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Trying for a baby. Husband recently diagnosed Celiac


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AileenK Newbie

Hi there,


My husband within the last 3 months has been diagnosed Cealic.


We have a 1 year old little boy who we conceived on our first try. 


Obviously we thought nothing of trying again for number 2 but it hasn't happened straight away (which I know can be completely normal) although now with his Cealic diagnosis things may be harder?


Has anyone else been through infertility with their husband diagnosed Cealic? 


Or does anyone have any information that may put my mind at ease? 


Thanks in advance.

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trents Grand Master

I can't comment on your main question but I would make you aware that there is somewhere between a 10% and an almost 50% chance that your children will develop active celiac disease some day. Earlier studies put the figure at 10% but some recent larger studies (two that I know of consisting of over 300 family members each) found the rate of active celiac disease among first degree relatives of those already diagnosed with celiac disease to be over 40%. And many of them were "silent" celiacs. That is, they were asymptomatic. And they were diagnosed both with blood antibody testing and biopsy. My point being you really need to watch your children closely for signs of celiac disease and get them tested sooner than later if they show any symptoms. Silent celiac disease eventually raises it's voice when damage to the small bowel villi becomes severe enough to produce symptoms but by them much damage can be done to body systems.

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knitty kitty Grand Master

Malnutrition caused by Celiac Disease can affect reproductive health.  Talk to your doctor and nutritionist about supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals.  Newly diagnosed Celiacs often have clinical or subclinical deficiencies.  

Low Thiamine Vitamin B1 can affect sperm formation.  Thiamine needs the seven other water soluble B vitamins, Vitamin C, and minerals like magnesium and zinc to function properly, so a B Complex and trace mineral supplements are a good idea.  

Low Vitamin D affects sperm motility.  The three other fat soluble are important, too.  

Do look into a low histamine Paleo diet, like the AIP diet, to improve health.

Keep us posted on your progress!

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Wheatwacked Veteran

Since you probably both eat the same diet, I suggest you both get tested for Urinary Iodine Concentration and Low serum levels of 25(OH)D.  TSH is not a good indicator of iodine sufficiency.

The WHO recommends a woman has an iodine level of 150ug/l to maximise fertility and the health of her baby’s growing brain.


The Effect Iodine Supplement on the Sexual Activity  And Semen Characteristics of Friesian Bulls

There was a significant (P<0.01) increase in testosterone, T3 and T4 level for iodine supplement group in comparison to the control one. It could be concluded that, potassium iodide supplement to the bulls have a beneficial effect on growth and maturation as well as, semen quality and quantity. It improves the endocrinological output of hormones.



Low Iodine Intake May Decrease Women’s Fecundity

It indicated that mildly iodine-deficient women required a significantly longer time to get pregnant than women with iodine sufficiency. It is consistent with the results of a prospective cohort study that women with severe iodine deficiency had a lower chance of becoming pregnant when compared with those with normal iodine intake 


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  • Scott Adams changed the title to Trying for a baby. Husband recently diagnosed Celiac
Scott Adams Grand Master

If your husband is 100% gluten-free going forward, any fertility affects caused by untreated celiac disease should disappear, it's very important that his diet is gluten-free.

This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):



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    • cristiana
    • Rogol72
      Hey @itarachiu, Have you investigated any other Biofilm disruptor other than NAC? 
    • HelenL
      Many thanks to you both, really helpful 
    • Wheatwacked
    • Wheatwacked
      Take the diagnosis and run.  In the worst case you can stop eating gluten free after say a six month trial.  Some, like recovering alcoholics never get over the craving.  Resistance is not futile.  Some wait as much as ten years to finally get the diagnosis.  Be sure to monitor your diet for vitamins and minerals.  During recovery you need way more than the minimum to rebuild.
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