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    • J1707
      Honestly that's a good question, but I would like an official answer since I'm not a professional and my doctor's in my opinion no offense to them I'd say gone about it in a unprofessional way unless other's have been told to go gluten free, get a biopsy, just to go back gluten due to a possible false reading and then gotta go back for another biopsy But if it really was up to me per say then I'd definitely stay gluten free like this diet change has really helped me a lot in a lot of ways, not just for health reasons, but discipline toward not indulging to much on things i used too, not to mention being more aware of what I'm intaking by reading labels more and calling the manufacturers to find more answers if needed.
    • captaincrab55
      iceicebritney,  I read where you were referred to John's Hopkins.  If you live in that area/suburb and still have the rash, I can give you my Dermatologist's name(https://www.brderm.com/dr-robinson.html I se Dr Robinson, who diagnosed me with dermatitis herpetiformis/celiac disease 2 weeks after my first visit)
    • Scott Adams
      Welcome to the forum @Karen Rakhshan, this article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):    
    • knitty kitty
      Hello, @Kate1990, I reacted to calcium citrate because it's made from oyster shells and I react to seafood.   I chose calcium malate and chelated calcium.  Be sure to take a magnesium supplement as well, but several hours away from calcium.  Magnesium and calcium compete for absorption.  We need calcium for bones, but magnesium and potassium keep calcium in the bones.   Hope this helps!
    • Kate1990
      Hi,   I've started taking calcium citrate supplements from Webber Naturals. It says that it contains no gluten, but not that it is gluten-free. I've reached out to the company by e-mail and they have assured me that it is gluten-free. However, I think I'm reacting to it. I've searched everything else I consume and haven't found any possible source of contamination. I've been looking for other supplement brands that would be certified gluten-free and safe and have found a few options, but none of them ship to Canada. Does anyone know where I could buy calcium citrate supplements (apparently calcium citrate is the one that causes the least constipation, and this is an issue for me). Thanks in advance!
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