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    • Wheatwacked
      Hello @CeeBee1807, Find out if your gastroscopy will include biopsies for Celiac Disease.  Since the doctors haven't mentioned Celiac Disease to you, I have a feeling they will not.  You'll get an answer like, you have irritation. We don't know what the cause is.
    • Wheatwacked
      I can usually only eat it as chopped liver, but the commercial ones all have wheat added.  Wish I could, but it creeps me.  Cod Liver Oil works.
    • Wheatwacked
      Witch Hazel is great for cleaning skin.  I also use it to clean my ears.
    • Wheatwacked
      Whatever the doctors decide, you can not eat wheat.  Chasing an official diagnosis is up to you.  In addition to the damage the wheat does, it also causes malabsorption syndrome, so even if you eat the same as the next guy your small intestine does not absorb it so you are also dealing with malnutrition.  The solution is avoid wheat, rye and replete your vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  While healing which can take six months to several years it is best to choose high omega 3.  The standard american diet some experts say reaches 20 to 1 (omega 6: omega 3.  Optimum is 1:1 but 3:1 is good. The blood tests only show if your organs are doing their jobs keeping critical blood levels in range so they are not a good indicator for deficient intake. If I don't take Thiamine 250 mg three times a day I get a cramp in either foot after sleeping about 2 hours.  Big toe points up, ankle twists under.  I've replicated this many times. The ones that have had the most obvious improvement for me are vitamin D, Thiamine, Choline and Iodine.  42% US adults have vitamin D deficiency, 90% don't reach adequate intake of choline (eggs, meat).  "Drs. Brownstien, Ng, and Nasbaum have now tested iodine levels on well over 4,000 patients. Our results have been consistent; approximately 967 of patients test low for iodine. The balance of patients initially tests near zero for iodine levels." Iodine Insufficiency in America The daily recommended dietary allowance (RDA) established by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 150 μg for males and most females.  National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data from 2011–2014 indicate the median UIC of the U.S. population age 6 years and older is 133 µg/L.  Median concentration decreased more than 50% between 1971-1974 (32.0+/-0.6 microg/dL) and 1988-1994. These are deficiencies in the popular diet.  Gluten Free processed foods are not required to fortify.  Many with Celiac Disease who don't take supplements continue to have malnutrition, even after years of gluten free diet.    10,000 IU vitamin D to control autoimmune, improve mood, especially the winter doldrums (Seasonal Affective Disorder), bone and dental health.   Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective 500 mg Thiamine - neurologic symptoms, carbohydrate metabolism, subclinical beri-beri. Choline – Adequate intake 500 to 3000 mg - essential for fat digestion, gall bladder, liver, brain fog, cell membranes, prevent congenital spinal defects. Iodine – 500 mcg of Liquid Iodine once or twice a day. United States RDA 150 to 1100 microgram (mcg) Japan RDA 150 to 3000 mcg. speeds up healing, muscle tone, brain fog, hair and skin, thyroid. 10 drops of Strong Iodine has 500 micrograms of elemental Iodine. Nori and Kelp. For some people with Dermetitis Herpetiformus, iodine can exasperate the rash. Iodine for Hormonal Health "Your ovaries also need iodine and without enough their structure changes. Iodine-deficient women can produce ovarian cysts and are at risk of developing PCOS." Vitamin B2 helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It plays a vital role in maintaining the body's energy supply.  500 mg Nicotinic Acid - increase capillary blood flow, lower cholesterol.  Niacin Fact Sheet for Health Professionals 500 mg Pantothenic Acid - creates energy from glucose Krebs Cycle 1000 mcg B12 - creates hemoglobin for oxygen transport 500 mg Taurine - essential amino acid, a powerful antioxident that we make indogenously, but not enough when sickness increases inflammation. reduces Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS are are free radicals.). I've been using Zinc Glyconate (Cold-Eeze) since 2004 anytime I feel an itchy throat or other sign of air borne virus coming on.  I haven't had cold or flue, including Covid 19, since. Naturally fermented dill pickles reestablished lactobacillus in my gut and reversed my recently acquired lactose intolerance.  100% grass fed dairy is less inflammatory. Milk is a good source of iodine. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Vegetables  Eating more of the vegetables low in omega six and high omega 3 can reduce inflammation while increasing vitamin and mineral intake..  The target omega 6:3 ratio is less than 3:1.  The typical western diet is from 14:1 to 20:1 because of our food choices.
    • trents
      Yes, it does make sense.
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