

FBUN/Creatinine Ratio is 5.5, reference range is 10-28.

FChloride is 97, reference range 98-108.

So as you can see, the Creatinine/BUN ratio was the lowest. Does this help give anyone an idea what I’m dealing with here, or if there could be any connection to celiac or not? 
Thanks so much for the responses!

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plumbago Experienced

What is your creatinine?

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xRavenHeartx Newbie
10 minutes ago, plumbago said:

What is your creatinine?

My creatinine by itself is 0.73, which looks like it falls within normal range.

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xRavenHeartx Newbie

I have an appointment to see my doc next week to discuss the results, and would like to know if I should ask for a celiac blood test, and if that could possibly be connected to this in some way. I think I will ask for one regardless, because I have many other symptoms which is what led me here. 

You guys are great btw, thanks so much for the replies.

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plumbago Experienced

Thanks! Yes, definitely get a Celiac panel. If your insurance won't cover it, you can order one yourself (and pay, of course).

I haven't heard of a low BUN and (only) slightly low chloride being linked up to celiac disease, but I am not an expert. Low BUN may or may not be significant. Before making major clinical decisions, me myself - for sure I'd repeat the test. Decreased BUN has been linked to overhydration, as well as a couple of other things.


Editing to add: if you are trying to make a case for a paid-for Celiac test, your symptoms (if any) combined with the low vitamin D should be sufficient.

Edited by plumbago
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knitty kitty Grand Master


What are some of your many other symptoms?

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    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Julianne101! Your experience is exceedingly common in the celiac community. First, regardless of how gluten free the food was in the restaurant experience you described actually started out to be, you have no idea what measures were taken in the cooking, preparation and handling to prevent cross contamination. Sounds like to me you are either getting gluten from some unexpected source or you have developed additional food intolerances. It is very common in the celiac community to be intolerant to dairy (CMP or Cow's Milk Protein) or to oats (even gluten free oats, the protein avenin) which have proteins similar in structure to gluten and can be cross reactors.
    • Julianne101
      I'm new to this forum.  My sister was diagnosed with Celiac disease 20 years ago right around the time my 2 year-old daughter developed a swollen belly, prolapsed bowell (constipated), intense sweating, etc.  So, my sister suggested maybe it might have something to do with gluten.  My daughter's gastroenterologist said he didn't want to put her through an endoscopy (her blood test was negative) but I was welcome to try the strict gluten-free diet if I felt like it.   I did, and sure enough, withing a couple of days all of her symptoms disappeared.  I was shocked the first time I got her up from her nap and she wasn't literally drenched in sweat.  So, I decided to try the strict gluten-free diet too.  I was very sick with my pregnancy for my daughter and never really felt good since, lots of GI issues (gas and bloating primarily). I found that my symptoms also disappeared on the gluten-free diet.  So, I have been gluten-free ever since.  I avoid milk (except for cheese) because it causes gas and bloating.  Fast foward 19 years to just 1 year ago.  I started taking a new probiotic to try to ease menopause symptoms.  The next day I had sever diarrhea.  I thought that was weird, so I stopped taking the probiotic and started to feel better, but then the diarrhea came back a day or two later and remained on and off every few days for three months! It was nothing like food poisoning or the GI bug.   I got tested for parasites and other infectious diseases but everything came back negative.  So, I thought maybe I was developing a more severe form of gluten intolerance.  I also found out that right around the same time that I got the diarrhea, my brand of oat milk had changed their formula and was no longer using gluten-free oats, so maybe that was the cause. AFter three months, the diarrhea finally cleared up and I became much more vigilent about gluten contamination.  A couple months later I ate out at a restaurant.  The meal was labeled gluten-free, I clarified with the waitress, but the next day the severe diarrhea was back and this time it lasted two months but finally cleared up!  A couple months later, and I am cuurently in my third episode of diarrhea, and I have no idea what may have caused it. I've been to a Gastroenterologist who has tested me for everything under the sun and finds nothing wrong with me.  My colonoscopy is perfect, endoscopy perfect, IgA 184 (normal range), and several other tests all normal except for high eosinophils.  I've lost 20 pounds and struggle with dehydration.  I'm very curious, has anyone else with Celiac disease ever experienced anything like this?  Can people have a gluten contamination reaction last for 2-3 months like this?  The NP I saw in the GI Clinic claims my diarrhea has nothing to do with gluten, but I'm not so sure.  I've asked for a referrral to a specialist.  
    • Wheatwacked
      Growing up I wondered why restaurants always put parsley on the plates when no one ate it.  ten grams of parsley sprigs have Vitamin K (phylloquinone)164µg. The RDA of vitamin K is 19+ years male: 120 mcg  female: 90 mcg. Maybe your doctor would agree instead of the pills? The USDA Food Data Centra is a good source of nutrition. USDA Food Data Parsley, fresh I'd be interested in your test results vis a vis the Celiac vitamins.
    • Scott Adams
      If you are doing great on a gluten-free diet and see no reason to get a formal diagnosis of celiac disease, then it's perfectly fine for you to just stay gluten-free.  In the Europe the current protocol for making a celiac disease diagnosis in children is if their tTg-IgA (tissue transglutaminase IgA) levels are 10 times or above the positive level for celiac disease. According to the latest research, if the blood test results are at certain high levels that range between 5-10 times the reference range for a positive celiac disease diagnosis, it may not be necessary to confirm the results using an endoscopy/biopsy: Blood Test Alone Can Diagnose Celiac Disease in Most Children and Adults TGA-IgA at or Above Five Times Normal Limit in Kids Indicates Celiac Disease in Nearly All Cases No More Biopsies to Diagnose Celiac Disease in Children!    
    • trents
      Well, you have some decisions to make. If you want an endoscopy, you must start the "gluten challenge" and daily eat the gluten equivalent of 4-6 slices of bread for several weeks.
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