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Eldene Contributor

I read the forum's questions, answers and contributions with surprise. Should we ónly concentrate on gluten free and disregard the rest of our bodies' needs? We should look after ourselves wholelisticly, to improve our total immune system. It is not only about going gluten free. What about eating balanced and Nutritious, without too much junk food and drinks. Colorants, flavorants and preservatives? We also need Exercise, clean Water, Sunshine, Temperance (balance & self-control), fresh Air, Rest, Trust in the Maker of our bodies?

Just wondering.....

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captaincrab55 Enthusiast
7 hours ago, Eldene said:

I read the forum's questions, answers and contributions with surprise. Should we ónly concentrate on gluten free and disregard the rest of our bodies' needs? We should look after ourselves wholelisticly, to improve our total immune system. It is not only about going gluten free. What about eating balanced and Nutritious, without too much junk food and drinks. Colorants, flavorants and preservatives? We also need Exercise, clean Water, Sunshine, Temperance (balance & self-control), fresh Air, Rest, Trust in the Maker of our bodies?

Just wondering.....

Eldene, I found this group back in 2009 when my 4th Dermatologist in 30 years diagnosed me with dermatitis herpetiformis 2 weeks after my first visit.  This group taught me how to read labels and understand the evils that lurk within.  I still visit this group to check on whether medications contain gluten and other updates, as well as chiming in here or there.  I go to other groups for other unrelated health questions, spiritual needs, political philosophies and so fourth.   

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Mari Contributor

Hi Eldene,

Your message came to me from the Coping with Celiac Disease forum at Celiac.com. When I read a message here from a person having difficulty with gluten intolerance I don't know any more about them that what they wrote. I will do my best to reply to their questions but will not ask about their lifestyle. Giving unsolicited advice has consequences. You may be convinced that you know enough to give advice in that area but it may not be right for the person following that advice. 

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Beverage Rising Star

I agree, gluten free does not mean good for you.  If you look at the labels of "gluten free" things like bread, pasta, etc., most are full of starches and gums and all kinds of refined things that we have been told for decades to not eat.

I just try to eat real food, aka whole food, meat and veggies. I started a garden a few years ago to grow veggies using 4 watering troughs as raised beds, and added 2 arches trellises using hog panels. I jam a ton of stuff in them and provide veggies for a good part of the year for 2 people. That's all grown organic.

I make batches of food and freeze it, so I'm not always cooking a full dinner from scratch.  I tried a fantastic marinade I made from a bunch of my herbs, marinated extra chicken in it and divided that up into 3 containers for other nights. I'll make mexican beans or chickpeas from dried beans (gluten free from nuts.com), cook a big batch and freeze in smaller portions.

Meat we get organic. Sometimes I do want pasta or a sandwich, but it's rare, and try for things without the inflammatory seed oils and all the starchy gummy stuff, but it's hard to find. 

I feel if you eat whole food for most of the time, a few indulgences in some gluten free stuff is ok.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

@Eldene, if you run some searches here you will find many posts on nutrition, junk food, etc., so these are definitely topics of discussion here as well. Many of our articles also cover different topics, for example we've done articles on junk food, lectins, oxalates, etc. Here is a search of Celiac.com for "junk food":

https://www.celiac.com/search/?q="junk food"&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy 

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Eldene Contributor
On 8/8/2024 at 5:15 AM, Mari said:

Hi Eldene,

Your message came to me from the Coping with Celiac Disease forum at Celiac.com. When I read a message here from a person having difficulty with gluten intolerance I don't know any more about them that what they wrote. I will do my best to reply to their questions but will not ask about their lifestyle. Giving unsolicited advice has consequences. You may be convinced that you know enough to give advice in that area but it may not be right for the person following that advice. 

I agree. I did not opt to give advice on lifestyle, unless someone asks. My research sources are scientifically proven and I get my info from a Professor, Naturopath, Docters, health trained Registered Nurses etc. 👍

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    • Wheatwacked
      Hello @Julianne101,      It seems you are doing well at avoiding gluten.  Well done. The most important thing I have to say is that whether or not the NP is right about the diarrhea not being gluten related, and it seems like you self-diagnosed, maybe even against medical advice, I hope you will continue GFD regardless. You don't need a letter from the governer saying you are sick, and those tests from the doctors saying you are healthy, nothing wrong; just don't seem to be working.🤪 Can you share the probiotic you took?  I might want to avoid that one.  Mostly I get lactobacillus from homemade salt fermented pickles, it got rid of an episode of lactose intolerance I started having not long ago. Yogourt has good probiotics. Beneficial Effects of Yoghurts and Probiotic Fermented Milks; Naturally Fermented Pickles [The Complete Guide]. The key is for eosinophils to do their job and then go away. That is the jop of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher blood eosinophil counts. Vitamin D concentrations below 20 ng/mL are linked to a significant increase in blood eosinophils.  I think you, along with over 40% of the industrialized nation's populations, have long term Vitamin D deficiency.  Our body's naturally upper limit is around 200 nmol/L (80 ng/ml). In addition, Celiac Disease disrupts vitamin D absorption, increasing the severity of the deficit.          Vitamin D Toxicity   "Between 2000 and 2005, the annual mean of vitamin D toxicity cases was 196."          Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought For the diarrhea,  Low choline intake (eggs, meat) can cause gallbladder issues, poor fat digestion.  Floaty stools and tow Thiamine can cause Gastrointestinal BeriBeri.  Both would vary with your diet and would come and go.
    • Rubii
    • Ginger38
      I have had a lot of reflux since starting the gluten challenge. My GI gave me some meds to take to hopefully help a little while on the gluten challenge
    • trents
      Imodium and Pepto Bismol are relatively safe when used occasionally. Pepto Bismol will bind with medications. I cannot take it because it will interact with my coumadin. Pepto also contains aspirin in it so it can make platelets more slippery and the aspirin could also cause ulcers if Pepto is used too often. I'm not saying the restaurant meal is the ongoing cause of your diarrhea episodes. I think more likely gluten is slipping into your diet on a regular basis somehow or you have developed an additional food intolerance. Have you investigated the possible causes of high eosinophil counts? One of them is autoimmune disorders and of course, celiac disease fits into that category.
    • Julianne101
      Thank you for the feedback!  I realize the restaurant meal was probably contaminated but I had no idea a reaction to gluten could last so long!  I’m hoping I find a doctor who will take me seriously.   Is Imodium or Pepto Bismol safe to take to manage symptoms?  
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