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Jordan Carlson

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Jordan Carlson Apprentice

Does anyone else get muscle soreness and joint pain after eating popcorn?  I thought maybe it was a fluke the first time it happened but I tested it out this past weekend and the day after it felt like I had the workout of a life time lol.  No stomach pain or bloating, just the muscle soreness and joint pain.  Anyone experience anything like this?

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Tamber69 Newbie

I LOVE POPCORN but I was told NO gluten and NO grains! Grains really? YES! Corn is a grain! :(

PS: Did you know that rice is a grain? Also, I purchased gluten-free, whole oats oatmeal... nope, oats are a grain! 

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Scott Adams Grand Master

While it is true that a small minority of people with celiac disease don't fully recover unless they go grain-free, the majority recover on a standard gluten-free diet which includes gluten-free grains like corn, millet, quinoa, sorghum, etc.

The following two lists are very helpful for anyone who is gluten sensitive and needs to avoid gluten when shopping.

It's very important to learn to read labels and understand sources of hidden gluten, and to know some general information about product labelling--for example in the USA if wheat is a possible allergen it must be declared on a product's ingredient label like this: Allergens: Wheat.




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    • Bltjr21
      I do. That’s actually what tipped my GI dr off to check for celiac. I was first, diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis through my colonoscopy. I immediately started a two month course of budesonide, and then had to labs done for celiac. When that came back positive, we did the endoscopy to confirm things.
    • glucel
      Yes I forgot it is the green leafy. I just don't take drugs well. It wasn't just the inr but was also getting nose bleeds. Right now I have to figure out what I am going to do with the mri as discussed with rmj on this page and see how my weight goes. Need to get some info together before my next cardio visit so I can deal with a doc who claims celiac and not aspirin is the problem. 
    • glucel
      I was taking the non biological of folate  and b12. Have since started methyl forms. Looking forward to some healing.
    • trents
      I have been on Coumadin for years because I have a genetic blood clotting disorder known as Factor 5 Leiden. I think it's mainly green leafy veggies that you have to worry about. They are the ones high in vitamin K. And if your are consistent in your consumption of them it your INR should level out. I get my INR checked every 6 weeks. Certain medications can mess with INR too, like antibiotics so occasionally I have to go in more often or INR checks.
    • glucel
      I was on coumadin for a while after surgery and had a lot of trouble with vitamin k which pretty much curtailed how many veggies I could eat. The constant testing for vitamin k was expensive and a nuisance. I plan to ask doc if nsaid can be taken every other day instead of daily.
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