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What else can endoscopy detect


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normagain Apprentice

I have long suspected that I have a yeast overgrowth/candida. I have never come across a dr who thinks it possible never mind do any testing. Can anything like sibo or candida be een during endoscopy.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

It's not uncommon for individuals to suspect yeast overgrowth or candida, especially given the range of symptoms they can cause. While endoscopy is a valuable tool for examining the upper digestive tract and identifying certain conditions like reflux, ulcers, and inflammation, it may not directly visualize or diagnose conditions like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) or candida overgrowth in the same way.

For SIBO, specialized breath tests are often used to detect abnormal levels of bacteria in the small intestine. Candida overgrowth is typically diagnosed through a combination of symptoms assessment, medical history, and specific laboratory tests, such as stool tests or blood tests that measure antibodies.

If you're experiencing persistent symptoms and suspect these conditions, it may be beneficial to discuss your concerns with a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about functional gastrointestinal disorders. They can recommend appropriate testing and treatment options tailored to your specific situation.

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normagain Apprentice

Thanks Scott. Just wondered about the test. Really not much question in my mind as to whether I have it  but I thought it would be cool if confirmed during test for celiac. The doctors I have seen over the years think I'm nuts when I ask about it so now I just go about my business.

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    • BNGed8
      I had a full panel ran almost 2 years ago by my Rheumatologist to rule out any other autoimmune issues that she would be dealing with. They all came back negative except a weak Sjogrens marker but she told me it was nothing to worry about as I did not present most symptoms for it. I do have a script to get them all done again which I will be scheduling soon. The last week I have been experiencing what could possibly be gluten exposure? I have definitely experienced these symptoms before but not all together & for a week straight. I have what feels like a constant pressure headache above my eyebrows & unable to concentrate on much without feeling nauseous. The pressure headache & eye issues have been nonstop even after sleeping. I also have sensitive spots on my skin that kind of feel like a burning sensation when touched, it tends to move around every other day. The reason I feel like it could be gluten related is because I also have been experiencing severe itching around my anus (sorry to be blunt). I saw my primary who couldn't think of a diagnosis so ordered blood work to check for deficiencies. I have not experienced this feeling for over a week straight or to this magnitude, anyone have any insight on this?
    • Rubii
      I didnt have  symptoms, i just went for my job fittness and all this happen, my test came positive, so it was big shock for me to have disease without symptoms, further after going gluten free i feel dizziness, abdominal cramps on off, anxiety, depression, crying episodes. 
    • cristiana
      The reflux according to the hospital can be the culprit.  I think sometimes, too, the medication that they gave me to stop it caused bloating which again  added to the pain in the back and chest.  I hope you get some answers soon, let us know how the results go.  
    • Wheatwacked
      Hello @Julianne101,      It seems you are doing well at avoiding gluten.  Well done. The most important thing I have to say is that whether or not the NP is right about the diarrhea not being gluten related, and it seems like you self-diagnosed, maybe even against medical advice, I hope you will continue GFD regardless. You don't need a letter from the governer saying you are sick, and those tests from the doctors saying you are healthy, nothing wrong; just don't seem to be working.🤪 Can you share the probiotic you took?  I might want to avoid that one.  Mostly I get lactobacillus from homemade salt fermented pickles, it got rid of an episode of lactose intolerance I started having not long ago. Yogourt has good probiotics. Beneficial Effects of Yoghurts and Probiotic Fermented Milks; Naturally Fermented Pickles [The Complete Guide]. The key is for eosinophils to do their job and then go away. That is the jop of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher blood eosinophil counts. Vitamin D concentrations below 20 ng/mL are linked to a significant increase in blood eosinophils.  I think you, along with over 40% of the industrialized nation's populations, have long term Vitamin D deficiency.  Our body's naturally upper limit is around 200 nmol/L (80 ng/ml). In addition, Celiac Disease disrupts vitamin D absorption, increasing the severity of the deficit.          Vitamin D Toxicity   "Between 2000 and 2005, the annual mean of vitamin D toxicity cases was 196."          Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought For the diarrhea,  Low choline intake (eggs, meat) can cause gallbladder issues, poor fat digestion.  Floaty stools and tow Thiamine can cause Gastrointestinal BeriBeri.  Both would vary with your diet and would come and go.
    • Rubii
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