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Gained Weight


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MallysMama Explorer

Hi all.

I am having weight issues right now. Grrr! A few months ago I had the nasty flu bug that was going around and I lost about 7 pounds. I was feeling great! 5'9" and 133 lbs! Woo-hoo! I weighed 185 when I gave birth to my daughter 19 months ago. And before I got pregnant I was at 150. Yucky! So, after giving birth, I finally made it down to 150...and then slowly worked my way down from there. And then the "glorious" flu bug hit and I was in heaven with my weight. Let me just say - that my idea of exercising is turning the page of a great novel! :D I'm not very healthy (so I'm not excited about that part of being at a lower weight)....I used to say that I was doing the sugar diet - and it was working well for me! haha! Well, all of a sudden - I've gained it all back (well - back to 145 anyway - at the end of the day). Ouch!!! I'm linking this weight gain to the arrival of my kinnikinnick box of goodies last week. <_< That, and the fact that since my hubby's been on a later shift the past 2-3 weeks...I stay up late and check out this website - and munch, munch, munch! ugh. I'm very much considered a "grazer." I don't eat many "full" meals. I just graze and much throughout the day. And most of my munching is done on processed and ready-to-eat foods. Which was never a problem until now - I suppose my body is getting more "carbs" than it's used to. I tried to do some crunches last night before bed and now my abdomen aches! Not my idea of fun!

Does anyone have any suggestions (excluding excessive exercise! :lol: )? Maybe some healthy snack foods that work well for you? Some easy exercises I can do while typing (haha) or playing with my daughter? I really was loving that my pants were so loose on me...and I even bought some new pants during that phase (which are now too tight for comfort). Anyone want to pass on the flu to me? (Just Kidding!!!) Anyway - enough of my rambling. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Nantzie Collaborator

I've been slightly overweight since I had kids too. You got down to 133? That's awesome!!!

I knew my weight wouldn't change once I found out that Cool Ranch Doritos, Butterfingers, Reese's Cups, EZ Cheese and pretty much every brand of chips and salsa was gluten-free. Add to that, Kinnikinnick and Whole Foods, and it's really just sad... LOL!!

I had a HUGE amount of success on Six Week Body Makeover (the infomercial) a few years ago. But I'm just don't want to do any more food restrictions than I'm already doing until I get used to the gluten-free diet a little more. It's not very hard, and it works really, really quickly. It's just a difficult time in my life right now (not celiac related). I'm trying to exercise everyday though and just call it even. I get on my Gazelle (did I mention I like infomercials...?) for 20 minutes, do some strength training on the Total Gym ( :ph34r: ) and then go have a snack. :lol:

Hey... Maybe Kinnikinnick should do an infomercial... <_< Hmm...



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Guest nini

I've lost over 100 pounds over the past three years, and I don't excersise... (I do have a very physical career as a massage therapist so that maybe helped) but I eat whatever I want, just in small portions... I don't eat Kinnikinick stuff every day, and when I do, I limit my portions... like even though the pizza crust is small, I can only eat 1/2 of one... I freeze the rest for leftovers. I put my dinners on small plates (thus practicing portion control) and don't go back for seconds. I drink a lot of water. Stay away from soda's and juices. I have ONE cup of coffee in the morning. For breakfast I either have a banana and an Enjoy Life snack bar or 2 enjoy life snack bars, or some Mesa Sunrise cereal, for lunch I usually have a very large salad with either tuna or baked chicken or taco meat on it... for dinner I stick with mostly baked meats, veggies, rice or potatoes... have Tinkyada pasta maybe once a week, Taco's once a week... for snacks I keep lots of fruit on hand either in the form of fruit leathers, or fruit cups or fresh fruit, Or yogurt with fruit (frozen strawberries and blueberries are awesome on vanilla yogurt) occassionally I have cheetos or Lay's stax, but not every day. I also like to snack on Jennie's coconut maccaroons, just a couple will fill me up for a while.

When I first started doing the smaller portions and snacking on more fruits, I felt hungry all the time, but after about a week I guess my tummy shrunk and I didn't feel that anymore.

hope this helps

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MallysMama Explorer

Thanks! I've never been a "good" eater....which is why I'm not very healthy, I suppose. I like fruit - I just don't ever think to eat it. I go on and off - where I'll eat things like fruit cups and grapes and plain rice cakes with peanut butter - but then I get sick of it. And I'd rather eat swedish fish, pudding, or fruit snacks! :) I find that if I don't buy the junk - I do better (duh)....but I still crave it. It's hard not to buy it - especially when my hubby grocery shops with me (he's no better!). I think I use holidays as an excuse! I always say "After Valentines day, I'll do better".....then Easter treats come out - Yum! Then I'll say, after Easter is over, I'll do better. Then summer hits - and I have no desire to get into a swimmingsuit! Ah!

I guess when I grocery shop I need to stock up on healthy snacks and fill my fridge with fruits and veggies. And I've found that if I have them ready to eat (like pick all the grapes off the vines and stick in baggies)...then I'm more likely to grab for them when I get the munchies!

Nini - where do you get the fruit leathers? Do you make your's? (If so - how?)

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Guest nini

I get the fruit leathers at the grocery store, I've found them at Whole Foods, Kroger and Life Grocery (Life is a local health food store) I think the name of them is Stretch Island. I'm currently out of them so I don't have a package to look at.

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MallysMama Explorer
I get the fruit leathers at the grocery store, I've found them at Whole Foods, Kroger and Life Grocery (Life is a local health food store) I think the name of them is Stretch Island. I'm currently out of them so I don't have a package to look at.

Thanks!! There's a Whole Foods store opening not too far away next week - so I'll be sure to add those to my list to look for!! :)

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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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