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Corn Flakes


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catfish Apprentice

Is malt flavoring a source of gluten? I want to try a gluten-free diet to see if I notice improvement, but when reading the ingredients on Corn Flakes this morning I noticed "malt flavoring". Would this thwart my efforts if I eat it? I'm new to gluten-free so I am just learning what may or may not be a source of it! Thanks in advance.

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lovegrov Collaborator

Malt flavoring can be made from a variety of sources but in cereal it's always made from barley, which means it is not gluten-free. Corn Flakes, Crispix, Rice Krispies and similar cereals all have gluten from malt.

Any time you see malt or malt flavoring you have to assume it comes from barley. However, you can call the manufacturer and check. I can't remember the product now but I just heard about one that the manufacturer was saying was gluten-free even though it had malt flavoring. In this case, it was malted corn.


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catfish Apprentice

Argh, this is going to be harder than I thought! Does anyone know of a gluten-free corn flakes brand? That's my favorite breakfast cereal, and it's oh-so-close but darn that malt flavoring! :huh:

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Guest jhmom

Here is a link that list all Forbidden - Foods and Ingredients Not Safe for a Gluten-Free Diet

Its a good idea to print it out and take it to the store with you while shopping!

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billfl Newbie

Since being gluten-free for the past 4 months, and after much searching, I finally found "Nature's Path" organic corn flakes. They are marked as gluten-free on the box, and I have not had any problem with them. The "Honey'd" variety is about $2.00 a box cheaper (cheaper is good) than the regular brand, and they don't taste overly sweet. I have only seen this brand at an Organic style grocery.

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angel-jd1 Community Regular

Nature's Path has gluten-free cornflakes. Envirokidz offers a frosted amazon flakes which are like well...frosted flakes! ha They are both pretty tasty!! You can find them online at the gluten free pantry website : Open Original Shared Link Open Original Shared Link

Hope that helps!!


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tarnalberry Community Regular

I actually prefer Nature's Path Cornflakes to regular corn flakes. The flakes are a bit thicker and have more bite, I think. I also like Nature's Path's Mesa Sunrise (and it comes in the "economy" bulk bag).

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    • Jean Shifrin
    • knitty kitty
      I didn't want anyone to think rinsing quinoa would get rid of lectins.   Terribly sorry, read your post too fast.   Rinsing rice isn't recommended because rinsing rice will dissolve the added vitamins (they look like grains of rice).  
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @Jean Shifrin Yes, I get achy swelling joints if exposed to gluten.  The antigluten antibodies can attack the connective tissue in joints.   Here's an interesting article... Isolated polyarthritis revealing celiac disease: A case report https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37434897/ And another... Celiac Disease Masquerading as Arthralgia https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9237855/
    • trents
      Good point. But I have been made very ill by eating unwashed quinoa that was not cooked but used in a side salad.
    • knitty kitty
      Lectins are broken down by cooking.  Using a pressure cooker is recommended for breaking down lectins in beans.  Cooking all alternative grains and rice thoroughly should help.
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