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Gluten-eaters Annonymous


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tarnalberry Community Regular
Anyone familiar with Togo's sandwiches? Maybe its just in California but I used to work there as a teenager and I've had hundreds of Togo's sandwiches over the years. Today I was really craving one big-time. A large turkey avocado with lots of mayo and some cheese sounds sooo good. I like Subway too but Togo's rules....the bread and meat is WAY better.

Hot pastrami w/ extra peppers.... mmmm yeah, that was my fave! WAY better than any Subway sandwhich. :-) I eventually moved on to my favorite sandwhich being a homemade vegetarian sandwhich, but without the whole wheat bread (a particular variety) and cheese... it ain't the same... it just ain' t the same. Ah well, there's more to life than sandwhiches. :-)

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tiredofdoctors Enthusiast

Rachel -- it IS a good thing you've never had a Krispy Kreme -- the craving for it is AWFUL. When they come off the conveyor, right after they've been glazed, then they box them up hot for you . . . Holy mackerel -- there's nothing better! Once you eat them, you're hooked . . . . :lol:

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penguin Community Regular
Anyone familiar with Togo's sandwiches? Maybe its just in California but I used to work there as a teenager and I've had hundreds of Togo's sandwiches over the years. Today I was really craving one big-time. A large turkey avocado with lots of mayo and some cheese sounds sooo good. I like Subway too but Togo's rules....the bread and meat is WAY better.

Ooooooh...I forgot about Togo's

The turkey avocado was my favorite, too :(

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Guest nini

Krispy Kreme... it's an evil evil addiction... My parents used to take me and my sister up to Krispy Kreme when the HOT DONUTS light was on and OMG! Fresh off the conveyor hot and sticky! Crap. I really miss them

now I'm also craving those biscuits and cinnamon rolls that come in a can and you just pop em out of the can, into a pan and bake... oh man... why can't someone make a good gluten-free version of those???

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JenAnderson Rookie

I agree with Lollie and Nini--Croissants, and bagels, and OMG Krispy Kreme!! I'm the only one in the house currently on a gluten free diet and when I don't cook breakfast, my husband gets doughnuts...And I hide in the bedroom with a clothespin on my nose. <_< I also miss Subway and Quizno's...

My favorite day would be filled with Manicotti, Alfredo, Subs, Pizza, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. If I could have one day where I could eat whatever I wanted, it would be an awesome day filled with every no-no I can think of.

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cgilsing Enthusiast
I'd give a pinky toe for a McDonald's double cheeseburger...

I never even liked them that much! :rolleyes:

There was talk a little while ago about making me do a gluten challenge......I REALLY don't want to do that....but the first thing that popped into my mind was a big greasy Whopper! If I ate it for my first meal, I could enjoy it before everything fell apart! B)

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schuyler Apprentice

I'd give anything for flour tortilla's, the corn ones just don't measure up. Right now, I'm really craving spinach ravioli and homemade chocolate chip cookies, oh I'm so hungry! I was never a fan of bread before, but after tasting all of the gluten-free premade stuff, I really starting to appreciate how good the gluten filled stuff really was!


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Mango04 Enthusiast
Anyone familiar with Togo's sandwiches? Maybe its just in California but I used to work there as a teenager and I've had hundreds of Togo's sandwiches over the years. Today I was really craving one big-time. A large turkey avocado with lots of mayo and some cheese sounds sooo good. I like Subway too but Togo's rules....the bread and meat is WAY better.

The turkey avocado from Togo's was my favorite too. mmmmm

I've also never had a Krispy Kreme. Never ever. A few months ago I at a Nutrlicious Bakery gluten-free/vegan donut. haha just doesn't sound the same does it?

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tarnalberry Community Regular

I never liked Krispy Kreme. They opened one near my college when I was a junior, and a bunch of friends and I went out there, and I'm sitting in the back seat holding the fresh donuts, and they're all scarfing them down, and I tried one of them, and said... "ugh... it's like sugared grease". They all said "more for us!". :-P

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CeliaCruz Rookie

My local deli has started selling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They literally make them up in the morning and then place them in the glass display case right next to the corn muffins, black and white cookies etc. I have never had THAT much of a problem abstaining from gluten. When I gluten myself it's usually accidental or forgetfullness -- not a temptation issue. But these sandwiches....on white bread. It's all I can do to keep from licking the glass.

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StrongerToday Enthusiast

There's this little Itallian hole in the wall place by me, the owner is straight from Italy - his accent alone is worth going ;) .... but oh, I so miss the Gnocchi Sorrento with extra garlicy bread. (drooling!)

The Jimmy Johns turkey avacado sam'which. McDonalds.


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ms-sillyak-screwed Enthusiast
There's this little Itallian hole in the wall place by me, the owner is straight from Italy - his accent alone is worth going ;) .... but oh, I so miss the Gnocchi Sorrento with extra garlicy bread. (drooling!)


I miss Italian food and my family! Never liked Krispy Kreme donuts hard-like-rock. Yuck! Give me a cannolli and capuccino anyday! Just not today... :lol:

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tiredofdoctors Enthusiast

Cannolli -- forgot about that -- mmmmmmm....... Also, if you have Pannera Bread -- they used to make, only in the summer time, Peanut Butter & Banana bagels. Man, they were good! It was like eating bread, nuts and candy with cream cheese -- what a bonus! I miss California Kitchen's Thai Chicken Pizza. We used to get those in (they sell them now at Kroger), and just the smell of them in the oven . . . it was great!

I used to make homemade yeast rolls from my grandmother's (and her mother's, and her mother's) recipe. They were like the ones you get in the restaurants, only better. Yum . . . . Okay, gotta stop talking about this . . . I've been very stringent for -- I don't know anymore -- but it has to be at least 8 months -- so I'm not going to tempt myself. Going to get some Annie Chun's pseudo-ramen noodles!

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francelajoie Explorer
I never liked Krispy Kreme. They opened one near my college when I was a junior, and a bunch of friends and I went out there, and I'm sitting in the back seat holding the fresh donuts, and they're all scarfing them down, and I tried one of them, and said... "ugh... it's like sugared grease". They all said "more for us!". :-P

I'm with ya there. I moved to the States last year and always wanted to try them cause it's all everybody could talk about. Well, was I ever disappointed. It's was so disgusting. I had one bite and that was it. Thought I had swallowed raw sugar glazed dough. So heavy.

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CMCM Rising Star

I actually don't seem to be having uncontrollable cravings at this point in time. But distilling things down to my top favorites, it would be 1) The fabulous bear claws from a local bakery...to die for! 2) Krispy Kreme plain glazed donuts (sigh) 2) cake donuts with either chocolate or maple frosting 3) pizza (smelling it is torture).

Most other things I'm OK living without. Before going on this diet I had really eliminated most bad stuff from my diet because I felt so bad, so as a result, I didn't have any big withdrawal from anything. Even though I love all the stuff mentioned above, there was always a big price to pay for eating it, so that tempered my cravings quite a bit! :D

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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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