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New Celiac Drug Study Gives Insight Into Continuing Poor Nutrient Absorption Even After Going Gluten Free


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trents Grand Master


Time will tell whether or not this new drug being tested proves to be effective and safe. There have been many attempts to develop a celiac drug that did not pan out. However, has been a valuable "spin off" insight gained in the process of this one, named ZED1227, which is designed to block TTG2:

“Blood antibody tests and traditional tissue tests do not necessarily tell the whole truth about the condition of the intestinal mucosa . . . previous studies have shown that even though the intestinal tissue may look healthy, it can still have a molecular scar. . . the expression of genes promoting the absorption of vitamins and trace elements may be deficient. This probably explains the often-observed deficiencies of trace elements in celiac patients despite a gluten-free diet . . .”

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RMJ Mentor

Interesting.  Thanks for posting.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

I suspect this hidden damage is why my neurological issues didn't improve for decades, until I started more rigorous dietary supplementation.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

PS- It has come to my attention that this forum is criticized by other celiac Reddit boards and Facebook groups because of our emphasis on supplementation, but after 3 decades I'm convinced that a majority of celiacs will need extensive, lifelong supplementation to recover, and especially those who had Marsh 3 type villi damage.

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    • Wheatwacked
      Why the iron?  Have the doctors tested for vitamin D.  Is she eating enough eggs, milk, meat? Start her on the Thiamine today.    The minimum for a child of four years is 0.6 milligrams.  That's 600 mcg.  That is 3X the minimum folate (200 mcg).  fThere is no established upper limit for thiamin intake in humans because there is no evidence of adverse effects from high thiamine intake. There is plenty of evidence something bad IS happening now. Thiamine is NOT a medical issue, it is a food issue.  The World Health Organization recommends daily oral doses of 10 mg thiamin for a week, followed by 3–5 mg/daily for at least 6 weeks, to treat mild thiamin deficiency [23]. The recommended treatment for severe deficiency consists of 25–30 mg intravenously in infants and 50–100 mg in adults, then 10 mg daily administered intramuscularly for approximately 1 week, followed by 3–5 mg/day oral thiamin for at least 6 weeks. Thiamin Fact Sheet for Health Professionals there is a list of foods with thimin content,  Breakfast cereals, fortified with 100% of the DV for thiamin, 1 serving1.2 mg 100% I think waiting a long time to see a doctor before giving more thiamin is a mistake and puts her in unnecessary danger due to a beauracracy. Ideally get tested today, start tomorrow but wait weeks, while she suffers?  I could not do it.
    • trents
      Looks like what was not done that should have been done was Total IGA. If total IGA is low, it can drive other IGA scores down toward the negative range. Was he avoiding wheat-based foods by any chance when the blood draw was taken?
    • Deborah123
      We did these:  Antigliadin Abs, IgA Antigliadin Abs, IgG tTg IgA Endomysial Antibody IgA
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Deborah123! Can you be more specific about which blood test for celiac disease was done? Do you have a record of the testing that you can access? There are several that should be ordered by many physicians will only order the tTG-IGA which may not be a good choice for a child so young because their immune systems are immature. Celiac disease could certainly explain the symptoms you describe but there are other possible causes as well. At any rate, I would ask a physician to order these blood antibody tests designed specifically for diagnosing celiac disease: Total IGA, tTG-IGA, DGP-IGA and DGP-IGG. This would constitute a more complete celiac blood panel. Your son would need to be eating normal amounts of gluten for weeks ahead of the blood draw in order for the testing to be valid. Celiac disease causes inflammation to the villous lining of the small bowel which is the section of the intestinal track where all our nutrition is absorbed. Over time this damages the lining and impairs its ability to absorb nutrients.
    • Deborah123
      My 4 year old was tested for celiac last summer (blood test) & it came back normal / negative.  Can the blood test be wrong?  I was surprised that he was negative - there are many things going on which would indicate celiac.  - He is very tired & irritable  - He is quite small for his age - He has enamel hypoplasia He had amino acid testing (bloodwork), which showed Low cystine & low carnitine.  Not sure if thats anything significant.  The Dr who reviewed his bloodwork said hes fine, but a good friend is pushing me to look further.     
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