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Struggles eating enough

Jodi Lee K
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Jodi Lee K Newbie

Hi. I am new here but I received my official celiac disease diagnosis in January 2023. I keep having issues with weight fluctuation. I was very much a “live to eat, not eat to live” type of person. I also can’t eat something because I need it. If I’m not craving it, I will gag. I was curious if I am alone in this? I feel like that can’t be very normal. I go through phases of being ok with my diagnosis. And then phases where I feel so bitter and I wish I could just decide that I don’t have celiac anymore. 

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trents Grand Master

Welcome to the forum, @Jodi Lee K!

Two questions:

1. When you say, "I also am can't eat something because I need it," has it always been this way or just since your celiac diagnosis?

2. When you say you "go through phases where I feel so bitter and I wish I could just decide that I don't have celiac anymore," at such times, do you cheat on your gluten free diet? How consistent are you with your gluten free eating in general?

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Jodi Lee K Newbie

1. I have unfortunately always been this way. It’s just harder to figure out something that “sounds good” now. 

2.  I am very consistent with my gluten-free diet! I have consumed gluten on purpose one single time since finding out and it was because we already had a trip planned around this specific restaurant I loved. I talk about wanting to cheat on my diet but don’t. Just lots of feelings of sadness. 

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trents Grand Master
2 minutes ago, Jodi Lee K said:

1. I have unfortunately always been this way. It’s just harder to figure out something that “sounds good” now. 

2.  I am very consistent with my gluten-free diet! I have consumed gluten on purpose one single time since finding out and it was because we already had a trip planned around this specific restaurant I loved. I talk about wanting to cheat on my diet but don’t. Just lots of feelings of sadness. 

Before your celiac diagnosis, did you have good social support systems in place? Has your celiac diagnosis contributed significantly to feeling more socially isolated?

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Jodi Lee K Newbie

I think so! I am very close to most of my family and friends. My husband and twin are both very supportive. I definitely feel more isolated. But not by my loved ones. I isolate myself because it hurts to see everyone enjoy things that I can’t. Which sounds silly and dramatic but I can’t help it. I’m trying to get over those feelings. 

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trents Grand Master

Jodi Lee, I'm thinking it might be a good idea to seek counseling for what might be a long standing eating disorder that has been complicated by your celiac diagnosis. When we hear the term "eating disorder" what immediately comes to mind are things like anorexia and bulimia. But there are other types as well. I'm not a mental health professional but it just seems to me from what you shared that you have a long standing unhealthy relationship with food. I hope this doesn't offend you.

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Jodi Lee K Newbie

It is not offensive but it does make me sad. However, I was looking to see if this experience/these feelings are mine alone and that does help me answer that. I had a GI Psychiatrist but I’m really not a fan of him so I may need to look for someone else. I really appreciate your responses. 

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trents Grand Master

Jodi Lee,

I think just about everyone who is diagnosed with celiac disease struggles with resentment and anger at the changes and limitations it imposes upon our lives if we choose to accept its reality. For most of us I think, that largely subsides over time and it becomes the new norm. But if there is an existing unhealthy relationship with food then adjustment is more difficult.

I never realized there was a specialty called GI psychiatry! Sometimes it can take several tries to find a therapist that is a good match for you. There is this balance that must be found between a therapist that you feel supported by but who is not afraid to speak truth into your life. I think that is more important than a fine-tuned specialty.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Here are some articles we've done on studies that link celiac disease with eating disorders:

https://www.celiac.com/search/?&q=eating disorders&type=cms_records2&quick=1&search_and_or=and&search_in=titles&sortby=relevancy 

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    • Chrissyjo
      Thanks all for your replies. I ended up having my gastrocopy last week. I did get a biopsy done for celiac. The man who did the test was sure I didn’t have it so we will see what the result is 
    • Jodi Lee K
      Hi. I have known I have Celiac disease coming up on 2 years. I have never had problems with styes before my diagnosis. I can no longer wear makeup without waking up the next day with horrible painful swelling in part of my eye lid. (at least one) I’ve been to many doctor and specialist appointments over it and they just say to wash my face more. I’m  looking for safe makeup product recommendations? Has anyone had an experience similar? What other things should I watch out for? 
    • Jake R.
      I did some reading from the link you posted and will definitely use the information provided to my advantage! I feel very lucky with my current situation, as my family has been very supportive as well as my closer friend-group. I appreciate the welcome and the information!
    • trents
      By the way, B12 is necessary for the uptake of iron. B12 deficiency is extremely common in the celiac population and, of course, plugs right into the fact of anemia also being extremely common in the celiac population. Some people have a form of anemia known as pernicious anemia in which the anemia is caused by the death of the parietal cells in the stomach. The parietal cells are where "intrinsic factor" is produced, an enzyme necessary for the absorption of B12 which, in turn, is necessary for the absorption of iron from the diet.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Jake R.! First of all, kudus to the doc who ordered the test checking for celiac disease based on the family history of it. Many in the celiac population suffer for many years before getting a proper diagnosis and that despite have classic GI symptoms. I will embed an article that you might find helpful in polishing your efforts to eat gluten free as there can be quite a learning curve involved. Some of this may be overkill unless you are a super sensitive celiac. Gluten is hidden in many food products where you would never expect it to be found and then there is the whole challenge of CC (Cross Contamination), particularly when dining out.    But let me caution you about the falling of the "other shoe", so to speak, of finding out you have celiac disease. There is this great sense of relief at the front end of the experience in finally discovering what what wrong with you that was causing so much distress and discomfort. But then it begins to dawn on you that having celiac disease has a social cost to it. You can't just accept spontaneous invitations to go over to friends or family's homes for dinner or to go out to their favorite restaurants to eat with them. Some of them simply will not understand or believe that this is a real medical problem and that you must avoid all gluten in order to guard your health and be safe. You may begin to feel like a fifth wheel at social gatherings and it may cost you some friendships. I'll embed an article link on one person's commentary about this phenomenon. Just a heads up.        
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