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Questions about Celiac


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Camorrison56 Rookie


I have just been diagnosed with Celiac disease and I have so many questions. 

1. Do I need to separate my plates, drinking glass and silverware from other who are not gluten free?
2. Can I put gluten free food in fridges  with gluten food?

3.  If I cook gluten free meals; do I need to worry about cross contamination while eating with my family?
4. If family bring gluten food in house; how do I stay safe?

5. Two week I had diarrhea after I eat around two or three time; is this a normal healing process?

6. Have gallbladder removed June 20; could this be part of the diarrhea? One doctor said it could take a year

I know you are not doctor but would just see what others have experiences with celiac?

Thank you





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trents Grand Master

Welcome to the forum, @Camorrison56!

The answer to all your questions depends on how careful you and the others in your household are about dishwashing, countertop cleaning, and keeping gluten containing food separated from gluten free food in the pantry and in the fridge. If everyone is thorough and consistent, it shouldn't be a problem. Lots of families pull this off successfully. Are the other people in your household buying in to your need to avoid cross contamination? The biggest area of concern is shared toasters and ovens. 

Yes, gallbladder removal can cause diarrhea. My wife fights this constantly.

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Camorrison56 Rookie

My husband and son doesn’t seem to be cautious because all habits are hard to break. I keep telling my husband you remember how sick I was four weeks ago throwing up all the time to hydrating and I don’t wanna get back to that if it was happened you would be more cautious. Thank you for answering. I appreciate it.

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trents Grand Master

Unfortunately it is often the case that other family members don't buy into a celiac's need to be totally gluten free. Often they are skeptical that that this is really a disease and they certainly don't understand that, if the need to eat gluten free is unheeded, it can cause actual damage to body systems. They don't understand that celiac disease is not a food allergy, it is an autoimmune disorder, triggered by gluten, that causes the body to attack its own tissues. One suggestion I have is to take a magic marker and label Tupperware and other food containers as "gluten free" and put your stuff in them and ask family members not to use them. Also, cordon off an area in the pantry to store any gluten free prepackaged foods you may buy. Consider purchasing a separate toaster or toaster oven for your own use. Patiently remind family members when they slip up. Yes, old habits are hard to change but they can be changed over time. Be patient and don't nag. You might also put together a bulleted education sheet explaining what celiac disease is and how it damages the lining of the small bowel when gluten is not avoided. A picture is worth a 1000 words and there are pictures of damaged small bowel linings from celiac disease on the internet and on this forum.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):



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Camorrison56 Rookie
38 minutes ago, Scott Adams said:

This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):



Looks like I’m headed in the right direction. I have my own cookware, cabinet space, plates, utensils, etc. The fridge I have the top two shelf’s  designated as gluten free. I’m having a hard time finding crackers, protein bars and snacks to keep on hand. Any good suggesting that taste good? I like Hidden Valley but I couldn’t see if it was alright for celiac. I’ve finally tried store bought gluten-free bread but it was in the frozen. Any one that’s not frozen? Try making a loaf but was tasty.  I use Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free. Is there any that better? Also I miss cornbread.
At this time haven’t had follow up appointment with my GI doctor. That in October. All I know from biopsy result my was a 6. My primary doctor said he would referral me to a dietitian but doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.


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trents Grand Master

Krusteaz makes a line of gluten free cornbread mixes. We use the "honey cornbread mix" one by Krusteaz and it's good. Sweeter than homemade, somewhat like a cake, but it's pretty good.

Can you take the frozen gluten free bread home and let it thaw out? They probably keep it in the freezer to keep it from molding as gluten free bread products generally don't contain preservatives. This is especially likely if their stock of gluten-free bread doesn't turn over very fast.

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Camorrison56 Rookie
2 minutes ago, trents said:

Krusteaz makes a line of gluten free cornbread mixes. We use the "honey cornbread mix" one by Krusteaz and it's good. Sweeter than homemade, somewhat like a cake, but it's pretty good.

Can you take the frozen gluten free bread home and let it thaw out? They probably keep it in the freezer to keep it from molding as gluten free bread products generally don't contain preservatives. This is especially likely if their stock of gluten-free bread doesn't turn over very fast.

I tried that one but don’t like sweet cornbread. I guess they have one that not honey added. I look next time I’m shopping. Do you know if I unthaw it how long does it lasted? I don’t eat a lot of bread. I guess plan ahead and unthaw what I eat one day at a time.


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trents Grand Master

You can break off a few slices of bread at a time from the frozen loaf and put them in a ziplock bag for current use. How long a load lasts before it gets moldy depends on a lot of things. I keep my gluten-free bread loafs in the frig and warm them up in a popup toaster so that the loaf doesn't mold so quick. Sometimes I have gotten them and they were moldy right from the store. They don't keep them in the freezer section around here. But generally, the ones I put in the fridge will hold up 5-7 days.

