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I feel like I'm a conundrum....


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zebra1975 Newbie

Hi! I am hoping for a little direction...help in critical thinking...etc.  6 years ago I was diagnosed with celiac, and 10 months (and 5 biopsies) later, I was told I didn't have it.   My GI issues have waxed and waned since and celiac is being considered again.  I have gone gluten free to the celiac level multiple times, reintroduction never causes an increase in symptoms.
I have an IgA deficiency, which never helps. 
With biopsies, my marsh scores have been marsh 2. I have had e-coli, salmonella, citrobacter and cyclospora infections--not sure if they contribute or not. 
My deamidated gliadin score is always negative regardless of whether I'm on or off gluten or not.  Ttg IgG  always been 4-11.  I have the hla dq2 gene.  I have a large family, no one in my family has ever had celiac. 
Because of marsh being only a 2 and not a 3 and because the gliadin is always negative and the ttg igg at most is only weakly positive and even have had a lower score on gluten than off and because I have no family hx of celiac (and I have a large family) my first GI felt I don't have celiac.  Now I'm seeing a different GI and with all the same info, they are saying I do have it since I have IgA deficiency and a marsh score. I feel like they are just saying celiac to be done with me. 

My primary (who of course is not a GI) leans towards me not having it.  

Is there anything you can point me/us to that might help us clarify?  I don't want to needlessly have a dx of celiac....
Would it be reasonable to ask if they would consider eosinophilic duodenitis? Or anything else?  (One course of xifaxan helped--for 30 days.  A year later, no real effect, so--prob not SIBO). 
I know a forum can't  diagnose--just looking for any insight that might help us  figure this out....

Thank you! 


"Because sometimes when you hear hoofbeats, you SHOULD look out for zebras"....

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trents Grand Master

Welcome to the forum, Zebra! Here are some things besides celiac disease that can cause villous atrophy:


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zebra1975 Newbie
1 minute ago, trents said:

Welcome to the forum, Zebra! Here are some things besides celiac disease that can cause villous atrophy:


Thanks Trent...would you tend be on side celiac or side it prob isn't celiac given my test results? 

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trents Grand Master

Because reintroduction of gluten after trialing gluten free eating seems not to aggravate symptoms, I doubt it's celiac. But have you truly been gluten free or just eating lower gluten? There's quite a learning curve involved you know in attaining a truly gluten free state and studies show that most who claim to be eating gluten free actually aren't because they are only accounting for major sources of gluten and not paying attention to the hidden sources or to cross contamination. 

And what does this mean? "I have gone gluten free to the celiac level multiple times"? 

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zebra1975 Newbie

Yes--I have been completely gluten free multiple times--when I say "to the celiac level" I mean -- throw out the toaster, cutting boards, don't eat out, bring my own food to my friends houses, obsessively read labels etc..... the longest period was for 10 months -- but even then eating bread and gluten foods didn't bring on symptoms or change my bloodwork or biopsy until at least a couple months later.  Currently, from out of nowhere, I've had 2 wks of feeling great, and have changed nothing in my life that cld acct for feeling great....

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Wheatwacked Veteran

Your IGA deficiency will cause false negetives in your blood tests.

It takes a lot of damage to get a Marsh 3.  You are lucky.

11 hours ago, zebra1975 said:

6 years ago I was diagnosed with celiac, and 10 months (and 5 biopsies) later, I was told I didn't have it.

It really doesn't go away.  

11 hours ago, zebra1975 said:

Now I'm seeing a different GI and with all the same info, they are saying I do have it since I have IgA deficiency and a marsh score.  I have the hla dq2 gene

They are correct.

11 hours ago, zebra1975 said:

 I don't want to needlessly have a dx of celiac

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency is 10 to 15 times more common in patients with celiac disease (celiac disease) than in healthy subjects.  This itself could be a symptom of Celiac Disease.

This article may answer your question.  Are You Confused About Your Celiac Disease Lab Results? 

Also consider the non classic symptoms that you may be experiencing and blaming on anything else. Allergies, joint/muscle pain can be caused by gluten.  I don't get protein buildup on my contacts since gluten free. I was an alcoholic 30 years and smoke.  Every thing was blamed on that.  But it all went away, sleep apnea, mouthbreather and including the alcoholism itself, when I started GFD at age 63.

What is your blood level 25(OH)D for vitamin D?  If it is high enough, it could be protecting you by keeping your immune system under control.

If you are following a gluten free diet and have symptoms look for vitamin deficiencies as the cause.



Edited by Wheatwacked
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Scott Adams Grand Master

"marsh being only a 2 and not a 3" PLUS "ttg igg at most is only weakly positive" = celiac disease. Many celiacs are asymptomatic, so you cannot go by symptoms as a diagnostic criteria in all cases. Your TTg-IgA tests were negative due to your naturally low IgA, so the negative results don't mean anything other than IgA tests won't work with you.

