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Gluten Challenge and Crazy High Blood Sugars- Do I Continue On?


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Ginger38 Rising Star

I am on day 24 of my gluten challenge. I have been consuming the recommended daily amount of gluten.  I am also a diabetic. Since starting the gluten challenge my sugars have been crazy uncontrolled and high. I take metformin and januvia for my diabetes. My doc increased my januvia to 100 mg daily bc my sugars have been so much higher. But nothing seems to be helping keep my sugars controlled. My sugar hasn’t been below 200 basically for weeks now. It runs from 220-360 all day everyday. I feel terrible. I have had a lot of diarrhea and am struggling with dry skin, dry gritty eyes etc. I figure that’s some dehydration. Does consuming gluten / having celiac affect blood sugars this much? It’s crazy what I am doing to my body , kind of scares me 😑This morning I woke up nauseated , sick and anxious with palpitations. My sugar was around 300. I felt dry so I drank a Gatorade zero sugar and ate a few saltine crackers to settle my stomach, and my sugar spiked to 350 and won’t come down. I don’t take insulin. My biopsy is September 26th.  I just don’t understand what is going on , it’s not like I didn’t eat any carbs before they were just gluten free carbs. Now I don’t know if I should continue or what to do. I’m a bit scared 

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GardeningForHealth Enthusiast

Are you making sure to eat protein and fats every time that you consume gluten? Protein and fat help to keep blood sugars in control. What proteins do you typically eat when you consume gluten?

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Ginger38 Rising Star
6 hours ago, GardeningForHealth said:

Are you making sure to eat protein and fats every time that you consume gluten? Protein and fat help to keep blood sugars in control. What proteins do you typically eat when you consume gluten?

Most of the time I do yes. Like if I toast I have eggs or if I have pasta I have meat with it. There have been times when it’s been naked carbs, like saltine crackers to calm my stomach. Other than that I do try to eat protein 

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knitty kitty Grand Master


Call your doctor that treats your diabetes about the Januvia and about being at your tolerance level for the gluten challenge.  Encourage this doctor to get the appointment with the gastroenterologist moved up.  

The increase in the dosage of Januvia may be causing side effects.

"JANUVIA may have other side effects, including stomach upset and diarrhea, swelling of the hands or legs, when JANUVIA is used with metformin and rosiglitazone (Avandia)."


Metformin is known to cause Thiamine deficiency.  Gastrointestinal Beriberi causes symptoms like you describe.  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea/constipation, anxiety, and palpitations are all symptoms of Thiamine deficiency.

Talk to your doctor about supplementing with Thiamine and checking for other nutritional deficiencies.  

Thiamine deficiency disorders: a clinical perspective



Call your gastroenterologist and let them know you are at your limit on the gluten challenge.  You are endangering your health if you continue.  Request your appointment be moved up.  

!!!Throw out the Gatorade Zero Sugar!!!  The artificial sweetener in that ACESULFAME POTASSIUM is really bad.  It messes with your body's ability to regulate glucose metabolism.  It also messes with your intestinal bacteria, resulting in diarrhea and bloating.  It also increases inflammation.

The artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium affects the gut microbiome and body weight gain in celiac disease-1 mice


I hope you feel better!

Keep us posted on your progress!

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    • Wheatwacked
      Eating foods that make you feel better. Good Plant based diet, not so good.  In addition, for Celiac Disease, when you eat gluten free there are food fortifications that are required in not gluten free processed food but are not in gluten free foods.  In addition to the list on this website, consider iodine (in the US population iodine intake deceased and choline (eggs, meat, dairy, fish) deficiency... 7 Nutrients That You Can’t Get from Plants  
    • Scott Adams
      Your biopsy results indicate several key findings that are consistent with celiac disease: Partial Villous Atrophy: This means that the villi (small finger-like projections in the small intestine that help absorb nutrients) are partially flattened. This is a common feature of celiac disease. Increased Intraepithelial Lymphocytes: This indicates a higher number of immune cells within the lining of the intestine, which is another hallmark of celiac disease. Crypt Hyperplasia: This refers to the enlargement of the crypts (glandular structures in the lining of the intestine), which is often seen in celiac disease. Loss of Goblet Cells: Goblet cells produce mucus, and their loss can be associated with inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining. Mild Increase in Chronic Inflammation: This indicates ongoing inflammation in the lining of the intestine. No Evidence of Dysplasia or Malignancy: This is a positive finding, indicating that there are no precancerous or cancerous changes in the tissue. The conclusion of “partial villous atrophy compatible with celiac disease” means that these findings are consistent with a diagnosis of celiac disease.
    • Scott Adams
      It looks like the test specific for celiac disease is negative, but your  immunoglobulin A is high. Did they do a total IgA test? This is usually done in case you are naturally low in IgA, which can cause a false negative result with your TTg-IgA test. An immunoglobulin A (IgA) test measures the level of IgA antibodies in your blood, but it isn't specific for celiac disease. IgA is one of the most common types of antibodies in the body and plays a crucial role in the immune system. Doctors may order an IgA test to diagnose problems with the immune system, intestines, and kidneys. It’s also used for kids who have recurrent infections and to check for autoimmune conditions like celiac disease, arthritis, and lupus. IgA antibodies are found in mucous membranes of the lungs, sinuses, stomach, and intestines. They help protect the body by recognizing and getting rid of germs. This article might be helpful. It breaks down each type of test, and what a positive results means in terms of the probability that you might have celiac disease. One test that always needs to be done is the IgA Levels/Deficiency Test (often called "Total IGA") because some people are naturally IGA deficient, and if this is the case, then certain blood tests for celiac disease might be false-negative, and other types of tests need to be done to make an accurate diagnosis. The article includes the "Mayo Clinic Protocol," which is the best overall protocol for results to be ~98% accurate.    
    • Scott Adams
      This article, and the comments below it, may be helpful:    
    • Scott Adams
      I agree with @trents, and this article might be helpful. It breaks down each type of test:    
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