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Irish Oats


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TCA Contributor

I heard that Irish Oats are gluten free. My daughter vomited blood last time we tried oatmeal, so I'm not real keen on trying them.

Anyone know anything about them or tried them?

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gfp Enthusiast
I heard that Irish Oats are gluten free. My daughter vomited blood last time we tried oatmeal, so I'm not real keen on trying them.

Anyone know anything about them or tried them?

There are 2 seperate issues with oats.... firstly strictly they are gluten free but the protein in oats does affect some celiacs like gluten. Secondly oats are almost always grown in a rotation with wheat so some of the wheat that falls to the ground comes up the next year in the oats crop.

Much as I'd love to be able to eat oats ... things like cookies etc. I think for me the risk is too great.

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shai76 Explorer

I'm not sure. I'm allergic to oats so the doctor told me I have to stay away from them all. I never thought Irish oats were ay different than any other oats. If I see anything about it I will let you know. :)

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Guest nini

I've read that certain brands of oats, some Irish oats, like McCann's, are grown in dedicated fields (not crop rotated with wheat) and are technically gluten-free... but like others have said, the protein aveenin in oats affects many celiacs just like gluten and therefore some react badly to it. Personally it's not worth the risk for me. But some "experts" are saying that Irish oats are safe for Celiacs. It's your call, you will have to decide it the risk is worth it for you to try. Then if you try it and don't react, then you could make the assumption that it doesn't bother you (although I'm not clear if it would do the same internal damage as gluten and you wouldn't neccesarily be aware of it)... too risky for me though.

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Guest Viola
I heard that Irish Oats are gluten free. My daughter vomited blood last time we tried oatmeal, so I'm not real keen on trying them.

Anyone know anything about them or tried them?

If your daughter vomited blood last time on oatmeal, why would you even be interested in them? I'm not trying to be mean, just a little confused. :o

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DingoGirl Enthusiast

BTE, I just ate my new oatmeal this morning, ordered from Gluten-Free Oats (not Irish oatmeal, just regular oats)....will see how it goes. So far, slight pain that feels like gas, but my reaction to gluten is always about 12 - 13 hours later. I'll post tomorrow on this, in case anyone cares! :rolleyes:

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flagbabyds Collaborator

I always get sick from any oats, and they did a biopsy and saw that it might have been damaging my vili.

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TCA Contributor

My daughter is breastfed and i'm pumping exclusively due to her medical conditions and her feeding tube. I've started the TED, which means I only eat sweet potatoes, turkey, rice, squash and pears for a while, then add foods one at a time to see what she might be allergic to. My milk production is plummeting with the diet change, and I'm trying to find something to pick it back up again. Someone told me about Irish Oats helping and that they were totally gluten free. I have my doubts and don't want to make bad matters worse. I've also tried Fenugreek before, but it made her fussy. I'm probably not going to try it, just thought I would see if they were actually a viable option or not.

Thanks for the info.

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minibabe Contributor

Yesterday I was at the suffolk vendor fair and I sat next to Anne Lee and the women that Just released the new "celiac book" about 1 month ago. I asked her the same question. They satated that McCanns Irish Oats are gluten-free. We are allowed to have them. Even the women from "gluten-free living" (i believe that is the name of the magazine) said so also.

Amanda NY

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hez Enthusiast

I read somewhere (for the life of me I can not remember where) that Irish Oats can have cc issues. I eat oatmeal with no problem but I only eat gluten-free oatmeal from gluten free oats company. They do not do a rotation crop and test their oatmeal to insure it is gluten-free (family member is a celiac). However, this is a personal decision that requires much research. The protein in oats is similar to the protein in wheat. So there are a number of celiacs who react to the protein in oats even if it is gluten-free.

Dingo Girl- remember that oats contain alot of fiber. This increase can cause bloating, "d" and gas. Which is why it is recommended to start out very slow with oats.


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tarnalberry Community Regular

McCanns has been tested to have contamination levels above 200ppm, and the company confirms that they cannot guarantee their oats to be gluten-free.

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DingoGirl Enthusiast

Well, I ate my bowl of oats (from Gluten-Free Oatmeal) and I can tell you it is worth every penny of the $16 (product and shipping cost - two-pound bag)! I had a full cup, with milk and sugar, and 24 hours later, not a bit of a problem. I felt a tiny bit of gas pains a couple of hours afterwards, and that's it. Didn't get sick in any way and feel great! :rolleyes: I plan on having them two to three days a week and am excited to be able to eat oatmeal again.

Thank God for small things. :)

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queenofhearts Explorer

Oatmeal used to be one of my very favorite things. I love it raw with milk & fruit-- learned about that in Denmark as a child-- & hate to give it up! Oatmeal bread, oatmeal cookies, all faves... but I've just been diagnosed & I'm going as straight & narrow as I know how until I get a handle on this thing. So I'm not taking the chance with oats.

Anyway, my question is, have any of you tried the non-oat flakes out there? Somehow I can't see myself eating soy flakes with milk for breakfast... but are there other substitutes that might satisfy my muesli jones?



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ravenwoodglass Mentor
Oatmeal used to be one of my very favorite things. I love it raw with milk & fruit-- learned about that in Denmark as a child-- & hate to give it up! Oatmeal bread, oatmeal cookies, all faves... but I've just been diagnosed & I'm going as straight & narrow as I know how until I get a handle on this thing. So I'm not taking the chance with oats.

Anyway, my question is, have any of you tried the non-oat flakes out there? Somehow I can't see myself eating soy flakes with milk for breakfast... but are there other substitutes that might satisfy my muesli jones?



You might want to try Buckwheat Groats, they are not wheat despite the name. I don't know if they can be eaten without cooking though.

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queenofhearts Explorer
You might want to try Buckwheat Groats, they are not wheat despite the name. I don't know if they can be eaten without cooking though.

Thanks, I'm going to have to revisit buckwheat-- I always thought I disliked the flavor but then in reading up on gluten free grains, discovered that what I hadn't enjoyed was kasha, which is processed differently than the "pure" grain.

Thanks for the suggestion!


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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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