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zebra1975 Newbie
2 minutes ago, Scott Adams said:

"marsh being only a 2 and not a 3" PLUS "ttg igg at most is only weakly positive" = celiac disease. Many celiacs are asymptomatic, so you cannot go by symptoms as a diagnostic criteria in all cases. You TTg-IgA tests were negative due to your naturally low IgA, so they don't mean anything.

I do know that any test using iga is pointless; they don't do them--they only do the igg based tests. 

Deamidated gliandin abs igg has never been positive or even close. Marsh has other explanations per tge first GI that saw me and decided that I did not have celiac after all....so with only a marsh 2 and not a marsh 3 and the ttg igg at its highest ever only being labeled "weakly positive" which can be considered normal for some people--he stated that number should be significantly higher to really say celiac -- so it's all confusing. 

I dont have additional symptoms that someone else was asking about. 

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trents Grand Master

It is also possible that because you have been alternating between being gluten free and not gluten free, the damage to your small bowel villi was less than it might have been had you not been gluten free for extended periods of time. But again, there are other possible causes for villi damage besides celiac disease.

I would also inject a corrective here to what others have said about IGA deficiency. IGA deficiency does not guarantee that IGA celiac antibody scores will be negative, it simply increases the likelihood that they will be negative, particularly in those cases where the scores wouldn't have been high anyway or were borderline. In other words, it lowers the scores and pushes them toward the negative end.

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Scott Adams Grand Master

Weak positive is still a positive test. 

This article might be helpful. It breaks down each type of test, and what a positive results means in terms of the probability that you might have celiac disease. Using biopsy results only it does not require Marsh 3 damage to make a diagnosis--a diagnosis can be made with Marsh 2 level damage, especially if you have even a weak positive blood test for celiac disease.

Per this article:


The sensitivity of the tTG-IgG blood test is generally high, ranging from 85% to 98%. This means that the test can accurately detect celiac disease in a significant percentage of people who have the condition.

The specificity of the tTG-IgG blood test is also high, typically around 90% to 98%. This indicates that the test can effectively rule out celiac disease in individuals who do not have the condition.



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      Blunted villi almost 4 year after diagnosis

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      Ore Ida Tater Tots Gluten

    3. - trents replied to holl4088's topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

      What what your ttg levels when diagnosed?

    4. - holl4088 posted a topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

      What what your ttg levels when diagnosed?

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      Ore Ida Tater Tots Gluten

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    • Raquel2021
      Hello everyone , Hoping someone will have an answer for me.  I have had my celiac symptoms continue after being on a gluten-free diet. Was diagnosed in December of 2020 and followed a strict gluten free diet. I barely eat out and I am very strict. I even went dairy free for almost 2 years. I recently had and endoscopy with biopcies taken that revealed blunted villi. My celiac antibodies were also checked and they are within normal range. They were initially very high. The gastroenterologist I am seeing says I am in remission and that I don't have to worry about celiac being the cause of my symptoms.  I have read a lot about this condition and if the villi is still blunted that means I have not healed.  I have anemia that does not go away. I have tried to take B complex and vitamin D any vitamins would cause me severe severe insomnia.  So I cannot trade sleep for vitamins.  I know that is a common suggestion on this forum.  I am very confused.  Is this dr not knowledgeable? What am I missing? I thought my gut would have healed by now. I am so careful with the diet. He also mentioned I might have refractory celiac but then did not seem be worried about it. My symptoms are burning pain under the left ribcage. Fatigue and weight loss. I also eat lost of vegetables and fruits. I have lost a total of 20 pounds since I went gluten free and cannot put it back on. I was not overweight. 
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @NimaWishing, I cannot tolerate Ore Ida Tater Tots either.   Ore Ida Tots contain corn, which some Celiacs, like me, react to.  Those Tots also use Sulfites to keep the potatoes from discoloration and to promote browning.  Some Celiacs, like me, develop a Hypersensitivity to Sulfutes in foods and medications.    I buy store brand tater tots which don't contain those fancy expensive additives and they are cheaper.  No gluten free certification, but no gluten nor corn nor Sulfate ingredients either.   Hope this helps!
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @holl4088! Was this the ttg-IGA test score? Different labs uses different scales to score celiac antibody tests and different units of measurement might also be used. The tests aren't standardized so it would be helpful if you would post the range for negative vs. positive for the test used by the lab who analyzed it. There is only a very short time window for editing posts so your will likely have to provide the info in a new post.
    • holl4088
      Hi all,   I know this seems like a weird question to ask but to explain. I'm currently waiting for my biopsy results back to confirm everything and my ttg levels from the blood test were high enough I've not seen anyone be close. I just want to know if mine are wildly high or if I'm not alone.   My ttg level is 4301 btw... no I didn't miss a decimal 😅
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @NimaWishing! You may already know this but the difference between "Gluten Free" and "Certified Gluten Free" is the difference between having less than 20 ppm and less than 10 ppm. "Gluten Free" is an FDA standard and "Certified Gluten Free" is a standard of the GFCO, a nongovernmental third party certifying organization recognized internationally. 
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