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Camorrison56 Rookie
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Helen Vajk Apprentice

I order gfJules all purpose gluten-free flour on line, find it excellent, makes a really good cornbread too, get asked to bring to pot-lucks (by non-gluten-free folks!) Freezing bread and taking out 1 slice at a time works.  Also, there is Franz bread etc. on line, vacuum packed and shelf stable for a month. Best of luck, experiment and you will find a routine that works for you.

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    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Julianne101! Your experience is exceedingly common in the celiac community. First, regardless of how gluten free the food was in the restaurant experience you described actually started out to be, you have no idea what measures were taken in the cooking, preparation and handling to prevent cross contamination. Sounds like to me you are either getting gluten from some unexpected source or you have developed additional food intolerances. It is very common in the celiac community to be intolerant to dairy (CMP or Cow's Milk Protein) or to oats (even gluten free oats, the protein avenin) which have proteins similar in structure to gluten and can be cross reactors.
    • Julianne101
      I'm new to this forum.  My sister was diagnosed with Celiac disease 20 years ago right around the time my 2 year-old daughter developed a swollen belly, prolapsed bowell (constipated), intense sweating, etc.  So, my sister suggested maybe it might have something to do with gluten.  My daughter's gastroenterologist said he didn't want to put her through an endoscopy (her blood test was negative) but I was welcome to try the strict gluten-free diet if I felt like it.   I did, and sure enough, withing a couple of days all of her symptoms disappeared.  I was shocked the first time I got her up from her nap and she wasn't literally drenched in sweat.  So, I decided to try the strict gluten-free diet too.  I was very sick with my pregnancy for my daughter and never really felt good since, lots of GI issues (gas and bloating primarily). I found that my symptoms also disappeared on the gluten-free diet.  So, I have been gluten-free ever since.  I avoid milk (except for cheese) because it causes gas and bloating.  Fast foward 19 years to just 1 year ago.  I started taking a new probiotic to try to ease menopause symptoms.  The next day I had sever diarrhea.  I thought that was weird, so I stopped taking the probiotic and started to feel better, but then the diarrhea came back a day or two later and remained on and off every few days for three months! It was nothing like food poisoning or the GI bug.   I got tested for parasites and other infectious diseases but everything came back negative.  So, I thought maybe I was developing a more severe form of gluten intolerance.  I also found out that right around the same time that I got the diarrhea, my brand of oat milk had changed their formula and was no longer using gluten-free oats, so maybe that was the cause. AFter three months, the diarrhea finally cleared up and I became much more vigilent about gluten contamination.  A couple months later I ate out at a restaurant.  The meal was labeled gluten-free, I clarified with the waitress, but the next day the severe diarrhea was back and this time it lasted two months but finally cleared up!  A couple months later, and I am cuurently in my third episode of diarrhea, and I have no idea what may have caused it. I've been to a Gastroenterologist who has tested me for everything under the sun and finds nothing wrong with me.  My colonoscopy is perfect, endoscopy perfect, IgA 184 (normal range), and several other tests all normal except for high eosinophils.  I've lost 20 pounds and struggle with dehydration.  I'm very curious, has anyone else with Celiac disease ever experienced anything like this?  Can people have a gluten contamination reaction last for 2-3 months like this?  The NP I saw in the GI Clinic claims my diarrhea has nothing to do with gluten, but I'm not so sure.  I've asked for a referrral to a specialist.  
    • Wheatwacked
      Growing up I wondered why restaurants always put parsley on the plates when no one ate it.  ten grams of parsley sprigs have Vitamin K (phylloquinone)164µg. The RDA of vitamin K is 19+ years male: 120 mcg  female: 90 mcg. Maybe your doctor would agree instead of the pills? The USDA Food Data Centra is a good source of nutrition. USDA Food Data Parsley, fresh I'd be interested in your test results vis a vis the Celiac vitamins.
    • Scott Adams
      If you are doing great on a gluten-free diet and see no reason to get a formal diagnosis of celiac disease, then it's perfectly fine for you to just stay gluten-free.  In the Europe the current protocol for making a celiac disease diagnosis in children is if their tTg-IgA (tissue transglutaminase IgA) levels are 10 times or above the positive level for celiac disease. According to the latest research, if the blood test results are at certain high levels that range between 5-10 times the reference range for a positive celiac disease diagnosis, it may not be necessary to confirm the results using an endoscopy/biopsy: Blood Test Alone Can Diagnose Celiac Disease in Most Children and Adults TGA-IgA at or Above Five Times Normal Limit in Kids Indicates Celiac Disease in Nearly All Cases No More Biopsies to Diagnose Celiac Disease in Children!    
    • trents
      Well, you have some decisions to make. If you want an endoscopy, you must start the "gluten challenge" and daily eat the gluten equivalent of 4-6 slices of bread for several weeks.
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